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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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32 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Farage refuses to use Uber because they are not "our people" (i.e. bloody foreigners).

Long-Bailey refuses to use Uber because she feels they mistreat their workers.

How are you struggling to see the difference here?


except he didn't say that.....

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12 minutes ago, woody2 said:

except he didn't say that.....

A) Prove it.

B) "Asked repeatedly if he denied saying that Uber drivers are "not our people," Mr Farage only repeated that he is a "big supporter of black cab drivers.""

C) ""I asked him why he didn’t get an Uber,” and he smiled and said, 'Well, they’re not our people are they.'"

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3 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Well with such a well thought and detailed rebuttal like that I can see why the Leave campaign was so convincing for you...

I don't have time to rebut every point of an outburst like that. Just one example: How does leaving a bloc damage the UK's international reputation? It's crazy. Sounds like he's been out drinking with PK in Hereford.

“Our international reputation has been seriously damaged, leaving the UK weak, with diminished influence, in an increasingly uncertain and unstable world."

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

I don't have time to rebut every point of an outburst like that. Just one example: How does leaving a bloc damage the UK's international reputation? It's crazy. Sounds like he's been out drinking with PK in Hereford.

“Our international reputation has been seriously damaged, leaving the UK weak, with diminished influence, in an increasingly uncertain and unstable world."


Hmmm to trust...the guy who wrote Article 50, or Wolleey who blames his bad back on Liberals!!!!!!!!


 How does leaving a bloc damage the UK's international reputation?

Because we left it looking like a cross between a clown college and the Chuckle Brothers.  It is a disorganised mess and we are trying to punch above our weight.

Edited by RIchard Britten
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Too early to judge. Wait and see. This man is just yet another superficially intelligent person who has spent a life time being conditioned, and is now going on to condition others, that the liberalising, globalising influence is benign and that the direction of travel of mankind should forever be thus because big is beautiful. This is completely illusory and is leading the world population into very hot water but it is deeply entrenched. Anything that goes against the perceived wisdom triggers off an incredulous "toys out of the pram" outburst such as the one by Kerr and such as we've seen on here. He is a typical Britain hating product of the Foreign Office and about as apologist for the EU as it is possible to be. So he wrote Article 50 with the idea that it would "only ever be triggered by a dictatorial regime." Well he was wrong there. It was triggered by a popular vote in a referendum.

So who to trust? Well, there are plenty of learned people on both sides which you presumably don't deny.

ETA: I don't have a bad back!

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@ Richard: You can have absolutely no clue about the status of the negotiations or what is planned beyond what you have read in the Europhile liberal organs you frequent. You cannot possibly know who is organised, disorganised or otherwise or what the final outcome will be. Nor can anybody else on the outside. There will be speculation, obfuscation, provocation and misinformation right down the track on all sides. You are smart enough to see that.

As for the speculation, the name calling, the toys out of the pram because we don't like it etc, we've heard it all and we've done it to death, so until there is something concrete I think I'll just leave it.

Edited by woolley
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