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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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It's good that we Europeans all love each other. thumbsup.gif

did you see t.may state that see wanted to see a strong europe only for merkel to bounce up and down like the east european hooker she is ,stating the uk wants a strong eu


someone should tell her the difference.......

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That man is unbelievable. Biggest thing about him is his ego and sense of self-worth. The man who took us into the Iraq war. The man who wanted to join the euro. The man who spent pointless years laughingly masquerading as middle east peace envoy with an entourage to match. If I had been a remain supporter I'd have been hoping he'd keep quiet as he would set back any cause by merely advocating it.

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Blair can waste spend his wedge on anything he likes.


Although with him in the spotlight it's kind-of difficult not to draw comparisons with Corbyn.


I wonder how many Vauxhall workers in Luton and Ellesmere Port voted for Brexit?

Squeeky-bottom time for them I would suggest.


I would be interested in the EU to UK immigration figures since the vote. If it's a stampede to get in before the door closes then that shows a certain level of confidence. If not, well, interesting times....

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Blair can waste spend his wedge on anything he likes.


Although with him in the spotlight it's kind-of difficult not to draw comparisons with Corbyn.


I wonder how many Vauxhall workers in Luton and Ellesmere Port voted for Brexit?

Squeeky-bottom time for them I would suggest.


I would be interested in the EU to UK immigration figures since the vote. If it's a stampede to get in before the door closes then that shows a certain level of confidence. If not, well, interesting times....

the vauxhall case is interesting, how come the french government are allowed to own a car manufacturer yet the uk can't


the last (guesswork) entry figures are up

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Blair can waste spend his wedge on anything he likes.


Although with him in the spotlight it's kind-of difficult not to draw comparisons with Corbyn.


I wonder how many Vauxhall workers in Luton and Ellesmere Port voted for Brexit?

Squeeky-bottom time for them I would suggest.


I would be interested in the EU to UK immigration figures since the vote. If it's a stampede to get in before the door closes then that shows a certain level of confidence. If not, well, interesting times....

It's an easy shot. However, consider that this is not the first time we've been here. The last time these plants were under threat was as recently as 2012. Also, if leaving the EU had not arisen, and part French government owned Peugeot had taken over GM Europe in any case, do you believe that they would then have thrown French workers on the dole to save British ones just because we were in the EU? No. I don't either.


There has also been the usual cock-eyed reporting on it, tying it to Brexit. For instance, the BBC Economics correspondent made a big deal about the cost of imported components being greater since the decline in the value of Sterling. Interestingly, he didn't say one single word about the consequent lower cost of the finished vehicle when exported to Europe which would be a far greater benefit than the cost of components is an impediment. A striking and indisputable example of the slanted reporting we hear day in, day out from the neutral BBC.


As woody2 says, it is interesting that the French state is the owner here. Is this not state support of the most fundamental kind? This is supposed to be anathema to the EU.

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The biggest threat to the UK remaining together is the current confidence amongst Irish Republicans that they are beginning to outnumber the Loyalists. This is based on the Catholic/Protestant demographic rather than Unionist/Republican, but they cite that Catholics are better educated and will eventually fill most of the top jobs in the NI government.

The Unionist extremists are not being taken seriously by either side any more and have become a subject of ridicule.

The fact that NI was pro remain and see border controls as a place they no longer want to go, there is every possibility that we may see a united Ireland one day soon.

At least I have both passports.

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The biggest threat to the UK remaining together is the current confidence amongst Irish Republicans that they are beginning to outnumber the Loyalists. This is based on the Catholic/Protestant demographic rather than Unionist/Republican, but they cite that Catholics are better educated and will eventually fill most of the top jobs in the NI government.

The Unionist extremists are not being taken seriously by either side any more and have become a subject of ridicule.

The fact that NI was pro remain and see border controls as a place they no longer want to go, there is every possibility that we may see a united Ireland one day soon.

At least I have both passports.

it will save the uk a fortune if they do join together but ireland is fucked financially and cannot afford to take it on. SF have very little support in ireland

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As i understand it, France can own PSA (Peugeot / Citroen) as long as they doesn't subsidise it. I think the French government bailed them out a couple of years ago with a free loan, and being French, they'll twist and cheat the rules as much as possible. France are in the poo - give it time and it will implode, and take the EU with it.


Ultimately, if they can form a mixed government, i'm certain a united Ireland is good for every-one.

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