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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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3 hours ago, woody2 said:

pong you also claim that the rise against the eu has fallen back.....



And that, of course, is the great danger that the people who have convinced themselves that they are 'intellectual' (without understanding the difference between education and intelligence) are exposing us to.

They seem to think that a right wing 'wet' would prefer an ultra-right wing view over a moderate left-wing view, they genuinely believe that bullshit because that is what their University, highly educated (but thick) lecturers spout.

They seem not to understand that the political pendulum always swings - it is in constant motion, and the further that it is pulled (allowed) to swing one way, the further that it will swing the opposite way in eventual response.

Merkel has an AFD problem because she (without prior common agreement) decided to permit 1,000,000 migrants into Europe - and for all her good qualities, she seems incapable of grasping that her policies are wholly responsible for the rise in AFD.

UKIP and BNP vote rose (exponentially) under Labour 'let them in' policies - both UKIP and BNP are now in severe decline since Labour were booted out.

Austria were told they would have to take in migrants whether they liked it or not - now we have Austrian ultra right wingers in power.

Ditto Poland, Hungary, etc.

I cannot believe how stupid these so-called 'intellectual intelligentsia socialists' really are - can they not see that it is their policies (not the policies of right wing moderates) that is causing the political pendulum to once again swing violently.

Their determination to create an EU  socialist based 'Project' without consent or agreement, to have mass migration without a plan to deal with it, to attempt to write off genuine concern as 'populist uneducated nonsense' is leading to AFD, UKIP, BNP, Austria, Poland, Hungary et al.

The political pendulum in the Uk is currently oscillating between Theresa May (not exactly ultra right wing) and 'Momentum' / Mcdonnell (Marxist) - let us pray that some grasp of reality is gained by the moderate left before things get out of hand and we end up with 'Ultras' of either confection - both are evil.

And still, those that have convinced themselves that they are intelligent, are too thick to see it.








Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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I wonder where and what these spouting lecturers teach - they sound like Bradbury characters in a 70s Play For Today. Just because a majority of academics are left leaning it doesn’t follow that they get to spout their politics during lectures on quantum physics, mechanical engineering, tort law or psycho-semantics ... although thinking on it, I’d guess Paul Nuttal’s history lectures probably did contain a fair bit of spouting. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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2 hours ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

They seem to think that a right wing 'wet' would prefer an ultra-right wing view over a moderate left-wing view, they genuinely believe that bullshit because that is what their University, highly educated (but thick) lecturers spout.

Could you have another go at explaining this bit please? Maybe with examples. It seems as if it might be an interesting point but I am struggling to make logical sense of it. What you seem to be saying seems counter - intuitive. Specifically, I should have thought that most people would assume that a right-wing wet would be essentially a centrist and would therefore have more in common with other centrists, perhaps slightly to the left on some issues, than with any extreme. And accepting that left and right are relative and not absolute positions.

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10 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I wonder where and what these spouting lecturers teach - they sound like Bradbury characters in a 70s Play For Today. Just because a majority of academics are left leaning it doesn’t follow that they get to spout their politics during lectures on quantum physics, mechanical engineering, tort law or psycho-semantics ... although thinking on it, I’d guess Paul Nuttal’s history lectures probably did contain a fair bit of spouting. 

they have managed to brainwash students its the govs. fault for rising tuition fees and not there excessive wages.....

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19 hours ago, pongo said:

Could you have another go at explaining this bit please? Maybe with examples. It seems as if it might be an interesting point but I am struggling to make logical sense of it. What you seem to be saying seems counter - intuitive. Specifically, I should have thought that most people would assume that a right-wing wet would be essentially a centrist and would therefore have more in common with other centrists, perhaps slightly to the left on some issues, than with any extreme. And accepting that left and right are relative and not absolute positions.

Absolutely, that is what I am saying.

I disagree, and have always disagreed, with the politics of say Neil Kinnock. I disagreed with his original views when he was 'genuine' labour, and I certainly abhore his whole family shift to him, his wife, and his son not only taking 3 x EU (+Uk) pensions and marrying into EU royalty, but at the same time claiming to be 'Labour' - but I do not hate the man for that, neither do I wish ill on his family. I simply think that he has 'woken up and smelt the coffee' - no matter how hypocritical that is.

But  I will rank Neil Kinnock's speech against 'Militant' as one of the best political speeches of my lifetime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWLN7rIby9s

But when, on the other hand, a certain tory MP, responds to J Corbyn's statement that 'We should not discriminate against the old',  by saying 'That's you' and the net result is that JC says that 'He should be outed for that' - and then Labour MP's give away the guys twitter account with the result that comments come in....


'Put his head on a spike'

'Spear him if he appears in public'

'I hope his (pregnant wife's) child dies'

Then, as I said earlier, I think that, with no condemnation of the above, by either Corbyn, McDonnell, or the Labour party, we are entering a phase of the swing of the political pendulum, where left wing moderates need to stand up to these left wing extremists now, failing which, the pendulum will swing to the right wing extremists - god forbid. 

Right, Left, I do not care - but extremism of either blend - no thanks.


Ps. Couldn't have put it better myself. Coffee beans time.


Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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@Manximus Aururaneus

I don’t see that Corbyn and McDonnell are any more responsible for people on Twitter than you are for Woody’s offensive comments here.  Nobody would expect you to apologise for Woody calling people #fantaboy and worse - or to make a public statement of condemnation every time someone is nasty.

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12 hours ago, pongo said:

I don’t see that Corbyn and McDonnell are any more responsible for people on Twitter than you are for Woody’s offensive comments here.  Nobody would expect you to apologise for Woody calling people #fantaboy and worse - or to make a public statement of condemnation every time someone is nasty.

which are? or are you bullsh1ting again.....

what offensive about #fantaboy

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