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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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7 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

That's absolutely correct. Until very recently, the Country (UK) was run on the basis of a democracy whereby the minority, having lost, accepted the view of the majority and 'got behind' the decision (for the overall good). Remainers are attempting to turn that on it's head with the threat that, in order to avoid chaos, the majority should bow to the minority simply to appease them. What is more, many of the remainers do not even know the basic history and purpose of the political project which they so fervently support (or choose not to admit such) as has been shown on here tonight.

This basic lack of understanding of either the democratic process or history will come back to bite them (badly) - my only regret is that we have to keep learning and re-learning these basic lessons of history over and over again at such terrible cost to positive progress. We really should be moving on with our future not arguing over our past.

If they are so proud of their political project, why have they been so keen to deny and disguise it for 67 years?

That isn't how Western European democracy has ever worked. It's how totalitarian and so called communist take overs worked.

our way has always been to continue the struggle, in opposition, opposing the legislative programme and seeking to topple the government and have another election and regain power.

This was a non binding, advisory vote, low turn out, narrow majority, of course the remainders don't give up.

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

the queen has to respond to a humble address passed by mp's in parliament and its normally delivered to parliament in writing, its the procedure to address noncontroversial issues, labour have used it in a controversial way......


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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

That isn't how Western European democracy has ever worked. It's how totalitarian and so called communist take overs worked.

our way has always been to continue the struggle, in opposition, opposing the legislative programme and seeking to topple the government and have another election and regain power.

This was a non binding, advisory vote, low turn out, narrow majority, of course the remainders don't give up.

John, I hope that we can at least have a serious discussion about this even if we clearly disagree..

1. The turnout of registered voters was 72.21% - in this age of voter apathy that is not (as you claim) low turn out - it is a massive turn out! 72.21%!

2. 33,577,342 people voted - that is MORE THAN HALF of the total population including children! (65.64 Million UK 2016) That is the equivalent of  45,000 people turning out to vote on the IOM - Low turn out - really?

3. 17,410,742 People voted leave - That is more votes than the UK population has ever voted for anything  in the history of the UK. More than in any General election, more than in any other referendum, and more than voted to join the EU in the first place!

4. Of the 632 constituencies (local councils actually) only 231 voted remain - 401 voted leave.

5. 207 X The Total Population of the Isle of Man voted 'Leave' - Think about that, 207 X Total IOM population is a fair number to all be called 'stupid' (according to some on here :rolleyes:).

There is to be sure much uncertainty about Brexit (we agree on that I think) - but if we are to get through what will undoubtedly be a difficult period, let us at least start by agreeing on what are indisputable facts rather than inventing scare stories.

Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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27 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

3. 17,410,742 People voted leave - That is more votes than the UK population has ever voted for anything  in the history of the UK. More than in any General election, more than in any other referendum, and more than voted to join the EU in 1972!

The previous vote was in 1975. It was to remain in the EC. Not to join it. Britain joined in 1973.

Basic history, you said.

Edited by pongo
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12 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

let us at least start by agreeing on what are indisputable facts rather than inventing scare stories.

Farage / UKIP said before the referendum that in the event of a narrow victory for Remain they would be pushing for another referendum. Unfinished business, he said.


Edited by pongo
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1 hour ago, woolley said:

The entire EU project has been a massive conspiracy that dare not speak it's real name or true purpose. That it is finally being found out and questioned all over Europe is cause for celebration.

I'm starting to think you need professional help.

Your grip on reality seems to be spiralling down to woody2 levels.

Unfortunately, there is no known cure.....

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17 minutes ago, pongo said:

Farage / UKIP said before the referendum that in the event of a narrow victory for Remain they would be pushing for another referendum. Unfinished business, he said.


i  must of missed it:rolleyes: when was farage an mp or have any power to have another referendum.....







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It's just your perspective, PK. There is nothing even controversial in my post.

1) The EU is a political construct that masqueraded as a trading area.

2) Most EU members have a growing percentage of Eurosceptics who abhor the creeping loss of sovereignty involved in membership.

3) That the aims, direction of travel and goals of the Brussels elite are finally having the light shone on them is a good thing.

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6 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I'm starting to think you need professional help.

Your grip on reality seems to be spiralling down to woody2 levels.

Unfortunately, there is no known cure.....

nothing wrong with been always right.....







better than the delusions the sad remainers are having....


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32 minutes ago, pongo said:

The previous vote was in 1975. It was to remain in the EC. Not to join it. Britain joined in 1973.

Basic history, you said.

Yes. Heath in 1973 when it wasn't considered appropriate that the electorate should have a say. In 1975 if the electorate had the slightest inkling about the true nature of the "Common Market", do you believe that it would have been entertained for a moment? United States of Europe? Would have been lucky to get even 5% of the vote. This was what I meant by the "massive conspiracy that dare not speak it's real name or true purpose" earlier in the post that so confused you.

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

Yes. Heath in 1973 when it wasn't considered appropriate that the electorate should have a say. In 1975 if the electorate had the slightest inkling about the true nature of the "Common Market", do you believe that it would have been entertained for a moment? United States of Europe? Would have been lucky to get even 5% of the vote. This was what I meant by the "massive conspiracy that dare not speak it's real name or true purpose" earlier in the post that so confused you.


No, Britain wasn't lied to when we joined the EU. We knew what we were getting into - Daily Telegraph

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Just now, woolley said:

It's just your perspective, PK. There is nothing even controversial in my post.

1) The EU is a political construct that masqueraded as a trading area.

2) Most EU members have a growing percentage of Eurosceptics who abhor the creeping loss of sovereignty involved in membership.

3) That the aims, direction of travel and goals of the Brussels elite are finally having the light shone on them is a good thing.

Or it could be a crock of shit.

Ever since it became apparent that the true economic effects of brexit might find it's way into the public domain you've been posting up this rearguard action that has moved further and further away from the economic reality and into the land of nebulous sovereignty versus EU superstate driven forwards by the Brussels bullshit 'elite' or whatever.

Have you any idea how "sensible" people view this totally skewed view of reality?

Here's a little clue, known as a cluette, the EU don't need us as much as we need them. And they know it.

That's why they can set the Brexit agenda and timetable. Don't tell me you haven't noticed that....?

Plato said "If you stick your head in the sand eventually the Reality Bus slaps you up the arse!"

Amen to that.....

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