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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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As I posted previously Barnier gave the Maybot five days to present the UK definitive strategy on the divorce bill, the rights of EU citizens living in the UK and presumably the Irish border. The five days are up so now Davis has to put them on a trowel....

The 60bn bill is just the EU's opening gambit and I would expect that particular pissing contest to drag on and on.

The domicile rights issue could be handled quickly and easily were it not for all those who voted Brexit simply to keep out Johnny Foreigner, which is to say most of them.

The Irish border issue is only an issue if there are to be trade tarriffs and no free movement of EU citizens.

Thursdays press conference should be interesting....

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On 16/07/2017 at 9:22 AM, woody2 said:

the eu never has been, take euro trading-they have been trying for years to remove it from the uk, the problem is they are not trusted and the work will go to new york before the eu because its cheaper.....

international trade isn't the main driver of the uk economy, it only makes up 15% of GDP of which 44% is with the eu, so even if the uk lost all trade with the eu, (which no one has said they will), it wouldn't have a massive impact.....


39 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Looks to me like the US will be the big Brexit winners.

i agree.....

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

you've never spoken to me, stop making things up.....

Bit rich from you , one could be forgiven for thinking that every time someone makes something up they have to pay you a royalty:lol:

Edited by paswt
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people have short memories, it was only last year some french bloke tried to sell the london stock exchange and then move it to frankfurt....

or the transaction tax which the eu wanted to target only london...

uk has always been under attack from the eu,....

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29 minutes ago, woody2 said:

then tell me which part of the law you apparently stole peoples homes:whatever:

but i already know you can't....


Sigh...... do your own research on the history of " compulsory purchase" , as "Notty" would  say "you're embarrassing yourself":)

JW has explained the current legislation (which you have chosen to reject) 

 There have been many "Housing Acts" over the years giving powers to Local Authorities ........ look them up sunshine:) , you may learn something:lol:.

It is evident that you "know" nothing  in relation to myself , the historical powers of the  "Sanitary Inspector/ Public Health Inspector / Environmental Health Inspector and sadly are unable to comprehend and unwilling to accept that you could ever be wrong ,and think it acceptable to offensively  insult and tell lies about anyone who offers a correct précis of the legislation which, for reasons best known to yourself, you reject.

Perhaps if you "asked nicely" and  generally attempted to be polite you may get somewhere in life .

Hope this helps :flowers:




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