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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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barnier is so thick, if you go and live or work in another country the laws of that country is what you live under, to claim the ecj needs control of a country not in the eu is utter rubbish.....

the fact that the ecj doesn't really deal with citizens rights the echr does, seems to of passed him by....

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2 hours ago, woody2 said:

barnier is so thick, if you go and live or work in another country the laws of that country is what you live under, to claim the ecj needs control of a country not in the eu is utter rubbish.....

the fact that the ecj doesn't really deal with citizens rights the echr does, seems to of passed him by....

It is really rather simple...M Barnier has massive ministerial experience in government. Compare his CV below via the link to any on MF!

Secondly the European Court of Justice deals with EU law and issues arising therefore as the plight of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU will be EU law reflected in UK law I daresay it stands to reason that the ECJ must retain its position. This is where PM May or her successor will have to give way on the ECJ as the EU will be the granting authority as it were.

I note from Radio 4 today listening to those that know the UK it seems is happy to retain the role of the ECJ on the issues of the Euratom treaty and associated matters such as free moment of nuclear staff and scientists...They seem easy about this.. The Euratom also applies to the Isle of Man I believe via Protocol 3. This is where PM May or her successor will have to give way.

As regards citizens rights and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) this as stated by Woody 2 is not correct. The ECHR deals with human rights as laid out in the European Convention on Human Rights...These may on occasions coincide with any rights under EU law but human rights are clearly laid out and numbered and are fundamental but only one the right to life is absolute.

The Council of Europe runs the ECHR but the Council of Europe is not an EU organisation. It is an international body of 47 members as compared to the EUs 27 or 28 depending on your viewpoint.

The EU is run by the European Council...totally different.

According to Boris Johnson the ECJ has been importing and using ECHR judgements and principles in its deliberations which seems to me to be perfectly natural if they are applicable by way of due process.


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incorrect again, to stay in euratom would mean withdrawing article 50 and starting again, its clearly a ploy by remoaners....

ecj will have no jurisdiction over the uk because as barnier points out, the uk wouldn't be able to change any law without oversight of the ecj, that's not leaving the eu and the public won't fall for it....

he is right the "eu is 100% in control of talks" but lets remind him of that when talks fail:lol:

the clocks ticking closer to the 29th march 2019 and freedom........


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4 minutes ago, woody2 said:

incorrect again, to stay in euratom would mean withdrawing article 50 and starting again, its clearly a ploy by remoaners....

ecj will have no jurisdiction over the uk because as barnier points out, the uk wouldn't be able to change any law without oversight of the ecj, that's not leaving the eu and the public won't fall for it....

he is right the "eu is 100% in control of talks" but lets remind him of that when talks fail:lol:

the clocks ticking closer to the 29th march 2019 and freedom........


The ECJ oversight will be about citizens and their place in the EU and UK....As regards Euratom, this is already a "give way" issue out of self-interest...Article 50 is merely the starting point for negotiations...

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staying in euratom has already been defeated in parliament as part of the article 50 process, it cannot be changed by amendment

article 50 notification of withdrawal, euratom was explicitly mentioned, the only legal way to change this is to withdraw  notification...

its not a giveaway issue, time for the remoaners to move on....   

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5 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Sorry you are going to clarify that...tried googling "sir nige, leader of a free uk" and nothing came up.

Do you mean Nigel Farage, the un-knighted, odious, lying, hypocritical, grubby, racist, xenophobic agent provocateur?

that may be your irrelevant view but not the winners of the referendum.....

so who didn't know it was a vote to leave all of the eu including the single market (apart from the remoaners)....

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