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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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6 hours ago, woolley said:

@PK: It is only 13% if you ignore the majority of EU dictat which is introduced by regulation rather than law. Either way it is unavoidable and compliance is mandatory. You know this because you have been told repeatedly but you choose to ignore facts. 

You have no idea at all about the true numbers and as for the "EU diktat" you have no idea about that either. So don't talk about facts!

Compliance was never a problem either because it's all sensible stuff to create high standards and facilitate trade i.e. making stuff better and cheaper.

Had compliance been a problem further down the line then depending on what it was I would probably become a brexiteer. But as it's never been an issue the totally stupid and completely unnecessary brexit is an act of pure folly.

Unless, of course, you want shot of Johnny Foreigner at any price...

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11 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Don't be so ridiculous. I don't feel any frustration per se. I'm annoyed because the UK was doing very well as a member of the EU. You know, the bit about our membership that NEVER gets a mention. We've now lost that because economic arguments simply don't carry any weight when so many want shot of Johnny Foreigner whatever the cost.

In 1992 when the Maastricht Treaty was signed in 1992 the GDP pecking order was US, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, UK.

Prior to the referendum it was US, China, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy

Now it is US, China, Japan, Germany, India, UK, France, Italy with the UK expected to fall further.

And believe me Roger, I very very much want the brexiteers to get EXACTLY what they voted for....

You obviously still don't understand how to interpret the GDP. 

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How are you getting on with this?

On 2/7/2020 at 6:28 PM, P.K. said:

You like giving out challenges. So here is a challenge for you.

Produce one instance, in detail, where a UK law has been introduced by the EU without our UK Sovereign Parliament having a say in it.


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10 minutes ago, P.K. said:

If it's good enough for The World Bank then I'm ok with it.

But you obviously don't understand how it is used, what message it conveys, and who uses it in making investment decisions. It is NOT a good indicator of the health of a nations domestic economy.  

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Just now, Rog said:

But you obviously don't understand how it is used, what message it conveys, and who uses it in making investment decisions. It is NOT a good indicator of the health of a nations domestic economy.  

I don't care about the health of a nations domestic economy. Nor if it's worth a punt. What on earth made you think I would?

As far as I'm concerned the £numbers speak for themselves. Make of them as you will but don't bother me with your opinions of them again. Thanks

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4 hours ago, sir nige said:

i blame the eu.....

so you agree it was barbaric of the eu that the uk wasn't allowed to change it's immigration policy before it left and had to come up with another plan........:whistling:

Blame the EU for what?

Past UK Government's have chosen not to implement further requirements on citizenship and the right to remain.  It was always able to do so.

I know that is an inconvenient truth but it is a truth all the same.


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3 hours ago, Rog said:

I've replied. 

So you didn't find a single instance where a UK law has been introduced by the EU without our UK Sovereign Parliament having a say in it.

Not one.

But but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but

you and the rest of the brexiteers claim we've lost our sovereignty.  How can that be when only our sovereign parliament can make UK law?

Of course, the brexiteers all claim that it's just a "rubber stamping exercise" or some such rubbish. The reality is our lawmakers actually embellish the legislation. That's right, they actually anglicise it. Which you clearly didn't know about. Plus the EU would never be stupid enough to put something out they think the member states would object to.

As an aside you trying to come across all superior about GDP is a bit of a foot-shot really. The brexiteers made a very big thing out of the UK being the worlds fifth largest economy so "we hold all the cards" and all the rest of their nonsense. But the UK being the worlds fifth largest economy was based on the GDP figure which you tried to rubbish as it's on the slide.

Never mind, you'll get your totally stupid and completely unnecessary brexit....

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8 hours ago, P.K. said:

So you didn't find a single instance where a UK law has been introduced by the EU without our UK Sovereign Parliament having a say in it.

Not one.

But but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but

you and the rest of the brexiteers claim we've lost our sovereignty.  How can that be when only our sovereign parliament can make UK law?

Of course, the brexiteers all claim that it's just a "rubber stamping exercise" or some such rubbish. The reality is our lawmakers actually embellish the legislation. That's right, they actually anglicise it. Which you clearly didn't know about. Plus the EU would never be stupid enough to put something out they think the member states would object to.

As an aside you trying to come across all superior about GDP is a bit of a foot-shot really. The brexiteers made a very big thing out of the UK being the worlds fifth largest economy so "we hold all the cards" and all the rest of their nonsense. But the UK being the worlds fifth largest economy was based on the GDP figure which you tried to rubbish as it's on the slide.

Never mind, you'll get your totally stupid and completely unnecessary brexit....

That's not what I said and not the case.

I simply pointed out that the UK was faced with a situation wherein the European Commission / Parliment was superior to HMG.

This is true other than in a very limited number of cases where the UK opted out of some legislation.

As for the UK economy, yes we do have a very active economy but that does not mean we have a healthy domestic economy.  Actually it's pretty awful evidenced by HMG having to issue Gilts in order to meet annual budget committments.

As for BREXIT - we achieved it on 31st Jan this year.

To quote Omar Khayyam “The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on. Nor all thy Piety nor Wit shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, nor all thy tears wash out a Word of it.”

I would express the same sentiment in my choice of words. Suck it up Sunshine.


Edited by Rog
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13 hours ago, P.K. said:

Don't be so ridiculous. I don't feel any frustration per se. I'm annoyed because the UK was doing very well as a member of the EU. You know, the bit about our membership that NEVER gets a mention. We've now lost that because economic arguments simply don't carry any weight when so many want shot of Johnny Foreigner whatever the cost.

In 1992 when the Maastricht Treaty was signed in 1992 the GDP pecking order was US, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, UK.

Prior to the referendum it was US, China, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy

Now it is US, China, Japan, Germany, India, UK, France, Italy with the UK expected to fall further.

And believe me Roger, I very very much want the brexiteers to get EXACTLY what they voted for....

imf have the uk gdp ahead of france, german and italy for the next 2 years.......

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10 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Blame the EU for what?

Past UK Government's have chosen not to implement further requirements on citizenship and the right to remain.  It was always able to do so.

I know that is an inconvenient truth but it is a truth all the same.


the immigration bill was delayed under may as the eu said it would challenge any changes at the ecj......

i know that is an inconvenient truth but it is a truth all the same.........

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1 hour ago, Rog said:

This is true other than in a very limited number of cases where the UK opted out of some legislation.

So you finally admit that the "losing our sovereignty" nonsense was just more brexiteer lies. Progress of a sort I suppose.

1 hour ago, Rog said:

I would express the same sentiment in my choice of words. Suck it up Sunshine.

As I posted previously I REALLY REALLY want the brexiteers to get EXACTLY what they voted for....

On that happy note you are aware Roger that Retirement Land is very agricultural? Which can and is very intensive farming at certain times of the year. Lots of EU citizens work in this sector. They are leaving for the very obvious reason that they've been made aware that they are simply not welcome here. But then it's easy for them to move on to another EU country with the minimum of fuss.

The UK needs people like them. So they are being replaced by non-EU workers. But unlike those that are leaving these folks have one aim - to settle permanently in the UK.

No doubt they'll bring their religion with them....

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9 hours ago, P.K. said:

So you didn't find a single instance where a UK law has been introduced by the EU without our UK Sovereign Parliament having a say in it.

Not one.

But but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but

you and the rest of the brexiteers claim we've lost our sovereignty.  How can that be when only our sovereign parliament can make UK law.

Never mind, you'll get your totally stupid and completely unnecessary brexit....

You have had the answer to this umpteen times. I reaaly don't understand your difficulty in grasping it. Freedom of movement,  Common Agricultural Policy, Fishing regulations etc, etc, all the way down to outlawing the IOM control of its own meat supply. Supremacy of EU law and the ECJ is reality, PK, so it's very odd that you continue to insist that only Parliament can make laws for the UK when the majority have been coming from Brussels for years. You either knuckle under the rules or get out. We got out. So we already have Brexit in law but thanks anyway for promising that we will get it. 

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