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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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25 minutes ago, woody2 said:

and there's nothing stopping the uk doing the reverse:rolleyes: yet the doomongers on here say 1000's of jobs are leaving, you can't have it both ways.....

overall vat, corporation tax and import duty been paid in the uk will be more important for the uk

As we have seen though big corporations are pretty keen to avoid paying things like VAT, Corporation Tax and import duties.  In fact some appear to have created a whole industry out of doing just that.

Throw in that we are now dealing with multinational organisations that have no real connection to their countries of origin and they will simply alter their businesses to best look after themselves.   

Personally I think we will see some jobs created in the UK but a lot more losses.  You are probably right that banking and insurance will be largely unaffected, however, don't rely on them paying taxes to the UK.  If they can avoid it they will do so.  The City of London is hardly known for looking after anyone other than itself.  

The big risk is related to skills.  Restricting freedom of movement or removing protections for EU nationals will discourage highly skilled professionals from working in the UK and at the other end farms and factories will lose out on a workforce who have been working long hours, in poor conditions and on minimum pay.    

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5 minutes ago, woody2 said:

the weak eu is rushing to get a deal done before the uk walks

Old Woody2 position - owe nothing, pay nothing,  walk away, no deal, WTO

New Woody2 position - agree to the process of calculation which the EU has been asking for all along.  Because we have the stronger hand

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22 hours ago, pongo said:

What jobs do you specifically envisage in the event of no deal?

Obviously Britain will need to employ thousands of trade negotiators and lawyers. At public expense. So presumably that will create 1000s of jobs. Is that what you mean? Since all existing trade deals are under membership of the EU. They will all need to be renegotiated. Deals typically takes years per country.

thats not what has been put forward in the trade talks which have already started.....

took aus 18 months to do a deal with the usa, how long has it taken for a eu-usa deal.....

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2 hours ago, pongo said:

Old Woody2 position - owe nothing, pay nothing,  walk away, no deal, WTO

New Woody2 position - agree to the process of calculation which the EU has been asking for all along.  Because we have the stronger hand

wrong, even if a deal gets done which side pays which will not be known in full...

its all theatrics......

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