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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

There is that famous Jewish sense of irony again...

No it's not. Don't confuse Nazism being the same as fascism. Maybe it would be worthwhile researching just what fascism is actually about, and note that I wrote "some form of neo-fascism".

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4 hours ago, Rog said:

I believe that the liberal democratic form of government has failed added to which the Westminster model of government based on what has become combatant opposition is very damaging to the nation.  A loyal opposition based on the party in opposition playing devils advocate is far in the past and now it has become a bitch fight based on power grab at every opportunity.

Throw in the singularly non-residential first past the post election system and its no wonder the UK is in disarray and the criminals are speaking in bringing all the disgusting beliefs, values, and aims with them

IMO the situation has now become so awful that only some form of right wing neo-fascism is the only answer.

Not fascism as of old, but a period of single party authoritarian government that had British values as the basis of legislation to drain the swamp and cess pits of so many of the UK cities and destroy the anti-British colonies that have become established and are now joining up.

If this does not happen then the invasion of "people" from third world crap holes brining their third world so-called cultures with them will continue to destroy Britain not to mention other civilised European states having a REAL cultural history and society that are being attacked right now.

Some nations such as Hungary and Austria stand out like shining lights but others such as much of France and Germany are being systematically destroyed by "immigration" whilst Sweden is a lost cause.

UK finished?  Terrifyingly close, but still time to recover.

It won't be pleasant, if it's NOT done then the alternative is going to be both tragic and horrible.

We MUST get out of the disgusting EU to stand any chance though.

Not quite a Michael Foot/Labour longest suicide note in history, but certainly your own suicide note. Bizarre.

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1 hour ago, Rog said:

No it's not. Don't confuse Nazism being the same as fascism. Maybe it would be worthwhile researching just what fascism is actually about, and note that I wrote "some form of neo-fascism".

Pretty much every accepted history teaching has Nazism as being a branch of facism. Not sure why you'd say otherwise.

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28 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Pretty much every accepted history teaching has Nazism as being a branch of facism. Not sure why you'd say otherwise.

Nazism included the rigid control that fascism of the day imposed but that is not the same as claiming Nazism was fascism pure and simple.

In any case I used the term neo-fascism in combination with "something like".

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1 hour ago, Rog said:

Care to enlarge?

Any neo fascist regime, and many right wing ones, and even some extreme left ones, dissemble to divert attention from the real problems.

Scapegoating is their first line of offence.

Whether they start with Muslims, blacks, pacifists, LGBT, the disabled, Im afraid Jews, and those of Jewish ancestry will appear on the list at some time or another.

niemoller holds as true today as it did in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Germany.

You can substitute a group you hate and want to blame at each stage.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


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