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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

What employment demographic are they in and which way did they vote?

Because it's been obvious since the vote that probably the main Brexit driver was Johnny Foreigner coming over here with their bloody work ethic etc etc

UK now has the lowest growth in the G7.


The husband is a joiner and the wife a financial adviser (manager I think). No idea how they voted. My comment was pointing out to idiot chops that not all people living in Sunderland are t**ts

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On 7/7/2017 at 9:46 AM, woody2 said:

completely the opposite, its going to take 15 years, uk can get a deal within 18 months.....

There is no way. Japan doesn't need to do a deal with the UK now. It has a deal with the EU which is a much bigger market and the UK is assembling its cars now for export to nowhere as they'll be shipping them in to the EU across the Pacific. The UK has just become irrelevant as a staging post for any Japanese goods. I'm sure all those people in Sunderland will be really pleased they voted for Brexit when their plants start being downsized and they start losing their jobs. 

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28 minutes ago, hboy said:

There is no way. Japan doesn't need to do a deal with the UK now. It has a deal with the EU which is a much bigger market and the UK is assembling its cars now for export to nowhere as they'll be shipping them in to the EU across the Pacific. The UK has just become irrelevant as a staging post for any Japanese goods. I'm sure all those people in Sunderland will be really pleased they voted for Brexit when their plants start being downsized and they start losing their jobs. 

which manufacturer are you talking about....

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10 minutes ago, woolley said:

Why don't we just all go and read the Guardian and cut out the middle man?

You should try it. There's loads of good anti globalization stuff in there you'd (apparently) like.

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17 hours ago, hboy said:

There is no way. Japan doesn't need to do a deal with the UK now. It has a deal with the EU which is a much bigger market and the UK is assembling its cars now for export to nowhere as they'll be shipping them in to the EU across the Pacific. The UK has just become irrelevant as a staging post for any Japanese goods. I'm sure all those people in Sunderland will be really pleased they voted for Brexit when their plants start being downsized and they start losing their jobs. 

Japanese Prime Minister on Radio 4 and World Service a lot recently stating very keen to do trade deal with UK as soon as possible I post a recent link..There is a big Japanese financial presence in London and it is not all about cars and of course they have things to sell and then there is the intellectual property...Brexit is far bigger than most parochial minded people realise.


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8 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Presumably Nissan.

Nissan was given a "promise" and "protection" from the negative effects of Brexit but depending on the deal the UK gets and assuming it gets a deal this promise may be worthless and has been the subject of some discussion..I post a link..


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2 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Nissan was given a "promise" and "protection" from the negative effects of Brexit but depending on the deal the UK gets and assuming it gets a deal this promise may be worthless and has been the subject of some discussion..I post a link..


the same company that said they would walk in 2002 if we didn't join the euro.....

you need to remember this company has had £100's millions of taxpayers cash in the last 30 years that will never be recovered regardless of how many people they employ.....

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2 hours ago, woody2 said:

the same company that said they would walk in 2002 if we didn't join the euro.....

you need to remember this company has had £100's millions of taxpayers cash in the last 30 years that will never be recovered regardless of how many people they employ.....

Taxpayers' cash is not the issue here...Often money is thrown away to protect jobs and under EU rules and regs by the way.

The issue of the Euro is 2002 and that is 15 years ago...Not joining the Euro would not have meant the same as Brexit...Times and people in charge move on..We are where we are and not where we were.

The issue is the smooth passage back and forth of car parts and finishing often going back and forth more than once. Nissan is an assembler but one inside the EU via the UK and the loss of that smooth passage is the problem and so far it looks as if the EU itself is against the UK having any form of smooth frictionless passage of trade be it physical or services....

They seem to be digging their heels in on the basis that the Four Freedoms of the Single Market must be preserved at all costs and I note that the German industry seems to be prepared to sacrifice markets as they presently are in order to preserve the status quo for the other 27 member states. Like Abe Lincoln in the American Civil War: "The Union will survive"/"The Union forever"..

But we shall have to wait and see...The following link may prove useful but there are others in similar vein including interesting coverage in the Irish Times on line.


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its the fact that they keep threatening to walk but never do, as in over the euro...

most parts are made locally or come from asia not from the eu so your point is baseless......

if you think nissan is going to risk losing 90% of its trade you must be mad....

unions/trade bodies don't speak for business direct, the massive investment in uk car manufacturing in the last few month by german car companies prove this.......

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12 minutes ago, woody2 said:

its the fact that they keep threatening to walk but never do, as in over the euro...

most parts are made locally or come from asia not from the eu so your point is baseless......

if you think nissan is going to risk losing 90% of its trade you must be mad....

unions/trade bodies don't speak for business direct, the massive investment in uk car manufacturing in the last few month by german car companies prove this.......

Most parts are not made locally or come from Asia and that is the whole point.

Sunderland is an assembler of parts. Nissan and indeed others source their parts from the best place possible for them and currently this is the EU but could actually be anywhere in the world..But now they do it in the EU...

Likewise both Japanese and German interests speak of parts and processing going back and forth and then there is the shipping and selling of the product. That is why the smooth running of the Single Market they see as essential.

These are not my ideas I merely report them...I attach a link about Nissan and their sourcing. Not for you however but for the sensible people..


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