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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 minute ago, woody2 said:

i quoted what you said ffs:rolleyes:

why only refer to buy rates? sell rates are much more important.....

Exactly, you didn't answer the question in my response. Simply continually requoting stuff is pointless. I acknowledged that there were many factors involved and that I was only highlighting one of them, that does not mean others do not exist or that I do accept that they exist. You, on the other hand, by reason of your quoted response to my question appear to deny that the value of the pound is intrinsically linked to manufacturing. You're so obsessed with arguing that you seem incapable of accepting a simple fact.


I see you're still being too cowardly to explain the whole fantaboy nonsense as well.



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21 hours ago, pongo said:


“As a Least Developed Country (LDC) Cambodia benefits from the most favourable regime available under the EU's Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP), namely the Everything But Arms (EBA) scheme. The EBA scheme gives the 47 Least Developed Countries – including Cambodia – duty free access to the EU for exports of all products, except arms and ammunition.”

I think that’s Woodyfacts’ dream trade scenario for the U.K. 

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On 11/01/2018 at 4:33 PM, mojomonkey said:

Manufacturing is also up due to weakened pound, yay Brexit!

Spot on.

It was always pushed as the "upside" in devaluation.

UK manufactured goods are the cheapest they have been for ages.

Of course, what doesn't get a mention is that they are earning considerably less in foreign currency.

But hey, if the thickos believe it, well, they have a vote too.....

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2 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

“As a Least Developed Country (LDC) Cambodia benefits from the most favourable regime available under the EU's Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP), namely the Everything But Arms (EBA) scheme. The EBA scheme gives the 47 Least Developed Countries – including Cambodia – duty free access to the EU for exports of all products, except arms and ammunition.”

I think that’s Woodyfacts’ dream trade scenario for the U.K. 

i was talking to a mate in cambodia who told me his company gets tariff free access to the single market..

no eu laws and regs on cambodias domestic market, no eu courts, no freedom of movement and no membership fee. all of which the eu and the remain campaign tolds us its impossible.....


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17 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Spot on.

It was always pushed as the "upside" in devaluation.

UK manufactured goods are the cheapest they have been for ages.

Of course, what doesn't get a mention is that they are earning considerably less in foreign currency.

But hey, if the thickos believe it, well, they have a vote too.....


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It’s not just Cambodia - There are plenty of ‘least developed’ or ‘low income’ countries outside the EU that enjoy either unfettered access to the single market or preferential tarrifs. The U.K. doesn’t qualify because it’s not a developing country (yet). It does make me laugh when Liam Fox claims he’s got a load of non-EU countries waiting to sign up to free-trade with the U.K. - We’ve already got tarrif-free or preferential tarrifs deals with 47. Add the EU, Japan and Canada to that and what do you have left? Two markets that are much bigger than the U.K. - the US and China - now imagine how many tearful letters about getting bullied in trade negotiations poor David Davis would be writing to hand-wringing Mrs May if he was trying to broker a deal with them.

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15 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

It’s not just Cambodia - There are plenty of ‘least developed’ or ‘low income’ countries outside the EU that enjoy either unfettered access to the single market or preferential tarrifs. The U.K. doesn’t qualify because it’s not a developing country (yet). It does make me laugh when Liam Fox claims he’s got a load of non-EU countries waiting to sign up to free-trade with the U.K. - We’ve already got tarrif-free or preferential tarrifs deals with 47. Add the EU, Japan and Canada to that and what do you have left? Two markets that are much bigger than the U.K. - the US and China - now imagine how many tearful letters about getting bullied in trade negotiations poor David Davis would be writing to hand-wringing Mrs May if he was trying to broker a deal with them.

are you are missing the point or just thick? the remain campaign and eu  told us its impossible, no one has free access without accepting the freedoms of the eu, they lied.....

in cambodia 60% of companies are owned by china (it may be higher but that's the official figure)  they are responsible for 90% of exports....

it gives free access for china to flood the eu with cheap crap......

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1. I’ve tried to explain this to you before, but I’ve taken out the difficult words, so please try again:

The leave campaign said it was impossible for the U.K. (this bit is important Woody - they were talking about the U.K., not Cambodia) to get free access to the single market without accepting all four freedoms. That is because the U.K. is not yet ranked as a ‘least developed’ country. 

2. As our in-house stable genius seems to struggle with understanding how the world works I’ve had to explain some pretty simple stuff here below, if you have a brain please ignore, but Woody, read on:

Free trade with Cambodia does not give free access for China, it just gives free access to Cambodia (and it doesn’t in any way follow that the U.K. gets free access either). You seem to mistakenly think that if a Chinese invester puts money into a Cambodian company then that company becomes Chinese ... but it doesn’t mate,  it remains Cambodian. Think of it like this - Manchester City is owned by Arabs but is still a U.K. club and is therefore still allowed to play in the Champions League, which they wouldn’t be if they were an Arab club. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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15 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

1. I’ve tried to explain this to you before, but I’ve taken out the difficult words, so please try again:

The leave campaign said it was impossible for the U.K. (this bit is important Woody - they were talking about the U.K., not Cambodia) to get free access to the single market without accepting all four freedoms. That is because the U.K. is not yet ranked as a ‘least developed’ country. 

2. As our in-house stable genius seems to struggle with understanding how the world works I’ve had to explain some pretty simple stuff here below, if you have a brain please ignore, but Woody, read on:

Free trade with Cambodia does not give free access for China, it just gives free access to Cambodia (and it doesn’t in any way follow that the U.K. gets free access either). You seem to mistakenly think that if a Chinese invester puts money into a Cambodian company then that company becomes Chinese ... but it doesn’t mate,  it remains Cambodian. Think of it like this - Manchester City is owned by Arabs but is still a U.K. club and is therefore still allowed to play in the Champions League, which they wouldn’t be if they were an Arab club. 



No other country has managed to secure significant access to the single market, without having to:

  • follow EU rules over which they have no real say
  • pay into the EU
  • accept EU citizens living and working in their country



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21 hours ago, Freggyragh said:


The leave campaign said it was impossible for the U.K. (this bit is important Woody - they were talking about the U.K., not Cambodia) to get free access to the single market without accepting all four freedoms.


5 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

There’s no mention of Cambodia or any other nation with ‘least developed’ status in that document. It is about what will apply to the U.K. you fucking oaf. 




No other country has managed to secure significant access to the single market, without having to:

  • follow EU rules over which they have no real say
  • pay into the EU
  • accept EU citizens living and working in their country



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