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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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12 minutes ago, woody2 said:

pongo and pk don't have a clue what is going on.....

The point you are missing is that David Trimble is yesterday's man. The GFA was the basis of an agreement on which the society has evolved over the past 20 years. And it's not that Leo Varadkar is trying to especially appeal to some sort of fringe - rather it is the case that the Sinn Fein position on many issues is mainstream today.

But this makes no difference. The debate has moved on. David Davis made clear in Westminster yesterday that the aim is for all of the UK to be in regulatory alignment with the EU. Therefore the question is how can that best be achieved and what to call it. That is the emerging consensus. I would still expect an agreement to be announced before Sunday. Perhaps I will be wrong.

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55 minutes ago, pongo said:

Yes there have certainly been lots of mistakes. But I still feel empathy for her at this point. Imagine the stress of it all. Nobody is going to be happy with any outcome. That's not to diminish the mess of it all. It's probably the worst job in Britain right now.

Let's not forget that the £1 bn bribe made by May to the DUP so the tories could stay in power was not tory party money. Oh no. It was taxpayers money. You know, paid in by people who hate the tory party and everything it stands for eg like another 700k falling into poverty.

But they probably don't vote tory so fuck 'em a la Margaret Thatcher....

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Let's not forget that the £1 bn bribe made by May to the DUP etc

Yep. But I still feel empathy with where she is today.

The Belfast Telegraph had a lead article yesterday calling on Mrs May to stand up to the DUP - just like Mrs Thatcher stood up to them over the Anglo Irish Agreement in 1985.

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4 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Let's not forget that the £1 bn bribe made by May to the DUP so the tories could stay in power was not tory party money. Oh no. It was taxpayers money. You know, paid in by people who hate the tory party and everything it stands for eg like another 700k falling into poverty.

But they probably don't vote tory so fuck 'em a la Margaret Thatcher....

scotland and wales have received money from the same scheme, you don't mention that.....

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5 minutes ago, woody2 said:

and it would be guesswork.....

If you reject analysis as guesswork then you equally have to admit that you are only guessing that it's all a great idea and that things will all be okay one day, in the end.

But analysis is not guesswork. It isn't always right but most of the analysis is not optimistic.

Brexit is like jumping off a what may well be a cliff in the dark. In the hope that the ground beneath is not too far away. Or it could even be lovely warm water.

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