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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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I'd probably better fuck off too :)

But seriously - Brexit was all supposed to be easy and advantageous. That's what they said. They should admit that they were wrong.

The Brexit people's inability to make a good job of it points to their fundamental assumptions and working-out being flawed. And likely the arguments which they used to push it in the first place. If they can't even manage the process then how can we believe that their wider analysis has any basis in reality? There is no reason to believe that anything they said was actually true.

I used to believe that Boris was unfairly denigrated. Even on Brexit I wanted to see him make it work. But I've come to the conclusion that he's basically a British version of Trump. A populist with no attention to detail who will say anything. (And talking about Trump - what about that US trade deal which was promised? Surely that should have been sorted out by now?)

The whole thing is a huge own goal driven by simplistic YouTube populism - often dressed up as pedantic pseudo intellectualism (eg the world of Spiked Online). The reality is that hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost in the City (the UK's largest tax payer and the backbone of the entire national economy). The reality is that even Tesco (Conservatives and Conservative backers since forever) are warning of food shortages. The reality is a government playing fast and loose with the peace process in Ireland.

The government has created this uncertainty. It's hugely damaging for the economy. Far more so than Covid.

Edited by pongo
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12 hours ago, quilp said:

You see, I'm not going to engage with you- past experience indicates discussion provides only a vehicle for you to sneer and provoke. In light of the above...

Fuck off. 

That is the best you can do?  Get in a huff and tell me to fuck off?

Just FYI I have sorted a sponsorship licence and will still be recruiting from the EU in future. 

The biggest headache that I and many other businesses have is that in six weeks we have no idea what happens with import and export duties.  We have no idea how long it will take for goods to cross the border which has the potential to screw our production.

But sure, you keep on burying your head in the sand and dream of the sunlit uplands.

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3 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

That is the best you can do?  Get in a huff and tell me to fuck off?

Just FYI I have sorted a sponsorship licence and will still be recruiting from the EU in future. 

The biggest headache that I and many other businesses have is that in six weeks we have no idea what happens with import and export duties.  We have no idea how long it will take for goods to cross the border which has the potential to screw our production.

But sure, you keep on burying your head in the sand and dream of the sunlit uplands.

The whole referendum process was unsuited to the complexity of the process, or anything other than a gut feeling reaction/outcome. The electorate were lied to by both sides ( and those telling the biggest lies knew they were lies ) and against a background of 40 years of red top antagonism and misrepresentation  of the EU.

The negotiation process has been inept, because no one knew which Sunny uplands they wanted to arrive at, or which route to use. That allowed ERG to push through a much more hardline result than they ever dreamed of pre referendum result.

Still, we are where we are. We have to adapt. Me, the wheelchair is a prop. I’ll still get through the “other” immigration desk faster than those queuing at the EEA desks.

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2 hours ago, Satoshi Nakamoto said:

Carole Cadwalladr has finally admitted there was no evidence to back up her claims that the Russians financed the Brexit campaign or that Arron Banks was involved in shady deals with the Russians.

Has she? That's not how I read it, although I'm not getting my news from the ass of Farage.

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Well, Boris has gone to Brussels to try and break the deadlock over the easiest oven-ready deal in history. So that's no deal then?

There's mutterings in the press about UK Honda stopping current car production over the slowing of flow of manufacturing parts into UK. 

The Guardian reckons that arch-Brexiteer Jim Ratcliffe (Ineos) who promised to bring 500+ car production jobs back to Bridgend in S.Wales on the back of Brexit with his vision of a Landrover Defender replacement, the "Grenadier", has apparently now purchased a plant in Hambach, France from Mercedes to build it. Says it's saved hundreds of jobs there apparently. That's ok then.

ETA. Now confirmed on BBC News online too.

Edited by Non-Believer
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