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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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All these arguments and concepts can be very easily over-simplified if your personal life and/or your business never have to deal with them and I can't quite understand the thinking behind the emotional arguments that have been expressed in social media.  Farage always makes sure he approaches arguments from the viewpoint of a person who never has to deal with other countries apart from holidays. It dodges so many inconvenient questions that way....

Just this morning, I have been arguing with a VAT office in Germany regarding a deal done under their jurisdiction destined to another EU member state (not UK). They have incorrectly charged VAT that should have only been paid in the destination state and finding and quoting the EU law on this is the only thing that has made them change their mind. Now imagine that between two states, one of which does not have to comply to EU law.

It must be bliss to never have to come across this sort of issue but even if your only contact with the EU is a fortnight in Magaluf, most except the most naive would surely accept thousands of businesses have to deal with such issues every single day and that is going to be harder because of brexit. Much harder, and for what? Sovereignty? 

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8 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Just this morning, I have been arguing with a VAT office in Germany regarding a deal done under their jurisdiction destined to another EU member state (not UK). They have incorrectly charged VAT that should have only been paid in the destination state and finding and quoting the EU law on this is the only thing that has made them change their mind. Now imagine that between two states, one of which does not have to comply to EU law. 

If the UK ends up outside the customs union then the German company charges no VAT to a UK customer, the UK customs wack on 20%.

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Quite possibly GD like buying stuff from the USA now. Sure, no local tax to pay but duty (don't forget that) and UK VAT on both duty and price. Simples. unless it's from let's say California who do charge sales tax despite it being for export etc etc

You might have the language skills to argue with Finanzamt in Darmstadt (like today) if they want to, say, charge VAT post brexit but most of us wouldn't.

Still who cares, I'm doing my washing by hand from the brexit date.

Edited by ballaughbiker
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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

How to get behind Brexit: Wash your clothes by hand.

Ladies and Gentleman...the people who voted for Brexit.  (Slow clap)

So you are maintaining that  all those who voted for "brexit" wash their clothes by hand? 


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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

How to get behind Brexit: Wash your clothes by hand.

Ladies and Gentleman...the people who voted for Brexit.  (Slow clap)

Oh yes you did , bit like saying anyone who was a member of HM military is a NF supporter  

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1 hour ago, GD4ELI said:

If the UK ends up outside the customs union then the German company charges no VAT to a UK customer, the UK customs wack on 20%.

If Brexit goes ahead without a deal then the UK should drop all import tariffs unilaterally. And, simultaneously, abolish corporation taxes and VAT. Yes the Exchequer would initially take a hit. But QE has clearly demonstrated that the system can create almost unlimited liquidity by simply lending it. 

Our ancestors settled the free trade debate the last time there was a major Tory split. 1846.

Single market or total free trade.

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

Drop all tariffs and only reapply them in retaliation

Not even in retaliation. All or nothing. Lead by example! It would still play to Britain's advantage especially when combined with abolishing corporation tax and VAT.

It won't happen of course. Because most of those supporting a hard Brexit are inherently tit-for-tat protectionists. They want to replace EU red tape with British red tape.

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