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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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eu are wanting 60bn final payment , its already in the budget


other plans-


individual uk citizens will be able to buy eu access (good job we didn't agree to protect eu citizens in the uk without a deal for brits living abroad) this could also help with the wales/scotland/ni disagreements. i.e. once 50% of individual citizens sign up of wales/scotland/ni they can hold a referendum- time to back up their claims...


also, one flag,one parliament and one country policy to be forced through- that will go down well

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individual uk citizens will be able to buy eu access (good job we didn't agree to protect eu citizens in the uk without a deal for brits living abroad)

Spot on.


If the Spanish Authorities start to make life difficult for the 70,000 UK pensioners living in Spain then the UK can crack down on the 62 Spanish pensioners living in the UK.


That'll learn them....

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I know the numbers.


However the vast majority of EU citizens in the UK are living and working here.


You know, making a contribution.


If they have to leave, how do you think the UK will fare without them?


Still, I'm sure all the intellectual heavyweights who voted Brexit have already thought that one through.

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as the uk cannot collect data on the impact of eu citizens on the uk due to eu rules, i call bullshit


the eu is breaching treaties at the moment excluding the uk from meeting etc


eu picking fights with the usa is a bad move especially with germany stating it can't afford nato membership

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"as the uk cannot collect data on the impact of eu citizens on the uk due to eu rules, i call bullshit" - I haven't the faintest idea what this means?


So how do you think the UK will fare if the 2.1 million EU citizens working in the UK go elsewhere? After all, it's only about 7% of the workforce.

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What we're going to find is that EU citizens already working here will be granted exceptions and the right to stay, and border controls will be introduced for any new workers coming in from the EU. That's as bad as it'll get. It won't happen for years yet anyway

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What we're going to find is that EU citizens already working here will be granted exceptions and the right to stay, and border controls will be introduced for any new workers coming in from the EU. That's as bad as it'll get. It won't happen for years yet anyway


Well, that's certainly an option.


But, of course, there are other options as well. Time will tell.

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2.1m is a estimate not fact


Well, that figure is according to the ONS as published by the appallingly left-wing BBC - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-uk-leaves-the-eu-36745584


Are you saying that the ONS just made up the numbers?


cost to nhs,schools,benefits,services and councils are unknown


Ahhhh, now I get you.


There are no records as to how much they are costing the UK infrastructure by way of health, education and so forth. Fair play.


But why would there be? If you're an EU citizen that's all that's required. Face it, the NHS are bloody useless at charging non-EU nationals as it is without expecting them to keep a tally of EU citizens for no other purpose than stats to feed the facile arguments of xenophobic nutters.


Anyway, if they are paying tax and NI, which they will be, why shouldn't they have access to the services they are funding?


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from your link

These are the best statistics available, although they are not perfect,

ons also say they are estimates


they are not funding the services which is the problem, besides the 27 should be paying for nhs care direct. the nhs pay out 100's of millions per year for treatment abroad yet in 2014 the 27 paid 12 million to the nhs for the care of 3.2 million people, i doubt that even covers the cost for 1 hour never mind a year.


until we know how much tax they are paying we don't know if its the great benefit. the fact the eu wont let the uk even collect this data means they have something to hide..


we dont know how many there is, how many are working or claiming benefits



in other news- it great to hear the eu owes the uk 153bn, they kept that quiet..

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from your link


These are the best statistics available, although they are not perfect,

ons also say they are estimates



Errr excuse me but you are quoting out of context, I trust accidentally.


You have picked up on, under the title:


"UK migrants living in other EU nations"


< Graph >


"The figure of just under 1.2 million UK nationals living in the rest of the EU comes from the United Nations.


These are the best statistics available, although they are not perfect, with some countries counting international migrants by birthplace while others judge by the passport someone holds."


In other words the "not perfect" stats are gathered up by the UN from the various EU countries who, unfortunately, measure them differently. Nothing whatever to do with the ONS and why would they gather stats about other countries anyway?


they are not funding the services which is the problem, besides the 27 should be paying for nhs care direct. the nhs pay out 100's of millions per year for treatment abroad yet in 2014 the 27 paid 12 million to the nhs for the care of 3.2 million people, i doubt that even covers the cost for 1 hour never mind a year.


until we know how much tax they are paying we don't know if its the great benefit. the fact the eu wont let the uk even collect this data means they have something to hide..


we dont know how many there is, how many are working or claiming benefits

If the UK are paying out "100's of millions per year for treatment abroad" then you surely have some figures somewhere?


You are right we do not know the amounts of tax and NI they are paying. But as long as they ARE paying it then the amount it comes to is something of an irrelevance. Because it will be on exactly the same scale as a UK citizen and that's all that matters.


This is what annoys me about the xenophobic thick as pigshit Daily Wail reading Little Englanders. They spout off this bile about how EU migrants are causing our infrastructure to creak and all the other ills they can dream up and like woody2 they have absolutely no data to back it up. It's all anecdotal bollocks.


So clearly anecdotal bollocks is enough to get us out of the EU. But we already knew that....


And before the usual suspects start piling in with all their usual rhetoric a really awful statistic has recently come to light. Bearing in mind we are a G7 nation and we have food banks, which is bad enough, since the Coalition Government came to power emergency admissions to A&E for severe malnutrition have risen by over 60%.




Absolutely shameful.



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