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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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3 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Yup, she should have had Michael Heseltine shot for being a subversive back-stabber - she bottled it, he knifed her in the back, and he is still running around trying to subvert Brexit - should've been taken out by the 'service' decades ago.

You must have a very odd idea about which way the Home Office and the Foreign Office tend to lean.

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19 minutes ago, pongo said:

You must have a very odd idea about which way the Home Office and the Foreign Office tend to lean.

I have no idea, experience, or interest about the leanings of the Home Office or Foreign office.

I do however have first-hand knowledge of Heseltine's 'leanings' having worked alongside him in 1984/5 in the formulation of GO / CO strategies for Nuclear deterrence  re-fitting operations and later on in the Westland affair. 

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5 hours ago, woody2 said:

yes facts:thumbsup:

your as daft as the irish government....

"nothing is agreed until everything is agreed" say the document yet...

But the Irish government said that as far as it was concerned the agreement signed on Friday between the EU and the UK was binding.

:lol: it gets better....

"The European Union will be holding the United Kingdom to account,"

has anyone told ireland that the eu can't take the uk to court....


Woody, why don't you just read the Joint Report for yourself, instead of following what the Brexit charlatans tell you and cutting and pasting a phrase from a sentence? In the opening remarks it actually says:

Under the caveat that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, the joint commitments set out in this joint report shall be reflected in the Withdrawal Agreement in full detail.

You've quoted the caveat, rather than the principle statement. With that in mind, have a little read of Section B, Article 42:

The commitments and principles outlined in this joint report will not pre-determine the outcome of wider discussions on the future relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom and are, as necessary, specific to the unique circumstances on the island of Ireland. They are made and must be upheld in all circumstances, irrespective of the nature of any future agreement between the European Union and United Kingdom.

Whilst a "Joint Report on Progress" is a non-binding agreement, and not the same as a "treaty", or "agreement" (such as the "Good Friday Agreement"), it does carry significant weight, and when parties want to make it clear particular articles are non-binding they avoid terms such as “shall”, “agree”, or “undertake", and instead use terms like  “should” or “intend to” or “expect to”. The idea that the UK is going to be be able to substantially alter any of its commitments under the GFA to 'take back control' is ludicrous.

Reading through the document is a very sobering experience. The UK has agreed simultaneously to no hard border in Ireland, aligned regulations between NI and the Republic and maintaining the integrity of NI within the UK internal market, so the softest of soft brexits. It has also agreed that it is leaving Eurotom and will have to sort out another way to safely source radioactive isotopes for cancer treatments. The UK is going to  write off its share in the European space programme. The divorce bill is to be paid in Euro. The UK will assist with the costs of relocating EU agencies and their many highly paid employees out of the country.  The divorce bill will be drawn up by the European Court of Auditors, etc. etc. 

Apart, obviously, from bendy bananas and UK ministers having a free hand in decade or so to make laws that might diverge from ECJ rulings, is there going to be any upside to this? Please don't say trade agreements, because the only chance the UK will have of getting beneficial trade agreements in the foreseeable future are by getting 'cut and paste' agreements it would have had as EU members anyway (unlikely, but who knows), unless you believe in unicorns and the chances of Liam Fox not looking desperate when he tries to get is into markets like the US, Russia or China.

Edited by Freggyragh
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7 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Yup, she should have had Michael Heseltine shot for being a subversive back-stabber - she bottled it, he knifed her in the back, and he is still running around trying to subvert Brexit - should've been taken out by the 'service' decades ago.

I think what really upset the odious Thatcher creature and her cohorts was that Tarzan resigned on a point of principal - absolutely unheard of in the tory cabinet....

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2 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Apart, obviously, from bendy bananas and UK ministers having a free hand in decade or so to make laws that might diverge from ECJ rulings, is there going to be any upside to this? Please don't say trade agreements, because the only chance the UK will have of getting beneficial trade agreements in the foreseeable future are by getting 'cut and paste' agreements it would have had as EU members anyway (unlikely, but who knows), unless you believe in unicorns and the chances of Liam Fox not looking desperate when he tries to get is into markets like the US, Russia or China.

What annoys me is numbers like running a UK household has gone up by £600 pa since the vote.

So the Brexiteers have already reduced our standard of living. Thanks a lot....

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10 hours ago, P.K. said:

What annoys me is numbers like running a UK household has gone up by £600 pa since the vote.

So the Brexiteers have already reduced our standard of living. Thanks a lot....

my income has gone up since the vote.... #winner:lol:

all the economic data shows your liar.....

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2 hours ago, twinkle said:

so the krauts cannot make their minds up,and the rest are shiting themselves.


Dear me. A "newspaper" from the Middle East that runs "stories" on holocaust denial.

Stick to the Daily Wail, then we can all have a good laugh...


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