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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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On 29/10/2017 at 6:33 AM, woody2 said:

so whats your point:rolleyes: there is going to be a vote.....

"Seema Malhotra: The vote of Parliament could be after March 2019. 

Mr Davis: It could be, yes.  It could be.  It depends when it concludes. 

Seema Malhotra: Sorry, the vote of our Parliament, the UK Parliament, could be after March 2019.

Mr Davis: Yes, it could be.  It could be.  It cannot come before we have the deal."

My point is that Parliament may only have a vote after the deadline for Brexit has passed and after a deal has been agreed.  I appreciate that Davis says that it will then go back to the European Parliament, however, this is pretty much a dead rubber of a vote surely?  Basically, the UK Parliament will have a choice to exit with whatever deal Davis and his team agree or walk away without a deal.  To my mind that is not much of a choice.

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Seems increasingly possible that this govt is going to be gone long before Brexit Woody.

And if there is another election I would very much doubt that the middle-of-the-road majority electorate will give the Conservatives another chance. I think we are looking at a left wing Labour govt. Thanks mostly to UKIP and the Tory right.

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maybe or they may have to wait till 2022....

its not the tories people are voting for, but to keep labour out.....

thankfully many younger voters has seen from the last election that labour are lying gits with the u-turn over tuition fees and student debts.....

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Government refuses to release details of studies into economic impact of Brexit

Department for Exiting the EU refuses to respond to Labour MP’s request to see work on 58 sectors of the economy, saying it needs a ‘safe space’ for negotiations

Story:  https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/oct/30/government-refuses-to-release-details-of-studies-into-economic-impact-of-brexit

Now it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that if the reports showed a booming post-brexit UK then they would be waving them under Barnier's nose to strengthen their bargaining position. So I guess the reports show something different.

Still, there is some good news:

Eurozone outpaces UK with fastest growth since 2011 – business live


Well, good news for some folks anyway....

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:


Government refuses to release details of studies into economic impact of Brexit

Department for Exiting the EU refuses to respond to Labour MP’s request to see work on 58 sectors of the economy, saying it needs a ‘safe space’ for negotiations

Story:  https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/oct/30/government-refuses-to-release-details-of-studies-into-economic-impact-of-brexit

Now it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that if the reports showed a booming post-brexit UK then they would be waving them under Barnier's nose to strengthen their bargaining position. So I guess the reports show something different.

Still, there is some good news:

Eurozone outpaces UK with fastest growth since 2011 – business live


Well, good news for some folks anyway....

Quite right too to refuse to release. All of this "work" will have been done by the same brooding constituency of remainers who will have put the most negative take on absolutely everything. You don't even need to see it really to know what's there. So why give the other side more ammunition to grind you down with? Crazy notion.

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Errrr so Juncker, Barnier et al won't know about the refusal to release the information...?

So that's all right then!

Of course The Woolster knows all about the Stay / Leave orientation of the researchers. Yes. Indeedy.

There's an air of desperation creeping in.......

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11 minutes ago, P.K. said:


There's an air of desperation creeping in.......

This is the problem. We have so many craven people on our own side saying it that it is in danger of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. You have no basis to say this at all other than people of like mind saying it in unison. Leading the charge are the same sort of globalist visionaries who led us into the financial collapse. It's nonsense.

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