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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Facism or nazism, what we we are talking about is a denial of personality and character - a political philosophy that evaluates individuals according to stereotypes - an easy way for the thickest of society to justify their own failures and prejudices. It starts off with one group being targeted and then moves on to others. For any minority to buy into such a philosophy is hideously stupid, for a Jew it is unbelievably moronic as they are invariably top of the list. I guess Rog thinks it would be the Muslims. Wrong. It always starts with the wealthiest minorities. It usually ends with total annihilation of the perpetrators. 

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8 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Facism or nazism, what we we are talking about is a denial of personality and character - a political philosophy that evaluates individuals according to stereotypes - an easy way for the thickest of society to justify their own failures and prejudices. It starts off with one group being targeted and then moves on to others. For any minority to buy into such a philosophy is hideously stupid, for a Jew it is unbelievably moronic as they are invariably top of the list. I guess Rog thinks it would be the Muslims. Wrong. It always starts with the wealthiest minorities. It usually ends with total annihilation of the perpetrators. 


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On 17/01/2018 at 1:28 PM, RIchard Britten said:

Judging by your posts, they were the ones to walk away better off from the deal.

considering labour have just put forward the largest PFI ever known in british history worth trillions, yet idiots like you can't spot it, your view is irrelevant.......    

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2 minutes ago, woody2 said:

considering labour have just put forward the largest PFI ever known in british history worth trillions, yet idiots like you can't spot it, your view is irrelevant.......    


If there's a knock on the door and a couple of gentlemen in white suits are outside please just go gently, don't make a fuss. It's for the best.

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2 minutes ago, paswt said:

Did you learn that from personal experience ?:lol:

Sadly my neighbour has 'Gone Bodmin' :( .

Myself, I'm just as perfect as you'll find on these forums, better even.

And modest too.

Edited by GD4ELI
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52 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:


If there's a knock on the door and a couple of gentlemen in white suits are outside please just go gently, don't make a fuss. It's for the best.

you can't accept facts.....

47 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:



labour manifesto, how else did you think labour was going to pay for its spending spree....... 

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13 hours ago, John Wright said:

Any neo fascist regime, and many right wing ones, and even some extreme left ones, dissemble to divert attention from the real problems.

Scapegoating is their first line of offence.

Whether they start with Muslims, blacks, pacifists, LGBT, the disabled, Im afraid Jews, and those of Jewish ancestry will appear on the list at some time or another.

niemoller holds as true today as it did in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Germany.

You can substitute a group you hate and want to blame at each stage.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Very good, except that it twists what I wrote to a very different meaning entirely. The whole paradigm has been changed.

The issue that I addressed is about criminals entering our country and the establishment of colonies that are utterly at odds with the British values, and even morality.  Antagonistic and aggressive colonies that have analogies with the colonisation of America and the subsequent destruction of the way of life and even existence of the First People aka the "Red Indians"

It's these invaders who are now starting to pick off groups within the UK. The hatred of Jews runs thought he members of these colonies like the lettering in a stick of Blackpool rock.

The contempt for other groups within the UK is now being demonstrated more and more year by year. The exploitation of the British sense of fair play and tolerance is staggering is staggering.

And so it's the actions of these invaders that should be considered by the Niemoller claim, it's US that are under systematic attack.

In any case my assertion that a government that is hugely different from that which has been in place for so long is valid. That and rolling back the corrosive effects of Socialism and the unsuitability of our electoral system which in the face of the massive changes taking place is now a huge part of the problem.

Will it happen?

Goodness knows, but it should. Maybe it will take a bloody revolution in spite of laws prohibiting even complaining of what is taking place, maybe some form of partition that saw the creation of a Pakistani in order to provide a cordon sanitaire, or maybe it's to late and Britain really is in its death throes as a nation.

All I know is that whatever the case it ain't gonna be pretty and I'm glad I'll not see the worst of whats coming down the pike.

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6 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Prove it.

idiots like you can't spot it :lol:

thanks for proving my point:thumbsup:

government debt is a private finance initiative, labour was going to increase government debt by trillions= more pfi not less....

labour buying back the pfi's at greater cost than just repaying them, and how do they fund this? another pfi:lol:


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4 minutes ago, Rog said:

Goodness knows, but it should. Maybe it will take a bloody revolution in spite of laws prohibiting even complaining of what is taking place, maybe some form of partition that saw the creation of a Pakistani in order to provide a cordon sanitaire, or maybe it's to late and Britain really is in its death throes as a nation.

All I know is that whatever the case it ain't gonna be pretty and I'm glad I'll not see the worst of whats coming down the pike.

Why is always the ageing chicken hawks who think that civil war (that they wont have to fight in) is some sort of "best case" scenario for cleansing the evils of modern society?

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