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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Honestly it's worse than the UN. "IT'S THE NUCLEAR OPTION" "oh?" "YEAH, TOTALLY NUCLEAR" 

So the nuclear option is passing a resolution to prepare a formal request that the Council activates a preventative mechanism provided for in article 7.1. If they refuse after all this, then they MIGHT suspend their voting rights in the Council (Which affects fuck all, there's just not votes where Poland's votes could swing it, and it'd just push Poland more towards leaving the EU, and joining Britain in "EU2 - Reichbusting Boogaloo") 

I think people need reminding what a nuclear option actually is... 

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Quote from Woody's link;

"Poland’s nationalist ruling PiS party has been increasingly at odds with Brussels since coming to power in late 2015, because of its drive to put courts and state media under government control."

So the EU is objecting to a Government placing the media and courts under its control.  Where is the problem with that?  You would be howling if the Manx Government did such a thing.

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4 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Quote from Woody's link;

"Poland’s nationalist ruling PiS party has been increasingly at odds with Brussels since coming to power in late 2015, because of its drive to put courts and state media under government control."

So the EU is objecting to a Government placing the media and courts under its control.  Where is the problem with that?  You would be howling if the Manx Government did such a thing.


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Since taking power in 2015, PiS has set about dismantling the country’s checks and balances. It has reduced the public broadcaster to a propaganda organ, packed the civil service with loyalists and purged much of the army’s leadership. It has undermined the independence of the judiciary by stacking the Constitutional Tribunal with its cronies.

Poland has been taken over by conspiracy theorists.

It creates a confusing split loyalty for Kremlin friendly British Conservatives and Kippers.

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2 minutes ago, woody2 said:

eh? poland is taking a far harder stance on exit along with france than the other 25.....

But Kippers are loving the fact that Poland is at odds with the EU. Some even hope to see Poland and maybe Hungary quit. All dissent and disagreement within the EU is ultimately seen as positive by Kippers, the Kremlin, populist Tories etc. What they all share, if nothing else, is a desire to see disorder.

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23 hours ago, woody2 said:


Thank you for proving my point....  

21 hours ago, pongo said:


Poland has been taken over by conspiracy theorists.

It creates a confusing split loyalty for Kremlin friendly British Conservatives and Kippers.

I would not say it has been taken over by conspiracy theorists but there is a big divide between generations (as we see in the UK and other member states).  The older generations in Poland almost miss rule by the Kremlin and Mother Russia.  The younger generations have largely embraced being part of the EU and the benefits that it brings with it for them but as with the UK the older generations are having a larger influence at the moment (perhaps because many of the younger generations chose to move away to seek better prospects).

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22 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Not sure I follow you Woody,  are you saying that Poland has experienced mass immigration (It hasn't) or are you saying it has experienced mass emigration (closer to the truth)?


keep up at the back:thumbsup: ukraine is very unsettled, people have been going across the border into poland, this could turnout to be bigger than merkels disaster....    

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Not that I'm sticking up for woody but what he posted there is a forecast, not fact. The Poles are malcontent, for sure. The 60,000 person march shows how strong nationalism, or the 'Identity Politics' is becoming. Not only in that country. Hungary too, they just don't want to be compelled by the EU and Merkel or have to deal with the transit of migrants through their territories. 

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