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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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22 minutes ago, pongo said:

I feel sorry for Mrs May. Nobody is going to be pleased with her whatever she does. It must take a lot of stamina. And imagine having to deal with the hard Brexiteers on one side and the DUP on the other. Goons like Redwood, Farage and Mogg. And she quite rightly never even supported Brexit in the first place. Very few on the inside of British industry do, only a few mavericks and spivs.

On the plus side. At least it shows that the Leave side was not being crazy when it predicted that the entire thing would be a nightmare. Brexit has exposed fundamental divisions in Britain which will probably never heal. Let's hope that it's the last ever outing for populism.

My guess is that at the end of this week there will be a deal. That this is all theatre to make the awful DUP feel important. If not she should either call their bluff and go for an election - or else stand up to the deranged hard Brexiteers and negotiate an outcome in which the entire UK stays in the single market.

you missed out walk away from the eu......

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15 minutes ago, woody2 said:

you missed out walk away from the eu......

Britain still needs to respect the GFA which is underpinned by EU membership and which clearly has precedence over Brexit. Although if you look at a satellite image of Ireland you can see where the natural border is. It's the wet stuff.

Maybe let Scotland go too eh. And London.

Edited by pongo
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10 minutes ago, pongo said:

Britain still needs to respect the GFA which is underpinned by EU membership and which clearly has precedence over Brexit. Although if you look at a satellite image of Ireland you can see where the natural border is. It's the wet stuff.

Maybe let Scotland go too eh. And London.

ghana football association?













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Even more chaos tonight.

The DUP reject a piece of E.U. pie as they prefer U.K. pie. They can see less pie in the future. Can't say I blame them.

The SNP (and Plaid Cymru) get a sniff of the E.U. pie offered to the DUP and decide that they'd prefer that instead of Brexit. They're not so keen on U.K. pie.

Theresa May won't let the Jocks or the Welsh have any E.U. pie. There may be some more U.K. pie though if they keep banging the spoon.

It's all about pies. 


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And yet that human ball sack on legs Farage will keep his £73K a year pension from the EP.


With his attendance record in any other job, he'd be out on the street in no time.


"Nigel Farage has the lowest voting attendance record of any active MEP in the European Parliament.

The UKIP leader was in the European Parliament today during a heated session in which he traded barbs with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker.

But exclusive analysis of the MEP voting records shows that Mr Farage only turned up to 40.7 per cent of all possible roll-call votes between July 2014 and May 2016.

This places him 745th out of 746 MEPs from across the different EU countries on the register.

The 746th is Brian Crowley, a MEP in Ireland who has never voted, according to the register.

A fall from a building left Mr Crowley paralysed from the waist down when he was 16 years old.

A spokesperson told the Irish Times in December 2014 that he had been in hospital for several months"

Edited by RIchard Britten
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