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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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7 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

You strike me as an entitled self-regarding prick who had his fees paid for all his life (and your scholarship lie is pretty transparent). You’ve gone through life as a winging, frightened and hateful specimen and you know it - your only consolation is to tell yourself you’re special because of your skin colour, height, hair colour, or whatever and communicate it to your only human contact - the posters on here who would prefer to talk about the UK’s future prospects- not your self-loathing.

You started the character attack sunshine!

But that apart for the first time in years I start to see some hope for the UK.

We have an obviously loyal PM who together with advisors are prepared to downgrade political correctness in favour of making Britain great again for the British people.  Escaping from the diktat imposed from the European Commission has been a truly wonderful step back onto the line where British interests come above all others and to use a phrase that I have repeated and is highly appropriate we can now set about draining the swamp.

I like the change in the gateway to immigration and very much hope it will be followed by a purge on illegals and undesirables though I would like to see the introduction of short term working visas to cater for any needs for certain labouring classes to undertake any zero skill work.

The next obvious need will be to get the can work and could work but won't work into work with big time sanctions applied to those that refuse.

For now the most important thing will be to end our relationship with the European Commission and it's poodle the European Parliament without any delay or allowing the EC and the EU to try to blackmail us with an unwanted and unnecessary "EU trade deal".

So how do I see the future for the UK and most importantly England?


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1 minute ago, P.K. said:

It does make me wonder if security service resources are being deployed in a balanced way.

In the UK the emphasis is very much on Islamists, due in part to the ridiculous UK rabid right wing press and the facile populist agenda of the government, that it wouldn't surprise me at all if there was room for some alt-right racist nutter to slip under the radar as apparently happened in Hanau.

Have to say I'm a bit surprised it took part in what was Western Germany and not the Eastern bit.

Should go to (cognitive) Specsavers old son!


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20 minutes ago, Rog said:

I like the change in the gateway to immigration and very much hope it will be followed by a purge on illegals and undesirables though I would like to see the introduction of short term working visas to cater for any needs for certain labouring classes to undertake any zero skill work.

Hang on a minute Roger.

We've already got 17.4 million folks to do that....

Bring back the workhouse....

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16 hours ago, sir nige said:

rivers of blood........

I think we've already had a few of those, not least within the precincts of Westminster. I bet even old Nocher Powell would have been shocked rigid at that. Amazing what we can become conditioned to accept as normal over time. 

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42 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Hang on a minute Roger.

We've already got 17.4 million folks to do that....

Bring back the workhouse....

Y'know to be deadly serious I can see that there would be a lot to be said to introduce communal living for people who presently rely on tax payers money to be housed to be housed in some form of communal accomadation in which if work was available that they could do to offset some of the costs of the "bed and board".  Not the workhouse "houses of industry" of Victoriana but instead consolidated house and home on single sites.

We simply can't afford to subsidise people in individual houses and flats on taxes. The Welfare State is either broken which it is in some areas or unsustainable and breaking now.

It is going to HAVE to change. We can't afford to carry on as we have been trying to do due to Socialist pressure any longer.  There's a lot of "entitled" people with a totally unjustified "entitled" mind set are going to have to face up to reality.

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4 hours ago, Rog said:

Y'know to be deadly serious I can see that there would be a lot to be said to introduce communal living for people who presently rely on tax payers money to be housed to be housed in some form of communal accomadation in which if work was available that they could do to offset some of the costs of the "bed and board".  Not the workhouse "houses of industry" of Victoriana but instead consolidated house and home on single sites.

Ahhh but what to call them?

How about "Concentration Camps"...

4 hours ago, Rog said:

It is going to HAVE to change. We can't afford to carry on as we have been trying to do due to Socialist pressure any longer.  There's a lot of "entitled" people with a totally unjustified "entitled" mind set are going to have to face up to reality.

What "Socialist" pressure?

The last government that could be called "socialist" and then not really was Wilson's in the sixties!

Dear me Roger but you do talk the most hairy sphericals at times....

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33 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Ahhh but what to call them?

How about "Concentration Camps"...

What "Socialist" pressure?

The last government that could be called "socialist" and then not really was Wilson's in the sixties!

Dear me Roger but you do talk the most hairy sphericals at times....

Still much in need of a trip to (cogent focussed) Specsavers old son!

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16 minutes ago, display name said:

Ideal things,according to Kitchener

Under exceptional circumstances such as while we drain the swamp some form of internment camps certainly would be.

But not in this case.  Communal living centres would be a very different thing.  Sorta like care homes for young families as well as older folks  unable or unwilling to pay their own way combined with the opportunity to undertake any available work to offset the cost.

Nothing wrong with that.

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29 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Need to be careful here. This sort of National Socialism bred a particularly vicious anti-Semitism 70-odd years ago...fancy some of that, Rog?

Examination of the events that lead to National Socialism emerging and eventually ethnic cleansing in Germany taking place result in a picture emerging that is actually very different from that which most people believe or even suspect.  Western government's have to bear a lot of the blame, so much could have been avoided.

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3 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Don't worry good old Dominic and his eugenics supporting staff have no parallels to the past.

But is what had been expressed incorrect?  Untill being made a no go area because of being abused by the Nazis eugenics was and actually remains a legitimate not to mention a very important branch of science.

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We'll start with the unemployed younger and older folk with their families (as per Rog's suggestions a couple of posts above) then the mentally or physically infirm, then the gays, then the gypsies, then the communists....who's next Rog?

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I think some people are getting a little carried away. We appear to have morphed from a perfectly reasonable discussion about a sensible points based immigration policy to suggestions  that it will somehow mirror the policies of the Third Reich. That's the thing with liberal argument. Anything that isn't entirely in step with their stance is by default fascist. 

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