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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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For the first time ever there is unity between the 27.

Reason: The ones doing the paying such as Germany and Holland don't want to make up the huge hole in the budget that Britain will leave and the rest who receive the handouts don't want to take less. They all want the UK to carry on paying. When the UK stops paying the rest will be fighting like dogs in the street.

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2 hours ago, woody2 said:

£156bn is the uk's share of eu assets.....

it should be upto the eu to show the legal basis for any payment.....

They are not able to in the conventional sense. Hence the demands. "No pay. No hay"...Reminds me of German war reparations...See link. It is beginning to look UK war reparations...


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2 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Announcing to the world what a tough cookie Theresa is and proclaiming we were going to have our cake and eat it probably may have got a few people's backs up, though it probably sounded good to some in the UK at the time. Complete half wits have blown it. I blame corbyn/the unions/ ubiquitous liberals.  

How about the rare liberals, surely they're just as guilty? I mean, wanting a fairer world for all. What a bunch of bastards, eh?

You can be sure that the EU case for the divorce bill was meticulously researched. You can also be sure that the UK counter-claim was not.

I can also well understand why the EU would want citizens rights upheld by the ECJ. After all, the EU almost certainly watched in stunned amazement as the tory government were taken to court by a concerned citizen because the Executive stupidly thought they could trigger Article 50 and ignore the rights of parliament. The tory government lost. 

It would appear that Perfidious Albion is alive and well and currently residing in the Cabinet Room at 10 Downing Street.....

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3 hours ago, woolley said:

For the first time ever there is unity between the 27.

Reason: The ones doing the paying such as Germany and Holland don't want to make up the huge hole in the budget that Britain will leave and the rest who receive the handouts don't want to take less. They all want the UK to carry on paying. When the UK stops paying the rest will be fighting like dogs in the street.

They'll just push the timetable back.

Not exactly rocket science.....

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45 minutes ago, P.K. said:

How about the rare liberals, surely they're just as guilty? I mean, wanting a fairer world for all. What a bunch of bastards, eh?

You can be sure that the EU case for the divorce bill was meticulously researched. You can also be sure that the UK counter-claim was not.

I can also well understand why the EU would want citizens rights upheld by the ECJ. After all, the EU almost certainly watched in stunned amazement as the tory government were taken to court by a concerned citizen because the Executive stupidly thought they could trigger Article 50 and ignore the rights of parliament. The tory government lost. 

It would appear that Perfidious Albion is alive and well and currently residing in the Cabinet Room at 10 Downing Street.....

If you think the EU is a movement for a fairer world for all, PK, you are seriously deluded. Do you not look at the effects of the single market and the single currency in countries to the south?

The government had a good case over Article 50 because Parliament had authorised the referendum. There should have been no cause to run it past Parliament once more. It was a Remain exercise of attempted frustration of the referendum result. The judges were almost all EU retainers.

How on Earth can you be sure that the EU case for the divorce bill was meticulously researched? I know they have bureaucrats aplenty but it will simply be a wish list. They just want the UK to continue to pay for the largesse and the UK should politely decline.

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Sorry Woolley but the law of the United Kingdom disagrees with you.  The executive had no authority regardless of the fact that the referendum was passed in Parliament. 

As for it being a Remain ploy all the Executive had to do was take it to Parliament who, as has been proven,  would not overturn the result.   Instead the pissed about in the Courts wasting tax payers money.

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It's a matter of opinion, and there are all shades of opinion out there. The fact that a Court finds in a certain way does not establish an undeniable truth. There have been too many miscarriages of justice for anyone to believe that it does. The law can indeed be an ass.

As you say, Parliament did not overturn the result, but such was the hope and intention of the protagonists. That it did not was a crushing disappointment to Miller and crew.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

It's a matter of opinion, and there are all shades of opinion out there. The fact that a Court finds in a certain way does not establish an undeniable truth. There have been too many miscarriages of justice for anyone to believe that it does. The law can indeed be an ass.

As you say, Parliament did not overturn the result, but such was the hope and intention of the protagonists. That it did not was a crushing disappointment to Miller and crew.

There's opinion and then there is the rule of law.

No doubt you applauded the open sewer that is The Daily Wail headlining a picture of the High Court Judges under the headline "Enemy of the People" whilst conveniently forgetting that those same High Court Judges are there to protect the rights of every citizen.

Including you.....

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10 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Sorry Woolley but the law of the United Kingdom disagrees with you.  The executive had no authority regardless of the fact that the referendum was passed in Parliament. 

As for it being a Remain ploy all the Executive had to do was take it to Parliament who, as has been proven,  would not overturn the result.   Instead the pissed about in the Courts wasting tax payers money.

slight rewriting of history.....

the government was right in its take of the law that no vote was needed, sadly the government lawyers gave a concession on the case, after that the case was lost...... 

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