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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

Brexit is done though.... the UK left on the 31st December 2019.  There will be no further referendums on that subject.

The UK Government must be held to account before it becomes corrupt (well more corrupt). 

31st January 2020.

That's a different matter. You asked why it was not blowing up like cash for questions, and I just gave you my opinion on why that is. Everyone is inured to the interminable carping and, rightly or wrongly, this is seen as yet more.

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

Yes, Russion money in London is nothing new.  What does appear to be a development is that both Cameron and May denied Russian influence in UK democracy and then Johnson sits on a report which states that there has been attempts by Russian "agents" to influence UK democratic processes.  

Remember the "cash for questions" scandal?  Why is this not blowing up in the same way?

The Blair and Brown government were at least wary of Putin and his nationalist attitudes.

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45 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I watched the presentation of the russia report the other day, it should really be much bigger news than it is. The two guys who spoke were very diplomatically annoyed. 


It also amused me that Johnson answered a question that wasn't asked in PMQ's when he started rambling on about "Islington Remainers".  No one asked if the EU Referendum was influenced but simply why he had sat on the report for so long....

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22 hours ago, woolley said:

31st January 2020.

That's a different matter. You asked why it was not blowing up like cash for questions, and I just gave you my opinion on why that is. Everyone is inured to the interminable carping and, rightly or wrongly, this is seen as yet more.


It's nothing to do with being inured to carping at all. Presumably you mean about the totally stupid and completely unnecessary brexit?

It's about foreign interference in our democratic processes. Which Bozo sat on because he didn't like the contents. Now the security committee are supposed to be non-partisan so they can be trusted. However to ensure the contents remained buried Bozo put up Failing Grayling, a classic patsy, to be voted in as chair so the report would remain outside of the public eye. 

Have to say only Failing Grayling could lose a rigged election. Beaten by a tory with moral fibre. I didn't realise there were any left...

Anyway that nice Keir Starmer QC took Bozo to task over it at PMQ's. Caught like a rabbit in the headlights Bozo had no answers so he resorted to the usual meaningless bluster to try and dodge the question. But inevitably Bozo looked completely out of his depth as per usual. His "joke" this time was to accuse QC Starmer of having "more flipflops than Bournemouth Beach" which was particularly ill-advised as it was Bozo who enthused to all and sundry that he was going to "rely on the good sound common sense of the British people" which resulted in the complete and utter shambles at Bournemouth.

The UK rabid right wing press in thrall to the agenda of the owner, which is to say pretty much all of it, responded with this load of old and I have to say it looks like the Woolster is a Sun reader. Shouldn't be surprised I suppose:

Putin's Labour cheerleader: Boris Johnson accuses Keir Starmer of 'sitting on his hands' while Jeremy Corbyn 'parroted Kremlin lines' after Salisbury poisoning and appeared on Moscow's propaganda TV channel

BORIS Johnson has blasted "Islingtonian Remainer" Sir Keir Starmer for trying to blame Brexit on Russia.

The Prime Minister today tore into the Labour leader and claimed he was making excuses as he could not accept the referendum result.

PMQs: Boris shames Starmer over Russia - 'Sat on hands as Corbyn parroted Kremlin!'

Boris Johnson accuses Keir Starmer of undermining Brexit vote as pair clash over Russia

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And the lies keep coming:

Boris Johnson repeatedly used inaccurate child poverty figures  

Boris Johnson repeatedly used inaccurate and misleading figures that exaggerated the government’s record on poverty, the UK statistics watchdog has confirmed.

The Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) was responding to a complaint by the End Child Poverty Coalition that the prime minister had three times used official poverty data “selectively, inaccurately and, ultimately, misleadingly”.

Speaking at prime ministers’ questions and in an interview with the BBC, Johnson said the number of families or children in poverty had fallen by 400,000 since 2010. The coalition of poverty charities, campaign groups and unions said this number, along with other poverty statistics used by the PM, had no basis in fact.

In a concise reply to the coalition, the OSR said its investigation team agreed that Johnson’s statements were incorrect. Their letter states: “Thank you for raising your concerns regarding the use of child poverty statistics with us. Our team has investigated the statements which you highlight (and has reached the same conclusion that these statements are incorrect).”


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@woolley I see on the Isle of Man Covid-19 thread that you say that people are never happy with the speed of response from the UK Government (initially they were too slow, and now have been too quick).

I actually have several friends who live in Greater Manchester and East Lancashire from my University day's.  They are unhappy with only a few hours notice mainly because outside of a few specific areas (Blackburn & Oldham) there had been no real indication that infection rates were increasing.  One friend had received a text message from their GP saying that rates in 18 - 29 years olds were increasing but that has pretty much been it.

Most of my friends woke this morning to the news of the new restrictions and had missed the announcement largely because they don't spend their evenings watching the news.  

Having read the guidance and listened to the announcement my criticism would be that the messaging is once again confused.  If you lived in Manchester you can no longer meet family (unless they fit with the definition of a support bubble) in your home or garden but you can go to work with plenty of strangers, you can go to a pub or restaurant and even meet family members outside in a public space.  These rules simply make very little sense until you realise why the Government have come up with them...

Through "track and trace" they have identified that people with COVID-19 symptoms have listed friends and family as the people they have come into contact with.  This ignores the fact that they have very possibly spent time close to plenty of other people in bars, restaurants, public transport and workplaces but simply have not provided the names of those people as they have no idea who they are!  

It reminds me of this example from WW2 http://www.macgetit.com/solving-problems-of-wwii-bombers/ 

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I think it's down to political correctness. It's mainly the Muslim areas that are seeing the rise, but they can't come out and say that or they would be crucified, so they lock down the entire region. Ironically, Muslim leaders on the BBC saying they are being "picked on" at Eid and how would you like it if it was at Christmas. I think most likely that it will be, as the virus doesn't discriminate. I take your point about the short notice and confused detail, but looking back at the ridiculous opprobrium heaped on them before, I guess they see it as better to issue the clampdown as soon as possible and fill in the details later.

Edited by woolley
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2 hours ago, woolley said:

I think it's down to political correctness. It's mainly the Muslim areas that are seeing the rise, but they can't come out and say that or they would be crucified, so they lock down the entire region. Ironically, Muslim leaders on the BBC saying they are being "picked on" at Eid and how would you like it if it was at Christmas. I think most likely that it will be, as the virus doesn't discriminate. I take your point about the short notice and confused detail, but looking back at the ridiculous opprobrium heaped on them before, I guess they see it as better to issue the clampdown as soon as possible and fill in the details later.


Now you can explain why there is a rise in cases in places like Hale which is a particularly wealthy suburb of M-town?

You're a right-wing brexiteer, no doubt about that....

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3 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Having read the guidance and listened to the announcement my criticism would be that the messaging is once again confused.  If you lived in Manchester you can no longer meet family (unless they fit with the definition of a support bubble) in your home or garden but you can go to work with plenty of strangers, you can go to a pub or restaurant and even meet family members outside in a public space.  These rules simply make very little sense until you realise why the Government have come up with them...

Through "track and trace" they have identified that people with COVID-19 symptoms have listed friends and family as the people they have come into contact with.  This ignores the fact that they have very possibly spent time close to plenty of other people in bars, restaurants, public transport and workplaces but simply have not provided the names of those people as they have no idea who they are!  

The messaging wasn't confused because it was non-existent.

Special measures for Greater M-town and mill towns to the North East and North West and that was the entire message. Clarity around what measures to be taken came there none.

The problem is that there should be a "world beating track, trace and isolate system" as promised by Bozo months ago that would REPLACE the lockdown.

It would appear the lockdown has been lifted sans the "world beating track, trace and isolate system" with inevitable results.

Plus relying on "the good, sound, common sense of the British people" has had the South coast overflowing again.

If only the country had a proper leader it could trust - like Jacinda Ardern...

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The youngsters call it M-town.

So use the language they can understand because apparently it's the youngsters who are driving up the infection rate. 

It's almost as though they are totally stupid and completely irresponsible.

Because attending illegal raves have been identified as a driver for this...

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They said there would be a COVID spike in Liverpool following the celebrations of the League Triumph. Turns out they should have been more worried about City and United fans crying on each others shoulders.

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28 minutes ago, Declan said:

They said there would be a COVID spike in Liverpool following the celebrations of the League Triumph. Turns out they should have been more worried about City and United fans crying on each others shoulders.

However the game against Atletico Madrid was a very stupid mistake and very unfunny....

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