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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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13 minutes ago, woody2 said:

i hear the new blue passports are going to have crosswords in the back so when you are queuing for "non eu" you will have something to do....

Don't need it, even after Brexit I'll have one non-eu passport and one EU passport. I'll just use whichever is most convenient.

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3 hours ago, twinkle said:

does the origin of the article make any difference to the message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I don't think so.

Well, it might sort of slant the message in a certain direction shall we say.

Wasn't it you who quoted a Middle-Eastern  "news" source that also regularly banged on about Holocaust Denial?

You know, I believe it was.

Maybe you should stop googling up any old nonsense that suits your mindset and just stick to The Daily Wail.....

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On 12/19/2017 at 10:29 AM, P.K. said:

Oh dear:

UK cannot have a special deal for the City, says EU's Brexit negotiator

Exclusive: Michel Barnier’s stark declaration quashes hopes for a bespoke trade deal to include financial services

A bitter blow if true.....





Relax P.K. - It is indeed not true;

Back in 2014, the European Union was trying to thrash out a trade deal with another major economy, the United States. A senior Brussels official fought hard for financial services to be part of any agreement, travelling to Washington to tell policymakers that regulatory co-operation had hitherto been too "ad hoc...informal and opaque". "We need to do more to make these regulatory systems work together,” he added. Who was this? None other than Michel Barnier.

At the time, the Frenchman thought there was a place for services in trade talks (that may partially be related to him being in charge of the sector for the Commission). "The EU and the US agree on the overall objectives of sound and resilient banks and financial markets," he said. "But we have and will keep different regulatory procedures and frameworks. We need to do more to make these regulatory systems work together."

Three years on, Monsieur Barnier claims that the differences between the EU and the UK's regulatory systems rule out any prospect of services being covered. Remainers might say that is inevitable due to the UK's impending departure from the EU's single market. The United States has never been part of it,  but that didn't stop Monsieur Barnier pushing for services during trade talks. 

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43 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

Back in 2014, the European Union was trying to thrash out a trade deal with another major economy, the United States. A senior Brussels official fought hard for financial services to be part of any agreement, travelling to Washington to tell policymakers that regulatory co-operation had hitherto been too "ad hoc...informal and opaque". "We need to do more to make these regulatory systems work together,” he added. Who was this? None other than Michel Barnier.

Michel Barnier was absolutely right to say that. But the UK won't get a deal with the US which includes financial services either. Because the US will never open up financial services for genuine free competition. And the US won't get a deal with the UK which includes agricultural produce. No matter how hard Liam Fox dreams it were all different.

Edited by pongo
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23 minutes ago, pongo said:

Michel Barnier was absolutely right to say that. But the UK won't get a deal with the US which includes financial services either. Because the US will never open up financial services for genuine free competition. And the US won't get a deal with the UK which includes agricultural produce. No matter how hard Liam Fox dreams it were all different.

So in which statements is he 'absolutely right' and in which is he (or Junker) absolutely wrong?

Barnier 1. Dec 2017.

Michel Barnier said it was unavoidable that British banks and financial firms would lose the passports that allow them to trade freely in the EU, as a result of any decision to quit the single market.“There is no place [for financial services]. There is not a single trade agreement that is open to financial services. It doesn’t exist.” He said the outcome was a consequence of “the red lines that the British have chosen themselves. In leaving the single market, they lose the financial services passport.”

Barnier 2. 2014.

Back in 2014, the European Union was trying to thrash out a trade deal with another major economy, the United States. A senior Brussels official fought hard for financial services to be part of any agreement, travelling to Washington to tell policymakers that regulatory co-operation had hitherto been too "ad hoc...informal and opaque". "We need to do more to make these regulatory systems work together,” he added. Who was this? None other than Michel Barnier.

Barrier's Boss Dec 2017.

MICHEL Barnier has irritated EU leaders by going beyond his brief to mount a series of attacks on Theresa May’s Brexit trade deal hopes.

Ministers have been told that senior Brussels figures – including EU Commission boss Jean Claude Juncker – are “not happy” with their chief negotiator for his unauthorised rants.


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6 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:

So in which statements is he 'absolutely right' and in which is he (or Junker) absolutely wrong?

I said that he was "right to say". Not that he was right. In the context of working on behalf of the finance sector to try to pry open the protectionist USA market. But it was always unlikely that he would succeed. The same as Liam Fox and friends will never succeed in negotiating a successful trade deal with the US which includes the UK's most important exports.

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6 minutes ago, pongo said:

I said that he was "right to say". Not that he was right. In the context of working on behalf of the finance sector to try to pry open the protectionist USA market. But it was always unlikely that he would succeed. The same as Liam Fox and friends will never succeed in negotiating a successful trade deal with the US which includes the UK's most important exports.

But more to the point, are you saying that Davis / May will not get a successful trade deal (including services) with the EU?

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