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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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There is no need for anyone in the UK to be suffering from malnutrition, severe or otherwise. That is ridiculous.


Welcome to the UK.


Where continual erosion of the poor and working poor's protections has led to the beginnings of a Victorian underclass.


We even have laws against being homeless...

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from your link


These are the best statistics available, although they are not perfect,

ons also say they are estimates



Errr excuse me but you are quoting out of context, I trust accidentally.


You have picked up on, under the title:


"UK migrants living in other EU nations"


< Graph >


"The figure of just under 1.2 million UK nationals living in the rest of the EU comes from the United Nations.


These are the best statistics available, although they are not perfect, with some countries counting international migrants by birthplace while others judge by the passport someone holds."


In other words the "not perfect" stats are gathered up by the UN from the various EU countries who, unfortunately, measure them differently. Nothing whatever to do with the ONS and why would they gather stats about other countries anyway?


they are not funding the services which is the problem, besides the 27 should be paying for nhs care direct. the nhs pay out 100's of millions per year for treatment abroad yet in 2014 the 27 paid 12 million to the nhs for the care of 3.2 million people, i doubt that even covers the cost for 1 hour never mind a year.


until we know how much tax they are paying we don't know if its the great benefit. the fact the eu wont let the uk even collect this data means they have something to hide..


we dont know how many there is, how many are working or claiming benefits

If the UK are paying out "100's of millions per year for treatment abroad" then you surely have some figures somewhere?


You are right we do not know the amounts of tax and NI they are paying. But as long as they ARE paying it then the amount it comes to is something of an irrelevance. Because it will be on exactly the same scale as a UK citizen and that's all that matters.


This is what annoys me about the xenophobic thick as pigshit Daily Wail reading Little Englanders. They spout off this bile about how EU migrants are causing our infrastructure to creak and all the other ills they can dream up and like woody2 they have absolutely no data to back it up. It's all anecdotal bollocks.


So clearly anecdotal bollocks is enough to get us out of the EU. But we already knew that....


And before the usual suspects start piling in with all their usual rhetoric a really awful statistic has recently come to light. Bearing in mind we are a G7 nation and we have food banks, which is bad enough, since the Coalition Government came to power emergency admissions to A&E for severe malnutrition have risen by over 60%.




Absolutely shameful.




the un report has already been proven wrong


the ons report is where the 2.1 million workers came from, it was a guess nothing more

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the un report has already been proven wrong


the ons report is where the 2.1 million workers came from, it was a guess nothing more

Errrr they admit that the UN data is suspect due to the way the different countries collate the data - as I have already pointed out.


Please post up how the ONS figures were trashed because I'm interested in this. Sure they are from 2014 and have probably got some projections built in but I would still like to see the facts you have, thanks.

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There is a social security system now that didn't exist in Victorian times. I repeat. Nobody should suffer from malnutrition. Wholesome food is not expensive.


I put it down to them robbing Peter to pay Paul.


Instead of properly funding them both they have been taking monies from Social Services and putting it into the NHS. Hence the arrivals in A&E of severely malnourished and probably vulnerable people. Not the best thought-out strategy one could argue.


But the emergency cases probably don't vote tory so fuck 'em a la Margaret Thatcher....


Which makes this scandal an even bigger disgrace:


"NHS failing to recover unpaid bills from overseas patients due to 'chaotic' system, say MPs"


Some £500m pa apparently. From the appallingly left-wing Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/nhs-failing-recover-unpaid-bills-overseas-patients-mps-report-a7556156.html

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and billions from the eu owed for the nhs, with all this apparent tax these immigrants are paying the nhs should be booming with money but its much more likely they are not covering the cost of the nhs never mind the services


snp amendments have just been kicked out.......

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There is a social security system now that didn't exist in Victorian times. I repeat. Nobody should suffer from malnutrition. Wholesome food is not expensive.


I put it down to them robbing Peter to pay Paul.


Instead of properly funding them both they have been taking monies from Social Services and putting it into the NHS. Hence the arrivals in A&E of severely malnourished and probably vulnerable people. Not the best thought-out strategy one could argue.


But the emergency cases probably don't vote tory so fuck 'em a la Margaret Thatcher....


Which makes this scandal an even bigger disgrace:


"NHS failing to recover unpaid bills from overseas patients due to 'chaotic' system, say MPs"


Some £500m pa apparently. From the appallingly left-wing Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/nhs-failing-recover-unpaid-bills-overseas-patients-mps-report-a7556156.html


They should build and equip some half way house facilities so that people who no longer have a medical need to be in hospital could be moved on and release beds for admissions. That would go a long way to dealing with bottlenecks in the system and would actually save money in the long run because expensive medics and equipment would not be standing idle for the want of beds for their patients.

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the £153 bn the eu owes the uk should come in handy


Can I have your source please, I'd be interested to read about that in detail.


newsnight, its the uks share of eu assets,


if its worked out on actual payments its around a trillion.



Was it the actual BBC that stated it or a guest on Newsnight?


How can anyone work it out when the actual dates for leaving aren't yet known? It's got to be a constantly moving feast and an incredibly complex thing to calculate.

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