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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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3 hours ago, pongo said:

Not even in retaliation. All or nothing. Lead by example! It would still play to Britain's advantage especially when combined with abolishing corporation tax and VAT.

It won't happen of course. Because most of those supporting a hard Brexit are inherently tit-for-tat protectionists. They want to replace EU red tape with British red tape.

Well, even so, I applaud a post that is something other than dire negativity. Yes. You do have a point. If we are prepared to trade freely with EU countries they will start to wonder what the EU is for when they could do exactly the same. I only part company in thinking the sanction is worth keeping up the sleeve just in case it is necessary in individual cases. There is a big free trade lobby Pongo (more so than I am!), so I am not so sure it would turn out overly protectionist. Certainly not as much so as the EU.

Edited by woolley
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12 minutes ago, woolley said:

Well, even so, I applaud a post that is something other than dire negativity

Most of the negativity around Brexit is because it was won from a very divisive them-against-us perspective which persists. It was very much about what people hate. The grim flag flying constituencies across England and Wales did not vote for free trade. That's not what Farage and the awful people around him were selling. Brexit was a vote against the EU - it was not, for the most part, a vote for some positive alternative.

No positive alternative has been articulated. No plan at all really. 

Edited by pongo
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7 minutes ago, woolley said:

You have posted more ludicrous stuff in earnest.

You have to remember that "RB" is never wrong , has not , but I stand to be corrected , ever conceded he may be wrong , he reminds me of a chap I knew who when proved to be wrong claimed "I know what I said but what I said is not what I meant":lol:

He claims   that he is being "satirical " ....... :lol: 

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Just as much, no doubt, as I love the defeatist "we are hopeless" nonsense that seems to have taken hold like cancer.

In view of the latest train crash leak on the propsed new migration policy from the Home Office I think the label "we are hopeless" is extremely apt!

Come off it Woolster, even you have to admit that Brexit wasn't the result of business, political or economic issues with the EU. They were never issues unless you were stupid enough to believe the bollocks pedalled by Farage, Gove, Johnson etc etc.

It was all about not liking Johnny Foreigner which is a really dreadfully negative basis for leaving a large trading bloc to go it alone.

Tomorrow I'll be in the most anti EU town in the UK which is also very heavily dependant on EU labour. What the migrants think of the indigenous population should be interesting....

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29 minutes ago, paswt said:

You have to remember that "RB" is never wrong , has not , but I stand to be corrected , ever conceded he may be wrong , he reminds me of a chap I knew who when proved to be wrong claimed "I know what I said but what I said is not what I meant":lol:

He claims   that he is being "satirical " ....... :lol: 

What has that got to do with the looney who thinks we should hand wash our clothes to make Brexit a "success"?

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

You know exactly what you were doing:

Ladies and Gentleman...the people who voted for Brexit.  (Slow clap)

Yes, pointing out the mentality and lack of thought that was put into a decision that is going to affect millions of people for generations to come.

So yes, slow clap to that guy and the people like him.

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30 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Yes, pointing out the mentality and lack of thought that was put into a decision that is going to affect millions of people for generations to come.

So yes, slow clap to that guy and the people like him.

It will affect them. It will benefit them.

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You know exactly what you were doing:

Ladies and Gentleman...the people who voted for Brexit.  (Slow clap)

It is completely wrong to suggest all brexit voters are thick as pigshit little englanders (not my phrase). Many of my well educated/experienced friends voted out for very sound reasons and did consider issues properly. It has to be said though that a few have done a 180 on their vote a year last June based on evidence that was not available at the vote and f.ing well should have been.

That said, given the offerings on social and radio media, there are a considerable number who seem to be happy to seen as 'thick as pigshit little englanders' and one fact is incontrovertible:

The tiny majority "win" would not have taken place without them. They and their views are therefore entirely relevant but not all brexiters should be so regarded of course

Edit: That git Farage makes the little englanders aforementioned feel good about what they have done. That's why he appeals to many despite the lies and deceit and they all think he's wonderful. A true brit! (sic.)  As the evidence slowly mounts that we have shot ourselves in the foot he continues to provide vindication and exoneration and has actually come out with sentiments like 'it will be a huge success if only we stopped being negative'. 


Edited by ballaughbiker
adding the bit about Farage
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