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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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17 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

It was included in their manifesto to stop the party disintegrating and losing seats to UKIP.  Cameron gambled that the referendum would be to remain in the EU and he lost.

If I recall correctly the EU was considering offer UK citizens the right to retain EU citizenship post-brexit on an individual basis.

Yep. You can pay the fiver. I believe they need the money............

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15 minutes ago, llap said:

My passport says I'm a British citizen. Surely that gives me the same rights as any other British citizen?

This link explains the current system. A few Isle of Man people have a special status - meaning that they have no link to the UK eg via a parent of grandparent (or Ireland - I think before The Republic of Ireland Act 1948). Obviously this is all set to change when the rest of us get forcibly stripped of our EU citizenship anyhow.


If you are defined as a 'Manxman' under Protocol 3, Article 6, you will have the observation below placed in your passport (on the back of the bio 'photo' page) to recognise this: 

Islander status passport notice

Edited by pongo
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4 minutes ago, pongo said:

This link explains the current system. A few Isle of Man people have a special status - meaning that they have no link to the UK. Obviously this is all set to change when we get forcibly stripped of our EU citizenship.


If you are defined as a 'Manxman' under Protocol 3, Article 6, you will have the observation below placed in your passport (on the back of the bio 'photo' page) to recognise this: 

Islander status passport notice

You also can't get an EHIC card.

After brexit that might mean the same for all of the UK as well.

Thanks thickos....

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^ I edited that because I think that if you had a grandparent born in Ireland at a time when Irish were also British citizens then that is probably an exception. But I am not sure what date they use - the establishment of the Free State or The Republic of Ireland Act 1948. And with an Irish grandparent you can get an Irish passport anyhow. 

2 minutes ago, llap said:

One of my parents is English so I should be eligible to apply for EU citizenship.........?

Realistically it is unlikely that Brits will be able to apply for EU citizenship. It was mooted by some politicians but I don't believe that it has been proposed at any sort of official level.

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9 minutes ago, llap said:

One of my parents is English so I should be eligible to apply for EU citizenship.........?

No, but you should not have the wretched Manx stamp in your passport.

Just now, llap said:

I had a great grandparent born in Ireland?

Doesn't matter where they were born, it's the nationality. So one of your grandparents was an Irish national *and* was born in Ireland then you're in luck.

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16 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

Doesn't matter where they were born, it's the nationality.

I don't think it's quite that simple but I am not sure. It seems to imply that a potentially Irish national grand parent born outside of Ireland would have needed to be registered Irish at the time of your birth. ie you cannot register them as Irish posthumously.

ETA: I changed that ^ and actually - thinking about it, that doesn't really contradict what you are saying.



Citizenship through descent from Irish grandparents

If one of your grandparents is an Irish citizen who was born in Ireland, but neither of your parents was born in Ireland, you may become an Irish citizen. You will need to have your birth registered in the Foreign Births Register – see below.

Other Irish ancestors

Unless at least one parent or an Irish-born grandparent was an Irish citizen at the time of your birth, you cannot claim Irish citizenship on the basis of extended previous ancestry

Obviously if you are really good at football then you get in free.

Edited by pongo
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2 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

3. The referendum was promised in the Conservative manifesto, the general population voted them into government on that manifesto, the promise was kept,  a 'con' as you state would have been to renege on the manifesto promise. The fact that you personally are 'not in favour' does not make it a 'con' - just something that you do not favour.

Depending on your perspective both you and John Wright can be seen as being right or wrong. A referendum was promised in the Tory manifesto but only IF the EU changed it rules/constitution and took away additional powers from the UK. The EU made no changes that would have required the Tory's to call a referendum to keep a manifesto promise.

The referendum was therefore called to try and appease Tory infighting and repel UKIP rather than because it was promised in the Tory manifesto. Strictly the latter would required the EU to have done something to trigger.

Having spoken to a lot of people in the EU I think there were at the time of the referendum percentage of died in the wool Europhiles and Europhobes. The older you were the more likely you were to be in the latter camp.  There were awful lot though in the middle who would liked to see change in the EU. Many voted remain as they were unclear of the alternatives and many voted leave, not necessarily because they were hell bent on leaving but they thought a narrow vote in favour of remain or a vote in favour of leave would result in the EU giving the concession the UK wanted. I think even Boris said prior to the result that he expected a close vote would make the EU offer concessions to keep the UK in the EU and to be honest I half expected that might be the case.

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