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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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There is a difference between holiday making and being resident. Spain might not want all the elderly if they are going to be left with their health costs.


The average family going to Majorca for two weeks will see absolutely no difference.

Edited by mojomonkey
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2 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

There is a difference between holiday making and being resident. Spain might not want all the elderly if they are going to be left with their health costs.


The average family going to Majorca for two weeks will see absolutely no difference.

i couldn't really care what happens to either group but lots of eu countries need uk visitors, lose that trade or put barriers in the way will harm the eu.....

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30 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Or what?  What leverage or threat could the UK make that would force the issue?

stop all payment now, the now 100bn plus 2 years of no contributions would focus germany who will end up picking up the bill.... 

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15 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Or what?  What leverage or threat could the UK make that would force the issue?

There are only two major contributors to the EU budget. Germany and the UK. That's what they are bothered about. They know that they are up the creek without a paddle when it comes to paying for all of their nonsense. UK should offer them free trade and a share of liabilities incurred during membership less value of assets acquired during membership and leave it at that. EU has more to lose than the UK if they disrupt free trade given that we buy more from them than we sell to them.

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