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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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11 minutes ago, pongo said:


It doesn't especially bother me. If anything I'm more bothered about old fashioned radio and TV (state and commercial) in general still getting all that valuable spectrum space. Especially the hugely bandwidth wasteful analogue services. I'd shut the whole transmitter network down and repurpose all that spectrum. Or else make the radio and TV stations pay proper market rates.

Very little terrestrial analog these days other than Band II. Despite being in a 'good' location DAB is not reliable whereas Band II is. Anyway, Band II will be with us for at least another 10 years.

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31 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

Very little terrestrial analog these days other than Band II

But Band II, so-called FM, is 20 MHz wide. That's a huge chunk of prime spectrum. I really don't see why commercial radio pays so little for that vs the price paid by cell operators for much smaller allocations.

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16 minutes ago, pongo said:

But Band II, so-called FM, is 20 MHz wide. That's a huge chunk of prime spectrum. I really don't see why commercial radio pays so little for that vs the price paid by cell operators for much smaller allocations.

Possibly due to inertia or because the authorities still see value in sound radio for communication purposes. Maybe during national emergencies etc. At one time, more than half the population would be watching the box on two main channels at prime time. Someone at least in almost every household. It was easy to reach them. Now there are multiple outlets on multiple platforms from all over the world. How do you get your "go and hide under the table" message out?

Also, these things tend to be charged out at what it is believed the market will bear. They think that telephony and its derivatives is much more lucrative than broadcasting, and they are right. If you believe that the market rules and devil take the hindmost, as you seem to, then that in itself would support your view. Lease to the highest bidder.

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27 minutes ago, pongo said:

But Band II, so-called FM, is 20 MHz wide. That's a huge chunk of prime spectrum. I really don't see why commercial radio pays so little for that vs the price paid by cell operators for much smaller allocations.

'Cos it's of little use to cell phone companies.

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27 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

'Cos it's of little use to cell phone companies.

Perhaps not for cell services per se (although at low power there is little reason why not). But the 'FM band' could be great for getting better broadband out to more remote areas.

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If I did not know better I would suggest that Manxforums was full of Russian "bots" and agents given that we have ignored the report on potential interference from Russia in the UK democratic process in favour of discussing the TV licence...

Just a reminder of recent events;

- The intelligence and security committee have heavily criticised the Government for lying about the reasons for delaying the report into Russian interference in UK democratic processes;

- The report finds evidence of Russian interference with the Scottish Independence referendum and that the Brexit referendum was never looked at because the Government never directed the intelligence agencies to investigate it;

- Despite the claims on the side of the big red bus and reassurances that the NHS would not form part of trade negotiations with the USA the Government have rejected an amendment to the Trade Bill explicitly excluding the NHS from future trade agreements.  

- The negotiations with the EU over a future trade deal have stalled once again meaning that we are heading towards a "no-deal" exit (otherwise known as trading on WTO rules) this is despite Johnson telling the population that he had an "oven ready" deal.  (There is still no sign of the German automotive industry rushing to insist that a favourable deal must be reached).

- Johnson is currently in Scotland amid reports that support for Scottish Independence is increasing.  It appears that his presence in Scotland is simply increasing that support rather than increasing support for the Union.  Which neatly brings us back to the UK being finished.....


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In addition to my previous post we also have reports of many MP's (on both sides of the Commons and Lords) receiving significant donations from Russian's who have moved to and settled in the UK (Londongrad to quote one reference I have heard).

Previous Governments would have been brought down by the 'scandals' that follow the current UK Government around.  Why?  Is it purely because Johnson has delivered Brexit?  Does that warrant a free pass on everything else?

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14 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

 Does that warrant a free pass on everything else?

Probably for quite a while, yes. But Russians have been bringing their money to London since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It isn't peculiar to today. It grew throughout the Blair years. Abramovich bought Chelsea in 2003. Berezovsky was granted refugee status in the same year. Loads of other examples.

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26 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Previous Governments would have been brought down by the 'scandals' that follow the current UK Government around.  Why?  Is it purely because Johnson has delivered Brexit?  Does that warrant a free pass on everything else?

The UK alternative reality rabid right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, is owned by extremely rich people who want the UK out of the EU irrespective of the harm it will cause the country.

Hence Bozo and his Bungling Brexiteers can do no wrong in their eyes. Even 65,000 excess deaths got barely a mention in their open sewer journalism. Ditto the fact Bozo sat on the Russia report for no other reason than he could. Because the only pressure would come from the Beeb and the Guardian to get it front and centre in the eyes of the british public, who are more interested in Bozo opening the pubs.....

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Probably for quite a while, yes. But Russians have been bringing their money to London since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It isn't peculiar to today. It grew throughout the Blair years. Abramovich bought Chelsea in 2003. Berezovsky was granted refugee status in the same year. Loads of other examples.

Yes, Russion money in London is nothing new.  What does appear to be a development is that both Cameron and May denied Russian influence in UK democracy and then Johnson sits on a report which states that there has been attempts by Russian "agents" to influence UK democratic processes.  

Remember the "cash for questions" scandal?  Why is this not blowing up in the same way?

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3 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Yes, Russion money in London is nothing new.  What does appear to be a development is that both Cameron and May denied Russian influence in UK democracy and then Johnson sits on a report which states that there has been attempts by Russian "agents" to influence UK democratic processes.  

Remember the "cash for questions" scandal?  Why is this not blowing up in the same way?

I think it is seen cynically as the utterings of sore losers who supported the other side in the referendum, as was the case in America with the Democratic/media "Trump is a Russian agent" ferrago. The world is far more polarised nowadays.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

I think it is seen cynically as the utterings of sore losers who supported the other side in the referendum, 

I think that's bollox.

A right whinger talking about cynicism - oh the irony!

So Bozo didn't cynically sit on the intelligence report on Russian interference then?

You're having a laugh!

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