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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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9 hours ago, P.K. said:


Here's a little clue, known as a cluette, the EU don't need us as much as we need them. And they know it.


I think we should send you in to do the negotiating.

If you'd been around in 1945 you could have gone in to accept the German surrender from Jodl. You'd have come out having surrendered to him.

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1 minute ago, woody2 said:

18% of eu funding, they clearly need the uk.....

And a net contributor rather than a net recipient.

I don't see the Germans / French / Dutch queuing up to keep the money flowing.

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It's great how you can use and abuse statistics. I did a statistics component to my post graduate degree. It's true what they say about lies, dammed lies and statistics.

The 18% includes the rebate and ignores the funds which flowed back.

Those accounted for 15% of the budget anyway. So weren't available to other member states.

The shortfall represents between 2.5 and 3% EU budget. A blow no doubt, but not the black hole the brexiteer alt right fundamentalists like wooley and woody like to present. It's fake news. It's spin based propaganda, just like the Boris battle bus and it's £350 million a week for the NHS, but with even less basis in fact ( and the £350 million was totally baseless )

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13 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

John, I hope that we can at least have a serious discussion about this even if we clearly disagree..

1. The turnout of registered voters was 72.21% - in this age of voter apathy that is not (as you claim) low turn out - it is a massive turn out! 72.21%!

2. 33,577,342 people voted - that is MORE THAN HALF of the total population including children! (65.64 Million UK 2016) That is the equivalent of  45,000 people turning out to vote on the IOM - Low turn out - really?

3. 17,410,742 People voted leave - That is more votes than the UK population has ever voted for anything  in the history of the UK. More than in any General election, more than in any other referendum, and more than voted to join the EU in the first place!

4. Of the 632 constituencies (local councils actually) only 231 voted remain - 401 voted leave.

5. 207 X The Total Population of the Isle of Man voted 'Leave' - Think about that, 207 X Total IOM population is a fair number to all be called 'stupid' (according to some on here :rolleyes:).

There is to be sure much uncertainty about Brexit (we agree on that I think) - but if we are to get through what will undoubtedly be a difficult period, let us at least start by agreeing on what are indisputable facts rather than inventing scare stories.


43 minutes ago, John Wright said:

It's great how you can use and abuse statistics. I did a statistics component to my post graduate degree. It's true what they say about lies, dammed lies and statistics.

The 18% includes the rebate and ignores the funds which flowed back.

Those accounted for 15% of the budget anyway. So weren't available to other member states.

The shortfall represents between 2.5 and 3% EU budget. A blow no doubt, but not the black hole the brexiteer alt right fundamentalists like wooley and woody like to present. It's fake news. It's spin based propaganda, just like the Boris battle bus and it's £350 million a week for the NHS, but with even less basis in fact ( and the £350 million was totally baseless )


Whilst we are on the subject of statistics, you may wish to address the ones I posted for you last night (albeit late). (Quoted for reminder).

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

It's great how you can use and abuse statistics. I did a statistics component to my post graduate degree. It's true what they say about lies, dammed lies and statistics.

The 18% includes the rebate and ignores the funds which flowed back.

Those accounted for 15% of the budget anyway. So weren't available to other member states.

The shortfall represents between 2.5 and 3% EU budget. A blow no doubt, but not the black hole the brexiteer alt right fundamentalists like wooley and woody like to present. It's fake news. It's spin based propaganda, just like the Boris battle bus and it's £350 million a week for the NHS, but with even less basis in fact ( and the £350 million was totally baseless )


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