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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Since the referendum it has become increasingly obvious that a lot voted Leave, irrespective of the cost, in order to get shot of Johnny Foreigner take back "control" - whatever that means....

So it would appear that the financial aspects of the outcome didn't really feature in a lot of voters sort-of "thinking".

But I bet it will soon....

I suspect the next Cabinet Meeting will be a highly divisive bun-fight.

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Change the record PK for God's sake.  Nothing but insults for those that chose to leave and you can't dredge up anything more original than the racist 'liitle englander' crap.  Do you really perceive the EU do be a benign beneficial organisation and likewise for those at the head of it? ( I suppose you must do). Please don't throw petty insults at those who saw it for what it really is.  A vast crawling muck heap of empire builders and petty minded bureaucrats.  I voted leave and everything that's come out of Juncker's mouth since convinces me more and more that I was right to do so.  I didn't suppose for one minute that it would be easy but I genuinely believe that the UK will in time be the better for it.  The trouble with empires is that sooner or later they come crashing down...

For what's it's worth if I choose to hate someone it will be for entirely personal reasons and nothing whatsoever to do with their ethnicity, skin colour or religion. 

Edited by The Phat Tog
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11 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

Change the record PK for God's sake.  Nothing but insults for those that chose to leave and you can't dredge up anything more original than the racist 'liitle englander' crap.  Do you really perceive the EU do be a benign beneficial organisation and likewise for those at the head of it? ( I suppose you must do). Pleased don't throw petty insults at those who saw it for what it really is.  A vast crawling muck heap of empire builders and petty minded bureaucrats.  I voted leave and everything that's come out of Juncker's mouth since convinces me more and more that I was right to do so.  I didn't suppose for one minute that it would be easy but I genuinely believe that the UK will in time be the better for it.  The trouble with empires is that sooner or later they come crashing down...

For what's it's worth if I choose to hate someone it will be for entirely personal reasons and nothing whatsoever to do with their ethinicity, skin colour or religion. 

Agree with Empires crashing down. Unless they move and reform with the times. Unfortunately the UK's chance of influencing the EU will shortly cease to exist.

I personally believe, in the current times we live in, that it's a lot better to be in a trading bloc than stand-alone. What advantages do you think stand-alone gives?

I personally believe that we should be able to expect a much better standard of behaviour than that demonstrated by Farage, Gove and Johnson. What do you think of the lies and deceit they pedalled?

I personally believe that the entire planet knowing the UK will be desperate for trade deals will count against us. What do you think of how advantageous our position is now?

So you think you made the right decision? In which case I'm very happy for you. Of course, only time will tell....

Do you read The Daily Wail by chance...?

ETA - where's the Woolster? He's the one who should be climbing all over this....

Edited by P.K.
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The EU enjoys a substantial trade surplus over the UK so I strongly suspect that sooner or later once the empire builders blustering dies down a bit they will realise that they really, really need to sell their stuff in the UK economy.  If they want us to make it reasonably straight forward for them to do that then it will need to be reciprocated.  My personal opinion of Gove and Johnson isn't printable but then I can say the same for Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott (only more so).

My choice of news source is my own business (suffice to say it comes from a variety of sources and I make my own mind up) - you couldn't resist a dig could you!

That's all I have to say on the subject this evening as a Chicken Pathia, Pilau Rice and Bombay Spuds has just arrived.  So if you'll excuse me...

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2 hours ago, The Phat Tog said:

The EU enjoys a substantial trade surplus over the UK so I strongly suspect that sooner or later once the empire builders blustering dies down a bit they will realise that they really, really need to sell their stuff in the UK economy.  If they want us to make it reasonably straight forward for them to do that then it will need to be reciprocated.  My personal opinion of Gove and Johnson isn't printable but then I can say the same for Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott (only more so).

My choice of news source is my own business (suffice to say it comes from a variety of sources and I make my own mind up) - you couldn't resist a dig could you!

That's all I have to say on the subject this evening as a Chicken Pathia, Pilau Rice and Bombay Spuds has just arrived.  So if you'll excuse me...

Didn't think you would answer any of my questions.

'Nuff not said....

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2 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

I have no obligation to answer any of your questions.  Perhaps if you'd been less insulting and superior in your manner I may have engaged on the issue but frankly at the moment I've more pressing things to concern myself with.


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2 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

I have no obligation to answer any of your questions.  Perhaps if you'd been less insulting and superior in your manner I may have engaged on the issue but frankly at the moment I've more pressing things to concern myself with.

Isn't that David Davies' approach too?

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12 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

No...my old dad is in hospital and he took a significant downward turn overnight.  Not looking good.  Happy now?

Losing my family at an ever faster rate as well. Only one aunt left of the previous tier.



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56 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

I can see a move against May coming in the next week. Now's the time to put up or shut up for the hard Brexiteers.

I can understand why you have said this, but I think that you may have mis-read the mood music. Since the deal, both Barnier and Davis have stated that "it will be a trade agreement based on the Canada model" - that is no coincidence, they both choose their words carefully.

Barnier says 'Canada FTA' - Davis says 'Canada FTA +++ with services added in'. EU cannot function without City of London trade finance, and neither Paris nor Frankfurt (even combined) have anything close to the time (16 months), the infrastructure, or the connections to set up as rivals - that is and always was a bluff.

It is looking more and more like the Canada model with Services on top and the main negotiation being the number of +++'s.

Brexiteers may not like it, but they will not give up on a deal like that to risk a Corbyn / Starmer 'stay in CM and CU' deal.

Let's see where we are when your week expires.

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13 hours ago, The Phat Tog said:

The EU enjoys a substantial trade surplus over the UK so I strongly suspect that sooner or later once the empire builders blustering dies down a bit they will realise that they really, really need to sell their stuff in the UK economy.  If they want us to make it reasonably straight forward for them to do that then it will need to be reciprocated. 

I have always struggled with the argument that as the EU enjoys a trade surplus with the UK they have a bigger need for a deal. Firstly because whilst it is true in cash terms as a % of each economy it is the UK that would be most affected. It does not appear to take in account how economies might change as a result and whether business and companies might move from the UK to EU or vice versa. With no deal would cars that are produced in the UK for export back to the EU or worldwide still be manufactured here. If I was an EU Govt I might be happy to risk a bit of that trade surplus if it meant businesses moving to my country

It also does not appear to consider that consumers in the UK will continue still wait to buy the products that are imported from the UK. Many use BMW and Prosecco as examples and that they will require their Governments to do a deal with the UK. I am not so sure. yes it might put the costs up a bit in the UK and they might loose a bit of market share but I am fairly sure the UK consumer will carry on buying to a greater extent.    

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