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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

@ Richard: You can have absolutely no clue about the status of the negotiations or what is planned beyond what you have read in the Europhile liberal organs you frequent.

Well done.  You have now managed to make it 24 words into a rant before rolling out the "liberal" card.

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"Europe will have to decide if it wants to live and thrive or shrivel and disappear"

Quite strong words from a future nobel peace prize winner I shouldn't think. 



Edited by the stinking enigma
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8 hours ago, woolley said:

I don't have time to rebut every point of an outburst like that. Just one example: How does leaving a bloc damage the UK's international reputation? It's crazy. Sounds like he's been out drinking with PK in Hereford.

“Our international reputation has been seriously damaged, leaving the UK weak, with diminished influence, in an increasingly uncertain and unstable world."

Now that's low. Even by your standards....

The open sewer that is The Daily Wail were bigging up reports that French, German, Anywhere financial centres were making plans to take advantage of the City of London's weakened position.

And who weakened it?

Step forward The Daily Wail and their xenophobic, thick as pigshit Little Englander readership.

How many more times Woolster?

Play the ball, not the man old chap...

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Come on PK. You know you love it. See you in Frigiliana for a drink after Europe has shaken off all of this sinister top down imposed super state nonsense.

ETA: You're always saying that something or other is low even by my standards. Clearly it isn't then. Just par for the course..............;)

Edited by woolley
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1 minute ago, woolley said:

Come on PK. You know you love it. See you in Frigiliana for a drink after Europe has shaken off all of this sinister top down imposed super state nonsense.

An invitation I am honour bound to accept.....

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20 minutes ago, woolley said:

One of the most entertaining posters on here you are, PK. It wouldn't be the same without you, I don't care what they say.

Sounds familiar. Not been drinking in Hereford have you?

Actually we were in Mordiford. Recommended.....

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Barnier and Davis have a wash-up session today on the "progress" of the Brexit talks. What a joke that is as the divorce bill will run and run.

This made me smile from the nest of communist vipers that is the BBC - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40662740 

"A degree of exasperation appears to linger on the British side at the idea that its officials are less well-prepared than their EU counterparts - the UK believes its negotiators are just less inclined to work off detailed, published position papers."

aka  "winging it"

Dear me......

Edited by P.K.
Spelt the fall guy's name incorrectly
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