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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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12 minutes ago, Tarne said:

Things aren't going to change too much, and queues are most airports will be easy to navigate. You seem to be overly negative

No I'm delighted. They're getting what they've voted for. To be second class citizens hanging round borders for hours on end and getting hot and angry. Immigration wise the Brits will be the new Indians of Europe; and they voted for it! 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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The whole farrago seems to me to be going tits up.

Philip Hammond is saying that there will be a free movement of labour 'transitional period' that must end prior to the next election in June 2022.

Liam Fox is saying that ANY free movement would 'betray' the xenophobic thick as pigshit Daily Wail reading Little Englanders who voted for Brexit to keep out Johnny Foreigner and who also voted to put him in the House of Commons and he wants to stay there.

Juncker and Barnier are probably saying "Sacre Bleu! Perfidious Albion c'est un up-fuck of les grand massif!" or similar. They probably think that giving the UK a massive bill to pay before anything else happens might help to give the UK omnishambles a bit more focus. Can't fault the logic.

David "Fall Guy" Davis is going to struggle though. Serves him right.....

Edited by P.K.
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Never mind Hammond, what about musings the governor of the Bank of England and the Taoiseach in the last couple of days? 

But what do they know? The Mail and Express are far more economically aware..... .

As for regaining sovereignty, will the likely loss of Northern Ireland from the UK due to brexit border issues be collerateral damage?

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7 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

Never mind Hammond, what about musings the governor of the Bank of England and the Taoiseach in the last couple of days? 

But what do they know? The Mail and Express are far more economically aware..... .

As for regaining sovereignty, will the likely loss of Northern Ireland from the UK due to brexit border issues be collerateral damage?

The point is that Northern Ireland will not leave the UK unless it wants to and that issue is not part of Brexit. "No surrender!"

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The border between the Republic and NI cannot be adequately secured post brexit. I think that will likely cause the Eu border to be effectively moved to the NI ports. How this can be done without the unintended consequence of somehow strangely uniting Ireland will be quite a challenge. 

Whatever the pm's new political friends think, NI generally voted to remain with a much bigger majority than the Uk are leaving on.Thousands are cross border workers and nobody wants to see the old border security come back. All those soldiers and Army Air Corps helicopters couldn't secure this border in the past so, Barrie.... how are they going to get around this little issue?

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If you look at a satellite view of Ireland it's fairly clear where the border between Ireland and the UK is going to be. It's a natural border, that wet stuff. But they probably aren't quite ready for that yet. Soon though. The two roads are still going in the same direction.

I'm still sticking with my bet that Britain ultimately goes for the softest of soft Brexits. Although I could even see it being abandoned completely. So with luck the difficult Irish border issue gets kicked into touch for a few more years.


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I could see absolutely anything happening, such is the misinformation rearguard campaign that is going on about Brexit.

Brexit bad; EU good as far as the mainstream liberal media is concerned. Any adverse financial or industrial news is presented as "due to uncertainty over Brexit." Anything positive is presented as "despite Brexit." Hilarious yet so predictable.

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The deleterious effects of brexit will be far from hilarious. 

If it wasn't such a serious issue it would be amusing to hear the rabid pro-brexit advocates trying to play down the economic disaster that's slowly unfolding.  Most just deny or play down the issues or view them with utter simplicity. That's hardly surprising though when you replace expert and informed consensus with stories from the Wail and Express,


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10 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

The border between the Republic and NI cannot be adequately secured post brexit. I think that will likely cause the Eu border to be effectively moved to the NI ports. How this can be done without the unintended consequence of somehow strangely uniting Ireland will be quite a challenge. 

Whatever the pm's new political friends think, NI generally voted to remain with a much bigger majority than the Uk are leaving on.Thousands are cross border workers and nobody wants to see the old border security come back. All those soldiers and Army Air Corps helicopters couldn't secure this border in the past so, Barrie.... how are they going to get around this little issue?

If I knew I would be richer than Woolley!

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10 hours ago, woolley said:

I could see absolutely anything happening, such is the misinformation rearguard campaign that is going on about Brexit.

Brexit bad; EU good as far as the mainstream liberal media is concerned. Any adverse financial or industrial news is presented as "due to uncertainty over Brexit." Anything positive is presented as "despite Brexit." Hilarious yet so predictable.

Dear me, "the mainstream liberal media" indeed!


I think you've got the wrong country old chap.......

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2 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

The deleterious effects of brexit will be far from hilarious. 



You cannot know that. For one thing that always seems to be glossed over, you cannot predict what will happen within the EU itself. The portents there do not look good either economically or politically.

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20 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

Never mind Hammond, what about musings the governor of the Bank of England and the Taoiseach in the last couple of days? 

But what do they know? The Mail and Express are far more economically aware..... .

As for regaining sovereignty, will the likely loss of Northern Ireland from the UK due to brexit border issues be collerateral damage?

Carney should have been fired over a year ago for his doom laden pronouncements. It's like the spokesperson for any major organisation regularly announcing that it's going to hell in a handcart. Well beyond his remit. He has done nothing to support the currency whatsoever.

Ireland situation. Well they know which side the bread's buttered so they aren't going anywhere any time soon. If they did though, it would save a bob or two. Perhaps Dublin would like to dig deep for the bennies. Or they could ask Mr Juncker to chip in.

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