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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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6 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

It is completely wrong to suggest all brexit voters are thick as pigshit little englanders (not my phrase). Many of my well educated/experienced friends voted out for very sound reasons and did consider issues properly. It has to be said trhough that a few have done a 180 on their vote a year last June based on evidence that was not available at the vote and it f.ing well should have been.

If you're going to plagiarise someone you could at least spend some time researching their work!

You forgot the Daily Wail reading bit old chap.

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@ ballaughbiker: I would contend that if your learned friends have done a 180 on their decision since last June, they are not THAT well educated, nor staunch in their convictions. Also, there has been no evidence mounting that we have shot ourselves in the foot other than the constant whingeing of the remain side amplified by the liberal media and the machinations of the EU itself. We actually need to get there and get busy before running back into the cave screaming.

The lily-livered attitude of people who see the EU bizarrely as some kind of nurturing nanny is truly appalling.

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BBiker: There's been quite a few people who have done a 180 on wanting to stay in who have now gone "Well, fuck the EU if they're going to be like that" too. But on the island it doesn't really matter as we don't get a damn vote ;) 

I see the poor pound against the Euro and I don't see any EU crisis occurring soon that isn't already occurring (large amounts of terrorism due mass migration) so I can completely understand why no one would bet on Britain right now. 

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50 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I'm calling complete bollox on the so-called "sovoreignty" issue.

Read it all, if you dare:   https://www.chathamhouse.org/publication/britain-eu-and-sovereignty-myth

Totally disagree with that point of view. If we don't get out now we will lose the right to until the whole edifice collapses in an unholy mess. Just thank your lucky stars the horrendous Blair didn't get us into the euro.

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5 minutes ago, woolley said:

Totally disagree with that point of view. If we don't get out now we will lose the right to until the whole edifice collapses in an unholy mess. Just thank your lucky stars the horrendous Blair didn't get us into the euro.

Did you think to email them and give them the weight of your knowledge and experience Oh Oracle of the Brexit?

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

I'm calling complete bollox on the so-called "sovoreignty" issue.

Read it all, if you dare:   https://www.chathamhouse.org/publication/britain-eu-and-sovereignty-myth


40 minutes ago, woolley said:

Totally disagree with that point of view. If we don't get out now we will lose the right to until the whole edifice collapses in an unholy mess. Just thank your lucky stars the horrendous Blair didn't get us into the euro.


My my, bearing in mind the above the post below is just laced with irony:


22 minutes ago, woolley said:

No point. Their minds are closed.


A liberal, of course, would give all sides due consideration. After all that is one of their strengths...

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45 minutes ago, P.K. said:






A liberal, of course, would give all sides due consideration. After all that is one of their strengths...

Would that be 'liberals' who regard those who voted to leave as "thick as ..... etc  etc ", perhaps a minority  of whom would regard folk like you as siding with a bunch of  "Cheese eating surrender monkeys":lol:.

Slagging folk off because they hold a contrary view  really isn't the way to engage in an adult discussion  in my view.

just saying:flowers:

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