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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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19 hours ago, quilp said:

Nowhere have I ever said "EU=Bad, Brexit=Good." My view has always been that Brexit will be a 'swings and roundabouts' affair. That is, if anything actually does get sorted before Brussels eats itself.

"diatribes" eh? And again, your response is subtly insulting. You're impossible to engage with. 

Conversation over and out.

I'll certainly say EU=Bad and BREXIT=Good.

No matter what the cost to be rid of the EU is a cost well worth paying.

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Tell you what Richard, you're obviously pro-EU and it is very likely that you and I will have to agree to disagree on the subject but can you perhaps enlighten us on what's good about the EU?  Personally, I'm uncomfortable with being under the heel of a bloated bureaucracy at the head of which are some very unappealing characters, unelected and unaccountable, who seem intent on taking more & more control away from member states (such as individual countries no longer setting their own budgets).  What is it that I'm missing when I don't feel that the EU is a good thing?  I'm not a total dullard and happy to hear an alternative point of view.  PK & Pongo - feel free to join in if you wish.

(Can't remember if it was on here or on iomtt.com but I recall a comment about the now defunct TTFMAG, which went along the lines of "they exist to create problems that only they can solve...".  I think that way of the EU)

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12 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

Tell you what Richard, you're obviously pro-EU and it is very likely that you and I will have to agree to disagree on the subject but can you perhaps enlighten us on what's good about the EU?  Personally, I'm uncomfortable with being under the heel of a bloated bureaucracy at the head of which are some very unappealing characters, unelected and unaccountable, who seem intent on taking more & more control away from member states (such as individual countries no longer setting their own budgets).  What is it that I'm missing when I don't feel that the EU is a good thing?  I'm not a total dullard and happy to hear an alternative point of view.  PK & Pongo - feel free to join in if you wish.

(Can't remember if it was on here or on iomtt.com but I recall a comment about the now defunct TTFMAG, which went along the lines of "they exist to create problems that only they can solve...".  I think that way of the EU)


the uk overspends by nearly £50bn a year, the uk pays the eu £49bn a year....

the remoans are the first to complain the national debt is going up.....


just one of the great reasons to leave......

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20 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

you are only looking at the membership fee and not the eu institutions,vat, research and many other scams the eu has come up with....


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23 hours ago, The Phat Tog said:

Personally, I'm uncomfortable with being under the heel of a bloated bureaucracy at the head of which are some very unappealing characters, unelected and unaccountable

PK & Pongo - feel free to join in if you wish.

Well, that's Tynwald's Upper House for you.....

I think I should point out that as yet the UK hasn't left the EU.

However, in anticipation of that happy event, perhaps pointing out that the UK has fallen from the top of the G7 for growth to the bottom is an unassailable fact. The US and EU economies forge ahead leaving the soon to be isolated UK behind. Who would have thought it....

Let's just consider trade tariffs for a moment. Some ten fucking thousand HGV's use the Chunnel every day. Don't run a JIT business do you? Because you won't soon.....

And if The City of London loses passporting the ramifications are going to ripple through the entire UK economy.....

But hell, you'll be "Taking Back Control" - of a complete clusterfuck....

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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Well, that's Tynwald's Upper House for you.....

I think I should point out that as yet the UK hasn't left the EU.

However, in anticipation of that happy event, perhaps pointing out that the UK has fallen from the top of the G7 for growth to the bottom is an unassailable fact. The US and EU economies forge ahead leaving the soon to be isolated UK behind. Who would have thought it....

Let's just consider trade tariffs for a moment. Some ten fucking thousand HGV's use the Chunnel every day. Don't run a JIT business do you? Because you won't soon.....

And if The City of London loses passporting the ramifications are going to ripple through the entire UK economy.....

But hell, you'll be "Taking Back Control" - of a complete clusterfuck....

they are just catching up with the level of growth the uk has....

trade tariffs if they happen will be a boost for the uk, its makes the eu an even bigger joke since there aim is free trade agreements...

uk doesn't need passporting its the eu banks that do.....

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42 minutes ago, woody2 said:

trade tariffs if they happen will be a boost for the uk, its makes the eu an even bigger joke since there aim is free trade agreements...


It won't make the EU a joke because they will have trading tariffs with a non-EU country called the UK.


With thanks to The Daily Mash:

Man who can’t spell basic words demands you take his opinions seriously


A MAN who constantly posts his opinions on the internet does not seem to realise his spelling undermines his credibility.

Roy Hobbs thinks he is a serious commentator on issues of the day, despite using horrible misspellings like ‘probebly’, ‘interlectuals’ and ‘definately’.

Friend Emma Bradford said: “Roy hasn’t grasped that if he thinks ‘restoraunt’ is spelt like that people might realise he’s not an expert on politics, economics or any other subject.

“He’s constantly writing ‘looser’ when he means ‘loser’ and ‘lightening’ when he means ‘lightning’. When it comes to ‘there’, ‘their’ and ‘they’re’ I think he just picks one at random.

“He’s always spouting pompous reactionary crap, so a typical post will be, ‘In my estimatoin, a bridge with France would be disasterous. We do not want closure intergration with the Continant.’

Hobbs said: “Criticising someone’s spelling is a pathetic attempt to undermine valid arguments such as my view that we should ban transsexuals from TV to stop children thinking it’s ‘cool’.”

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