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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, display name said:

Mother Ireland?


1 hour ago, Rog said:

Mother something certainly - but mother Ireland?

And the map doesn't show the bit that's part of the UK either.

Clearly you both need to study your folklore and legend...

"A third story recounts how the famous warrior Finn MacCool (Fionn Mac Cumhaill) caused the creation of Lough Neagh. Legend has it that Finn was chasing a Scottish giant across Ulster when he picked up a large piece of ground and hurled it at the giant. It overshot and fell into the Irish Sea forming the Isle of Man while the massive crater left behind became infilled with water and formed Lough Neagh."


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4 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:


Clearly you both need to study your folklore and legend...

"A third story recounts how the famous warrior Finn MacCool (Fionn Mac Cumhaill) caused the creation of Lough Neagh. Legend has it that Finn was chasing a Scottish giant across Ulster when he picked up a large piece of ground and hurled it at the giant. It overshot and fell into the Irish Sea forming the Isle of Man while the massive crater left behind became infilled with water and formed Lough Neagh."


Argumentative SOB's even in antiquity.

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6 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

I'm sure those in the manufacturing industry will be pleased to hear that after three quarters of contraction.

A price well worth paying to regain our sovereignty and independence from the loathsome Socialist EU.

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Such as:


"Challenger bank N26 is closing accounts for UK customers on 15 April, blaming difficulties created by the Brexit process.

The bank, which had a significant marketing push after launch, only started offering current accounts in the UK after the EU referendum.

However, it said that the "timing and framework" of the Withdrawal Agreement made it impossible to continue.

With about 200,000 customers, it was one of the smaller operators in the UK.

Thomas Grosse, chief banking officer at N26 said: "While we respect the political decision that has been taken, it means that N26 will be unable to serve our customers in the UK and will have to leave the market.""

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3 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

The UK was the 3rd biggest, going to have a big impact on the EU nevertheless.


not based on % Vs population......uk is no.1......

3 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

They don't, its still at the negotiations stage - https://dfat.gov.au/trade/agreements/negotiations/aeufta/Pages/default.aspx . This could be the UK's chance to get in there before the EU.

they have trade agreements not a fta........which is what boris is talking about......

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