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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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23 hours ago, pongo said:

@Manximus Aururaneus

I don’t see that Corbyn and McDonnell are any more responsible for people on Twitter than you are for Woody’s offensive comments here.  Nobody would expect you to apologise for Woody calling people #fantaboy and worse - or to make a public statement of condemnation every time someone is nasty.

I didn't say that they were 'responsible' - I said that they should 'Condemn' it - they haven't - please don't misquote me,

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43 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

I didn't say that they were 'responsible' - I said that they should 'Condemn' it - they haven't - please don't misquote me,

I have not misquoted you. I have not quoted you at all.

Why take umbrage over whether or not Corbyn and McDonnell ‘condemn’ what random people post on Twitter? It would only be for them to condemn it if they were somehow responsible and clearly they are not. It’s silly. 

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1 minute ago, pongo said:

I have not misquoted you. I have not quoted you at all.

Why take umbrage over whether or not Corbyn and McDonnell ‘condemn’ what random people post on Twitter? It would only be for them to condemn it if they were somehow responsible and clearly they are not. It’s silly. 

They were not 'Random people' -  they were people who took to twitter because Cobyn specifically asked them to 'out' the Conservative member. I didn't think that you were the sort of person to defend this behaviour against a legitimate public representative and his (heavily pregnant) wife. Hey ho.

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I am not responsible for what other people I have never heard of post on Twitter either.

Did you delicately take to the ether to condemn Farage when he launched his provocatively racist poster campaign ahead of the EU referendum? Did you feel responsible for UKIP because they were on the same side of that debate as you? Have you  apologised for the conservatives in Austria deciding to abandon the centre ground and support the extreme right?

We are not responsible for what other people say.

Edited by pongo
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13 minutes ago, pongo said:

I am not responsible for what other people I have never heard of post on Twitter either.

Did you delicately take to the ether to condemn Farage when he launched his provocatively racist poster campaign ahead of the EU referendum? Did you feel responsible for UKIP because they were on the same side of that debate as you? Have you  apologised for the conservatives in Austria deciding to abandon the centre ground and support the extreme right?

We are not responsible for what other people say.

I won't apologise for them, or take responsibility for them, but I will irrevocably condemn them - will you do the same?

Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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7 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

I won't apologise for them, or take responsibility for them, but I will irrevocably condemn them - will you do the same?

Sounds like.

BOY: On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

GIRL: Will he offer me his mouth?

BOY: Yes

GIRL: Will he offer me his teeth?

BOY: Yes

GIRL: Will he offer me his jaws?

BOY: Yes

GIRL: Will he offer me his hunger?

BOY: Yes

GIRL: Again, will he offer me his hunger?

BOY: Yes!

GIRL: And will he starve without me?

BOY: Yes!

GIRL: And does he love me?

BOY: Yes


BOY: On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?


BOY: I bet you to say that to all the boys.

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4 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Sounds like.

BOY: On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?

GIRL: Will he offer me his mouth?

BOY: Yes

GIRL: Will he offer me his teeth?

BOY: Yes

GIRL: Will he offer me his jaws?

BOY: Yes

GIRL: Will he offer me his hunger?

BOY: Yes

GIRL: Again, will he offer me his hunger?

BOY: Yes!

GIRL: And will he starve without me?

BOY: Yes!

GIRL: And does he love me?

BOY: Yes


BOY: On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?


BOY: I bet you to say that to all the boys.

Sounds like diversion tactics to me - Hey Ho.

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4 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

- will you do the same?

If you specifically point out something which someone has said and ask me whether I agree or disagree then I might give an opinion. But I cannot be expected to follow or worry about what random troublemakers are saying on obscure Twitter accounts. And I am not going to take mock offence. People say awful things all of the time. I really hate the idea of a national moral dialogue about what someone random said.

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On 12/17/2017 at 7:32 PM, Manximus Aururaneus said:

But when, on the other hand, a certain tory MP, responds to J Corbyn's statement that 'We should not discriminate against the old',  by saying 'That's you' and the net result is that JC says that 'He should be outed for that' - and then Labour MP's give away the guys twitter account with the result that comments come in....

'Put his head on a spike'

'Spear him if he appears in public'

'I hope his (pregnant wife's) child dies'

Then, as I said earlier, I think that, with no condemnation of the above, by either Corbyn, McDonnell, or the Labour party, we are entering a phase of the swing of the political pendulum, where left wing moderates need to stand up to these left wing extremists now, failing which, the pendulum will swing to the right wing extremists - god forbid. 


The so-called "brexit rebels" have suffered a great deal of online abuse.


"Several Conservative MPs have received abusive messages and tweets because of their views on Brexit.

Speaker John Bercow said MPs were public servants doing what they thought to be right and were "never mutineers, traitors nor enemies of the people".

Two of the MPs who rebelled against the government last week, Anna Soubry and Nicky Morgan, said they had contacted the police about threats they received.

Ms Soubry suggested dossiers of material she had handed to the Speaker showed a direct link between newspaper headlines attacking her views and actions on Brexit and threats of violence against herself.

"This is serious stuff," she said. "We have to call it out...I believe in freedom of the press but everyone has a responsibility not to incite abuse and death threats."

Let me guess - The Daily Wail, The Excess, The Currant Bun, The Torygraph etc etc etc.

It's like when the Daily Wail named High Court Judges as "Enemies of the People" and absolutely pilloried them.

And Jo Cox was murdered by a "Britain first" nutter.

I think you'll find that the right-wing extremists have been in the ascendancy for a lot longer than any left-wing extremists - who have yet to resort to murder.

Dear me, your grip on reality seems to be tenuous at best....


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10 hours ago, P.K. said:


Ms Soubry suggested dossiers of material she had handed to the Speaker showed a direct link between newspaper headlines attacking her views and actions on Brexit and threats of violence against herself.

Two things. 


The Daily Mail headline was the very next day after their "bullying" headline of the previous day.

It's got to be stopped, now that Tories are being targetted. Was fine though when it was judges, Gina Miller, SNP MPs/MSPs, or Labour politicians. 

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23 minutes ago, fatshaft said:

It's got to be stopped, now that Tories are being targetted. Was fine though when it was judges, Gina Miller, SNP MPs/MSPs, or Labour politicians. 

Unfortunately that's what happens when you have the most right-wing press in Europe slavishly promoting the agenda of the owner(s)....

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Oh dear:

UK cannot have a special deal for the City, says EU's Brexit negotiator

Exclusive: Michel Barnier’s stark declaration quashes hopes for a bespoke trade deal to include financial services

A bitter blow if true.....





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