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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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37 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Pretty persuasive, but psychoactive drugs ain’t my thing, Man. 

That's no answer though, is it? You seem unable to comprehend the possibility that Brexit may prove advantageous; you're obviously fully convinced by the remainiacal headlines of the Fear-factory without even looking for alternative perspectives that might hint at positivity. There are plenty of articles and blogs on the net which are objective and insightful on Brexit, without the brouhaha and panic. 

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43 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

That’s great Quilp! Could you then tell me one industry that stands to gain from Brexit. Just one will do. 

Nah, go look for yourself. I think you're impervious to suggestion and've made your own mind up.

Fair enough, but you're just taking the piss, in reality.

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I’m not impervious to suggestion. I’m just taking on board the strong suggestion from just about everyone who hasn’t got stories to sell or a political career to promote that Brexit is a very stupid idea. Make yourself aware of the analyses done by the Government’s own Office of Budgetary Responsibility, David Davis’ very own Department for Exiting the EU, the CBI, the independent reports commissioned by the Scottish Government and the Mayor of London, the EU’s own report and of course the latest research by the Bank of England if you can’t offer one single bit of concrete opportunity in Brexit that doesn’t involve miracles.

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8 hours ago, woolley said:

I came here fully aware of the curious constitutional situation. We all know what that is. Basically we do as we are told. We are a British territory largely run in line with British policy of the day and there are pros and cons of being here. If we elected a Tory MP,  which we undoubtedly would, it would make not one iota of difference to anything.

So you don”t actually care about democracy with respect to the IOM then. The lack of representation where much of the policy is decided. And yet you live here and complain the EU undermines UK democracy. Very odd.

Imagine if the voters on Little Piddlington East, or whichever Rotton Borough it is that Rees Mogg represents, were to be told they were not going to be represented because they always vote Tory anyhow and it makes no difference.

Edited by pongo
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9 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

There is indeed a big world out there. There’s the largest single market in the world and it’s powerful trade agreements with third parties that we are leaving ... and then there’s begging for something better from either Trump, Putin or the Communists. 

eu's single market ain't the biggest......

1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

Likewise, "some" on this forum flat refuse to comprehend the possibility that Brexit may prove advantageous.


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another reason for leaving is the eu are going to ban tungsten lamps from 2020, i have around 1500+ fixtures....

my lamp manufacturer told me today it would wipe his company out overnight but now he reckons he is going to get a massive boost from exit:lol: he was pro-remain as well.....

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

another reason for leaving is the eu are going to ban tungsten lamps from 2020, i have around 1500+ fixtures....

Is the UK not going to phase them out irrespective of being in or out of the EU?


Seems most of the developed world has already done so or is planning to - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase-out_of_incandescent_light_bulbs Surely just a case of advances in technology? Couldn't you get more efficient (cheaper to run) led lights?

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

another reason for leaving is the eu are going to ban tungsten lamps from 2020, i have around 1500+ fixtures....

my lamp manufacturer told me today it would wipe his company out overnight but now he reckons he is going to get a massive boost from exit:lol: he was pro-remain as well.....

do you do weddings?

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That’s sad. Because of energy concerns tungsten-halogen lights are being phased out around the world - the EU and Japan will have switched to LED by 2020. Large parts of North America, such as LA have already made the switch, Australia banned tungsten-halogen lights in 2009 and China has all but phased them out. Still I suppose, if international environmental agreements allow, Brexit Britain could make a stand for inefficient lighting. Could become a theme park of obsolete technology or something. 

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