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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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39 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

It is when the Leader of UKIP, a party know for its less than stellar record on race issues, is dating someone who is stupid enough to let something like this out into the open.

Additionally she is a UKIP member, not just a mistress from his third marriage.

Also, he is coming under fire for remarks like this:

"He told BBC Radio 4's Today that 'however appalling and insulting' the comments were 'I honestly don't believe that those are her core beliefs'."

she is not......

Edited by woody2
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9 hours ago, ballaughbiker said:

Of course they will be new opportunities and they need grasping with both hands. However does it really need to be said that the benefits these bring must exceed deprivation of the rights we currently have and european trade we are set to loose. The new benefits must exceed the post brexit losses by a fair margin and in a reasonable time scale (ie not in a  decade or two.)

Those hell bent on leaving, no matter what, seem to be always sure this will be the case but nearly always appear to base this hope on blind faith rather than solid evidence. 

Time will tell of course but would you gamble your house on the outcome?



Forty years ago we were PROMISED that joining the EUSSR would be plain sailing and the benefits would soon unfold for EVERYONE, the benefits never happened,we were just conned into paying to bring all the undeveloped countries of Europe up to a reasonable standard. WHAT THE FUCK WERE E HEATH and the rest of the traitors playing at. This has been the worst experiment with OUR DEMOCRACY that's ever been conceived and the sooner we're out the better.

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35 minutes ago, twinkle said:

Forty years ago we were PROMISED that joining the EUSSR would be plain sailing and the benefits would soon unfold for EVERYONE, the benefits never happened,we were just conned into paying to bring all the undeveloped countries of Europe up to a reasonable standard. WHAT THE FUCK WERE E HEATH and the rest of the traitors playing at. This has been the worst experiment with OUR DEMOCRACY that's ever been conceived and the sooner we're out the better.

Well, lots of CAPS - I'm certainly convinced! :lol:

Edited by Bobbie Bobster
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20 hours ago, twinkle said:

Forty years ago we were PROMISED that joining the EUSSR would be plain sailing and the benefits would soon unfold for EVERYONE, the benefits never happened,we were just conned into paying to bring all the undeveloped countries of Europe up to a reasonable standard. WHAT THE FUCK WERE E HEATH and the rest of the traitors playing at. This has been the worst experiment with OUR DEMOCRACY that's ever been conceived and the sooner we're out the better.

The country and its economy would have been in tatters, completely broken. UK would have been poorer than the undeveloped ( surely less developed ) EU members.

It wasn’t an experiment in democracy but an experiment in economic integration to stabilise and maintain peace and increase trade. It worked and continues to work very well.

Democratic developments have progressed separately.

No good blaming Heath. The single market with its 4 freedoms is the love child of Thatcher. It has worked well and continues to do so.

Is supporting weaker areas to bring them up to better levels, where they can buy our goods and services any different to what happens in most modern countries. It certainly does in the UK, where England supports Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, or in the US where wealthy states support poorer ones. And the single market freedoms necessary for that to work are identical in every case.

free movement of goods, services, finance (or capital ) and people ( the work force ).

Its exactly what Tebbit envisaged when he said “get on your bike”

Long term it doesn’t result in levelling down, but levelling up. 

The incontrovertible truth is that, for whatever reason the UK has given notice to end its membership of the largest customs union and market in the world.

A single market and customs union is very different to a trade deal or WTO terms.

someone above posted to allow business to deal with trade terms, tarrifs, etc. Thing is they don’t have that power. Only governments can do that, and they’re fiendishly complicated.

The only thing businesses can do is up sticks and move capital and production somewhere else.

Edited by John Wright
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23 hours ago, twinkle said:

Forty years ago we were PROMISED that joining the EUSSR would be plain sailing and the benefits would soon unfold for EVERYONE, the benefits never happened,we were just conned into paying to bring all the undeveloped countries of Europe up to a reasonable standard. WHAT THE FUCK WERE E HEATH and the rest of the traitors playing at. This has been the worst experiment with OUR DEMOCRACY that's ever been conceived and the sooner we're out the better.

Somewhere on the web (if anyone can be arsed to look for it) is a piece claiming that Heath hid the true intention of what we then referred to as the EEC from the electorate because if they knew the truth they would never accept it.  It had been hoped by the the end of the 90s Britain would cease to exist as a sovereign country (I presume the same was to have happened to other member states).  There is also text that suggests the UK had been earmarked by the EU (as now is) to be responsible for service & banking.  Germany was to have been responsible for manufacturing.  France for agriculture and Spain for fishing.

So, if it's to be believed, centralisation of all government function (which is what the unelected and unaccountable heads of the EU wish for) has been on the agenda for well over 40 years.

I think Juncker and his chums are now beginning to realise the trouble they'll be in when we leave - see Tusk's recent hope that we will change our minds.  The EU has a massive trade surplus over the UK and their industries are beginning to twitch. 

Remainers, what is it about messrs Juncker, Tusk, Barnier, Verhofstadt etc you find so appealing?  Damned if i can see it....

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