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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Never mind about the EC...I know lots of people who still say "Common Market"...(If only!)...People blame the EU etc for everything but it was the UK and Margaret Thatcher that had a big hand in the moulding of the EU and Single Market...But people still say to me that we can't have 27 countries telling us what to do.. But "we" have helped make it...This seems to have got lost somewhere...

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43 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

Not a fudge but a clear offer. There's considerable fear that if the UK leaves then another major player may leave, probably Holland. Greece would have considerable negotiating power were the UK to leave. Once the German unions get fed up with financing this Utopian dream it's anyone's guess.

What pleases me is the UK banks setting up EU offices in Ireland - a clear two-finger salute to the utterly unreliable, lazy and at times unpleasant French.

I doubt very much that any other country will leave the EU. The "deal" the UK gets will see to that. Plus, in my experience, the collective guilt carried by modern Germans sees the EU as very very neccessary.

Moving a city business to Dublin makes sense as well. After all, there shouldn't be too much of a language issue for the relocated employees and their families.

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5 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Boris said it and used the phrase "cake and eat it"...It has since been referred to and rescinded by various speakers/journalists TV etc...There is a lot of back-pedalling going on....Certainly M Barnier  refers to it pointing out that UK cannot expect to have the same conditions if it leaves as it had/has when a member.  I live here in the EU remember?....I hear real people talking and frankly most of them I know are saying "But nobody told us!"

the uk is not seeking to be a member, its not seeking access, its seeking a free trade deal....

clearly like ed balls you should of read the govs. £9.3m leaflet......

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3 hours ago, GD4ELI said:


What pleases me is the UK banks setting up EU offices in Ireland - a clear two-finger salute to the utterly unreliable, lazy and at times unpleasant French.

have any actually moved yet? one of the main euro traders from LSH (after france claimed all the jobs would heading there) pointed out that all banks already have offices in the eu, so no need to move any job......

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:


Moving a city business to Dublin makes sense as well. After all, there shouldn't be too much of a language issue for the relocated employees and their families.

apart from it been a dump, talks of ireland could happen....

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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

Moving a city business to Dublin makes sense as well. After all, there shouldn't be too much of a language issue for the relocated employees and their families.

Dublin wants the jobs too and will do almost anything to accommodate some of the bigger finance houses. If the UK isn't careful Dublin will start to become some of what London wanted to become post Brexit. Not that I think Brexit will happen now to be honest. It's pretty clear to most people now that it's a bag of crap pipe dream that's been hijacked by a bunch of largely elderly racists who are still living in the land of hope and glory. All we need is a proper house price wobble (which is on the emerging horizon) to further kill any notions of Brexit stone dead. Why would anyone foreign buy a house in London at the moment when the country can't even confirm whether you'll be able to have to right to reside longer term? The sales pipeline is slowing rapidly given that such a large number of buyers down there are non UK citizens. That will be the final nail as even the Daily Mail will go into meltdown about a middle class house price crash. 

Edited by hboy
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5 hours ago, woody2 said:

the uk is not seeking to be a member, its not seeking access, its seeking a free trade deal....

clearly like ed balls you should of read the govs. £9.3m leaflet......

Will someone explain the difference between access and a free trade deal that is not the same as being a member of the EU...And also that is not some political delusion?

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5 hours ago, woody2 said:

the uk is not seeking to be a member, its not seeking access, its seeking a free trade deal....

clearly like ed balls you should of read the govs. £9.3m leaflet......

And which government would that be? And what makes it worthwhile? The price it would seem? And how long will that government survive?

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5 hours ago, hboy said:

Dublin wants the jobs too and will do almost anything to accommodate some of the bigger finance houses. If the UK isn't careful Dublin will start to become some of what London wanted to become post Brexit. Not that I think Brexit will happen now to be honest. It's pretty clear to most people now that it's a bag of crap pipe dream that's been hijacked by a bunch of largely elderly racists who are still living in the land of hope and glory. All we need is a proper house price wobble (which is on the emerging horizon) to further kill any notions of Brexit stone dead. Why would anyone foreign buy a house in London at the moment when the country can't even confirm whether you'll be able to have to right to reside longer term? The sales pipeline is slowing rapidly given that such a large number of buyers down there are non UK citizens. That will be the final nail as even the Daily Mail will go into meltdown about a middle class house price crash. 

IMHO Brexit will happen. In an arcane way it has to. No player is bigger than the team.....

I thought it highly amusing that the open sewer that is The Daily Wail would trumpet that the French have a strategy to take advantage of the City of London's weakened position.

So who weakened the hand they have to play?

Step forward The Daily Wail pushing their somewhat "intellectually challenged" readership towards Brexit to "keep British Jobs safe for British people" thinly disguised xenophobia.

They say you get the government you deserve. I'm now convinced you read the excuse for a "newspaper" you deserve as well.....

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10 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

Will someone explain the difference between access and a free trade deal that is not the same as being a member of the EU...And also that is not some political delusion?

access you pay and it comes with the eu freedoms, a free trade deal non of that applies.... 

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

access you pay and it comes with the eu freedoms, a free trade deal non of that applies.... 


I know! I was being naughty! The point is that I do not think they will give a Free Tree deal that emulates the fullness of the Single Market & etc..Free Trade is complex and comes with strings attached. I post a good link bearing simple explanation..


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I don't think it matters too much now. Certain things have happened, they continue to happen and Humpty cannot be put back together again. The inexorable slide to a single European state has taken a body blow and as far as Britain is concerned it will never see the light of day again in the foreseeable future.

Whatever associate status is negotiated, a valuable stand on sovereignty has been made and I don't see that being rowed back on. Looking at events elsewhere in the continent as I do because I have interests there, my opinion is that the high water of the European federal model is past for all kinds of social and economic reasons. The talk of closer co-operation, unity of purpose and a common European army are the final convulsions of those ideas and the euro is only being propped up for the sake of appearances.


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