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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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9 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

Skilled, quality UK professionals are welcome in the EU - it will happen. 

interesting, as so far they have refused to discuss this, even threatening to remove them, hardly what i would call welcoming....

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24 minutes ago, guzzi said:

Woody, your position is hardly unexpected given your usual posts on this and other subjects. I don't think you are right.  I note that Verhofstadt has escalated this proposal to a negotiating objective for the EU and watch with interest.

all i am saying is this proposal has been around for years well before brexit, it will need treaty change. a special deal over this matter just for the uk won't go down well with the eu27.

the original proposal was for all ex-eu to be offered this no matter which part of the world they lived, that's what will happen eventually:thumbsup:

even verhofstadt when talking to the bbc said this wasn't a uk deal only

it you see this as a major issue of exit your in for a very big shock.....


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Absolutely astonishing!

On Monday the EU published their first draft of the issues for discussion on the Article 50 meetings to take place mid-June. Yet from the "strong and stable my arse" Prime Minister not a word. Obviously too busy making personal attacks against Corbyn because it's obviously better for the tories than talking about policies. Available for insomniacs to download here:

How to make the xenophobic thick as pigshit Daily Wail reading Little Englanders pay for their stupidity

This made me smile:

"For decades EU leaders bridled at the way British newspapers ran jaundiced caricatures of their meetings as a conspiracy against plucky Albion. But they accepted ministerial reassurance that this was a pantomime – a folly that prime ministers had to indulge. All leaders have domestic audiences to flatter. 

It did not occur to other governments before last June that the tabloid interpretation of the European project might become official UK policy.

This is why Boris Johnson is despised in Brussels. His role as a prime manufacturer and peddler of Europhobic myths, first as a journalist then as a politician, is notorious. He is seen as a pump of banana-straightening mendacity, spewing ill will on to the EU for no purpose other than his own career advancement. Making him Foreign Secretary was read as a hostile act by May. Then the message got through that Johnson would be peripheral to Brexit, and the decision was reclassified as stupidity

Since then, the prime minister has signalled no new understanding of European perspectives and little grasp of what is realistically available from an article 50 deal."

And so true. From here:

Admit it Theresa May. Your 'No deal etc" is simply nonsense 

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    Thick as pigshit xenophobic Daily Wail reading stupid  little Englanders is wearing a bit thin now PK !

     And to be fair anybody who quotes the   on it's arse  Guardian a paper that has to beg for donations to keep afloat, to make their arguement is not as bright as they make out !


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2 minutes ago, homarus said:

 Thick as pigshit xenophobic Daily Wail reading stupid  little Englanders is wearing a bit thin now PK !

     And to be fair anybody who quotes the   on it's arse  Guardian a paper that has to beg for donations to keep afloat, to make their arguement is not as bright as they make out !

When have I ever made out that I'm bright? Hah!

I do, in fact, donate to the Grauniad as I think it's head and shoulders above all the right-wing proprietor's nonsense that's peddled as mainstream "newspapers" these days. I also use real cash to buy the Saturday printed edition from a shop! How very old-fashioned I hear you say.

It is wearing a bit thin I concur but actually I also forgot Woolley isn't around atm because he usually nibbles at it.

I did, in fact, download and skim both the EU briefing papers until I fainted with boredom.....

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Well, good on Theresa May for not bothering tonight. You might as well have invited a bunch of random strangers that no one knows and creepy old uncle Jeremy around to your house tonight for chips. 

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