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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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18 hours ago, woolley said:

No. Bright people will sort it out and get ahead. It's the others who will continue to wallow in it.


The UK insists on keeping out Johnny Foreigner and their damn work ethic which is why the admittedly small majority voted for Brexit. So we end up having trade tariffs with the EU. Now the French still remember the days of the chevauchée and approx 10,000 hgv's use the chunnel and the ferries every fucking day. So let's hear it from the MF Brexit Brains Trust how they are going to prevent the French Douane from turning Dover into the biggest truck park the world has ever seen....?

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So that is the best reason you can come up with for accepting the Brussels bureaucratic dictat and maintaining the status quo? In the real world people don't cut off their nose to spite their face. At least not for very long. You seem to be getting overwrought again, PK. I thought you'd calmed down.

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8 minutes ago, woolley said:

So that is the best reason you can come up with for accepting the Brussels bureaucratic dictat and maintaining the status quo? In the real world people don't cut off their nose to spite their face. At least not for very long. You seem to be getting overwrought again, PK. I thought you'd calmed down.

Who said it was my best reason? Oh, that'll be you then...

It's a very simple and practical example of the possible difficulties that may lie ahead.

So, let's hear your solution?

PS - when I posted previously about the massive 24/7 queues at Jonkers it wasn't a flight of fancy....

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Brexit looks set to be delayed by at least five years in the sense that they will engineer a protracted interim period during which several more millions of people will have got older so as to vote and the next election coupled with their opinion in the meantime will probably change the scenery....Add that to those disillusioned or getting cold feet and I think the result will be very different to that which people were expecting...My estimate has always been that we will still be talking about this in ten years time...And in ten years a lot Brexiteering "Baby Boomers" will be dead.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

There will be challenges but it is worth the inconvenience as there are important principles of sovereignty at stake. That's the bottom line.

Cut the waffle and give some practical solutions to the little problem (therefore known as a problemette) that I have envisaged.

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1 minute ago, Barrie Stevens said:

No such thing as total sovereignty anymore...

I see the technical nature of that Bazza, but it's a smokescreen. I accept the "no man is an island" philosophy of international relations and trade but there is a world of difference between that limited definition and a sinister supranational government in waiting telling independent nations what they can and can't do, a parliament and courts that presume superiority to national institutions, a currency, a flag etc. etc. Bit of a red herring really.

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8 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Cut the waffle and give some practical solutions to the little problem (therefore known as a problemette) that I have envisaged.

Who the hell do you think you are? As hboy says, what is the point of repeating the same stuff over and over just because someone with a contrary view won't give over banging on about it? Chill.

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

Who the hell do you think you are? As hboy says, what is the point of repeating the same stuff over and over just because someone with a contrary view won't give over banging on about it? Chill.

So you've no idea how to deal with just a single practicality of Brexit?

Never mind. I suspect neither has anybody else.

It IS crap though. It's taken the Maybot et al A YEAR FFS to commission research into the impact of losing EU labour.

Some folks (at least 52% actually) just don't think things through....

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PK. It just isn't good enough to say "It's all too difficult, we can't do it. We are too fookin' stupid to be able to run our affairs as an independent country." which is what you and Pongo yesterday were asking us to accept. If that is what you think then it is no wonder you don't believe in Brexit. I'm sorry it just isn't so. We are a major country full of resourceful problem solving people and we can do this without being beholden to external institutions.

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