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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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12 hours ago, llap said:

I am about to watch the show now, having not watched it live.

After watching Corbyn and May, I'm actually more inclined to do a complete 180 degree turn and vote Labour. I don't particularly Like Corbyn but May was absolutely dreadful to watch: the worst sort of politician, I got the sense she was auditioning for a part as Richard III. Slimy, equivocating, ignoring a person in the audience who clearly disagreed. A complete lightweight. Mrs Thatcher would have let that audience member speak and then eaten that audience member alive. So I'm switching to Labour as at least their leader appears to be a human being. May looks and speaks like a reptile.

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EU and Japan reach free trade deal


yet they say the uk won't get one....

and this is the main problem with the eu...


Mr Tusk also said the deal countered the argument put forward by some of those in favour of Brexit that the EU was unable to promote free trade: "Although some are saying that the time of isolationism and disintegration is coming again, we are demonstrating that this is not the case."


Even once the agreement is fully signed, the deal is likely to have in place long transition clauses of up to 15 years to allow sectors in both countries time to adjust to the new outside competition.


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20 hours ago, woody2 said:

EU and Japan reach free trade deal


yet they say the uk won't get one....

and this is the main problem with the eu...


This is a clear message by the EU that it can get trade deals that the UK can't. There's no doubt in the timing of this. It will probably take the UK another 20 years to get where the EU has got. Shame all the idiots have decided to leave now. You do wonder what will be left of the jobs of the folks in Sunderland who overwhelming voted to leave and whose Nissans they assemble can now just be imported into Europe straight from Japan tariff  ree. Stupid bastards. Yay Brexit!! 

Edited by hboy
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