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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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I’ve been going with your straw man argument here even though I didn’t (couldn’t) vote in the referendum. I don’t really care what lies politicians stuck on buses for either side, I was just asking if anyone had seen any opportunity in Brexit and you start on about Cambodia’s trading relationship with the EU which you just don’t seem to understand. Cambodia was colonised and stripped of its wealth for a century, then it was bombed by the US and had its fledging independence disrupted by a nationalist government that wiped out a quarter of the population, including almost every educated person. After that government was deposed the country was left with land mines and orphans but no infrastructure, and no capital. That is why the EU allows Cambodia access to the single market. You may as well be arguing the U.K. will be getting emergency humanitarian relief and post-conflict reconstruction projects, after all, the UN provides that for Cambodia.

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25 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I’m sure both sides lied. My question was, and is, do you see any opportunities in Brexit and all you’ve managed in reply is to regurgitate your misunderstandings. You really are a tiresome oaf.

Beats me why, instead of tedious baiting, you don't you do some searching,  yourself?  Googling, 'opportunities in brexit' might be a good start. 

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Well, if you google ‘opportunities in Brexit’ you’ll find vacuous comments from the usual self-promoters, or genuine opportunities for other jurisdictions at the UKs expense. I was wondering if anyone had any geniuinely positive news from the real world that might lift some of the gloom. All I got was a regurgitation of leaver propaganda. 

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Of course they will be new opportunities and they need grasping with both hands. However does it really need to be said that the benefits these bring must exceed deprivation of the rights we currently have and european trade we are set to loose. The new benefits must exceed the post brexit losses by a fair margin and in a reasonable time scale (ie not in a  decade or two.)

Those hell bent on leaving, no matter what, seem to be always sure this will be the case but nearly always appear to base this hope on blind faith rather than solid evidence. 

Time will tell of course but would you gamble your house on the outcome?



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33 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Those hell bent on leaving, no matter what, seem to be always sure this will be the case but nearly always appear to base this hope on blind faith rather than solid evidence.

Look, the solid evidence is the EU bloc is in a parlous state. There exists much malcontent and disillusionment in many member states regardless of the issues surrounding Brexit. The cracks are already apparent, the recent threats of sanctions or even expulsion directed at Poland (or was it Hungary? Czech Republic perhaps? Or Austria, Italy, Netherlands? Thankfully they are many) for not toeing the official line on immigration, attest to this.

Blind faith?


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We shall have to disagree on the blind faith for the future.

Of course there are issues that require significant change. However there is more pressure for change now from more than one jurisdiction, than there has ever been. We have just chosen to view any future change from the outside.

Of course, you don't have to be that bright to work out that our departure has the potential to destabilise on its own. Any collapse will then inevitably be trumpeted, by those with a need, to "prove" it was going to happen anyway. Win-win.

Self fulfilling prophecies and all that

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the eu makes next to sod all of the uk's gdp, it won't be missed even if all trade stops....

on the other hand one council in london is dealing with an average 800 families a week arriving from the eu.......

the true cost to public services is clear to see......

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1 minute ago, RIchard Britten said:


UKIP Leader is in the clag after his 25 year old "Model" girlfriend made some "comments":



I think it'll be a sad day when someone becomes answerable for something that their wife, husband or partner says.

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5 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

I think it'll be a sad day when someone becomes answerable for something that their wife, husband or partner says.

It is when the Leader of UKIP, a party know for its less than stellar record on race issues, is dating someone who is stupid enough to let something like this out into the open.

Additionally she is a UKIP member, not just a mistress from his third marriage.

Also, he is coming under fire for remarks like this:

"He told BBC Radio 4's Today that 'however appalling and insulting' the comments were 'I honestly don't believe that those are her core beliefs'."

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Just now, RIchard Britten said:

It is when the Leader of UKIP, a party know for its less than stellar record on race issues, is dating someone who is stupid enough to let something like this out into the open.

Irrevelant, he didn't say it so why should he get blamed for it. Are you assuming he holds the same views, to do so without evidence is unfair.


The sad part is the middle aged man thinking the young glamour model was with because she loved him. It's sadder when you see he left his wife and young child for her.

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Just now, mojomonkey said:

Irrevelant, he didn't say it so why should he get blamed for it. Are you assuming he holds the same views, to do so without evidence is unfair.

The sad part is the middle aged man thinking the young glamour model was with because she loved him. It's sadder when you see he left his wife and young child for her.

His third wife.

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