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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Would you say from your personal circumstance, that you would not be detrimentally affected either way, leave or remain?


We'll all be affected in different ways whether we leave or remain, some positive some negative. It's a bit of a simplistic question.



So it should be a simple answer...Do you think you would be detrimentally affected by either result?



I don't have a crystal ball, no-one does, whether they voted to leave or remain. As I've said, your question is asking for an as yet unknown, I can't give you the simplistic answer you hope for.



Slip and slide, dodge and weave.


Do you feel you are financially "well off" that you would not be too adversely affect by either result?



Come on Lxx its a relatively simple question to answer...


I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that (given your previous claims to be a "successful" business type) regardless of either outcome, you would suffer any real detrimental change in your lifestyle or finances.

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*shrugs* Everyone is adversely affected by the weaker pound in some way or the other. Also, everyone is affected adversely by a strong pound (weaker stock price, lower returns etc).


There's always ways to turn it to your advantage to make it good for you though. I prefer a strong pound as I travel a bit and a small fixed income giving less foreign cashola is a pain in the ass!

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Which is my point entirely.


Its all well and good those with financial stability saying "fuck it, lets see what happens", but for those with out financial stability, surely its a bit foolish to gamble on the unknown?

rtard, do you know what would happen if we stayed in the eu? have you got tonights lotto numbers?

Edited by woody2
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Not really, if you can see the black coming it's best to get out before it drags you down. Lots of rich people were invested in staying in Europe. Staying with the slave master you know isn't always the right answer. Poor people who can't adapt and cannot fight against it are going to suffer no matter what happens dude. There are always options, fight, adapt or suffer from it


As I sit here sipping my beer in Cyprus surrounded by Russians all speaking English I'm not too worried. There will always be something to get worked up about.

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I was there yesterday heh, stuck up some pics a few posts back. I'm well aware of the Problem of the Muslim Menace but this is an EU post. In general we share the same view. I was referring to you intentionally abusing rmanx - rmanx may be wrong a lot, but you can beat his posts by not calling him a tard. Tard is best reserved for those that are actual tards. It just diminishes your points when you resort to name calling.

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Yet some (and would be willing to say the minority) are better placed to weather the "guess" storm of taking the leap into the "Leave" realm.


I wonder where people get the notion of the EU being a bastion of stability as it lurches from one crisis to the next.



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with germany been poor, it can't last much longer


German companies are sat on cash reserves of over a billion pounds because they are wary of investing in their own economy at the moment, the same economy which is the largest in Europe and is basically responsible for propping the rest up. Only a fool can fail to see the writing on the wall here.

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