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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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barmy barney is at it again:lol: the uk never asked for a transition period, the eu did of 4 years, uk offered 2, he came back with end of 2020 and is now saying he may withdraw the matter.....


i think its just starting to click with barmy barney that the eu is going to have to pay for a border in ireland, but don't hold your breath......


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Predictions on the immediate consequences of Brexit made prior to the referendum were made on the assumption that Cameron wasn’t lying when he said: 

“If the British people vote to leave, there is only one way to bring that about, namely to trigger article 50 of the treaties and begin the process of exit, and the British people would rightly expect that to start straight away.”

Fifteen months later the government still hasn’t a clue whether the process of exit is  going to mean sacrificing Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, large swathes of the service economy, manufacturing, agriculture, fishing, the rights of British ex-pats to reside in Europe, or what. While everyone waits for the useless shower to quit spinning bullshit for the consumption of the likes of Woody and actually do some work the economy is enjoying the effects of a devalued pound and membership of the single market - that all changes next March. 

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48 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Predictions on the immediate consequences of Brexit made prior to the referendum were made on the assumption that Cameron wasn’t lying when he said: 

“If the British people vote to leave, there is only one way to bring that about, namely to trigger article 50 of the treaties and begin the process of exit, and the British people would rightly expect that to start straight away.”

Fifteen months later the government still hasn’t a clue whether the process of exit is  going to mean sacrificing Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, large swathes of the service economy, manufacturing, agriculture, fishing, the rights of British ex-pats to reside in Europe, or what. While everyone waits for the useless shower to quit spinning bullshit for the consumption of the likes of Woody and actually do some work the economy is enjoying the effects of a devalued pound and membership of the single market - that all changes next March. 

To extract just one scabby morsel from that miscellany of total tripe, how on Earth do you think that this could lead to the sacrifice of Gibraltar? I know Gibraltar very well indeed having spent a lot of time there and I can assure you that it would come to pass over the dead bodies of virtually every single Gibraltarian.

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11 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

That'll be Gibraltar where 95% voted remain. Bloody remoaners.

That's the one. But try giving them a referendum saying "EU (Spain) or UK". They are more British than the British and they know which side their bread is buttered. Trust me on this one if you never trust me on anything else!

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That’ll be Gibraltar where no transition period could mean; no flights until the airlines have relocated and had new permits issued, new permits have been issued for all types of haulage, no right to work in Spain, no freedom of movement across the border, no right to sell services to the EU and an end to free trade in goods with all countries of the EU and all the countries that have free trade agreements with the EU (so that’s an end to free trade with 5 other G7 countries overnight). 

Barnier is trying to explain the consequences of the no deal cliff-edge. Davis is too thick and lazy to understand, or care - he knows no deal is possible until the loony wing of Tory party, the moderates and the DUP are all happy - which hasn’t happened after 19 months, and can never happen with Theresa May in charge. If the U.K. is to avoid the cliff edge there has to be compromise within the Tory/DUP coalition - which isn’t going to happen. The only way out of this that doesn’t lead to disaster is a new party of patriots acting in the interests of the country and scuppering Putin’s plans. 

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11 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Predictions on the immediate consequences of Brexit made prior to the referendum were made on the assumption that Cameron wasn’t lying when he said: 

“If the British people vote to leave, there is only one way to bring that about, namely to trigger article 50 of the treaties and begin the process of exit, and the British people would rightly expect that to start straight away.”


he failed to trigger art. 50 and then walked away from the job after he said he wouldn't.....

so cameron was lying......

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3 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

That’ll be Gibraltar where no transition period could mean; no flights until the airlines have relocated and had new permits issued, new permits have been issued for all types of haulage, no right to work in Spain, no freedom of movement across the border, no right to sell services to the EU and an end to free trade in goods with all countries of the EU and all the countries that have free trade agreements with the EU (so that’s an end to free trade with 5 other G7 countries overnight). 

Barnier is trying to explain the consequences of the no deal cliff-edge. Davis is too thick and lazy to understand, or care - he knows no deal is possible until the loony wing of Tory party, the moderates and the DUP are all happy - which hasn’t happened after 19 months, and can never happen with Theresa May in charge. If the U.K. is to avoid the cliff edge there has to be compromise within the Tory/DUP coalition - which isn’t going to happen. The only way out of this that doesn’t lead to disaster is a new party of patriots acting in the interests of the country and scuppering Putin’s plans. 

You love listening to the scare stories. None of this will happen. There are too many vested interests in doing business with each other. My business imports stuff from all over the world. If we have formalities to go through after asserting our sovereignty and independence for the future then so be it. Do you think we and the people we buy from are suddenly going to stop trading with each other? Don't be silly and stop heeding conspiracy theories. What did they say had been spent on the Brexit campaign from Russia? Under a quid? Really desperate stuff. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/facebook-russia-brexit-vote-election-results-interference-politics-ads-latest-investigation-a8108381.html

Incidentally, Gibraltar has been besieged 15 times in its history if you count the total blockade of the frontier between 1969 and 1985. They have backbone in Gibraltar and will not be cowed. Of course, if you live in an area of only two and a half square miles it's nice to be able to drive off and have the freedom of the Campo and beyond. That is what drove the remain vote so high and the general support for the EU there is the belief that it has a civilising effect on Spain in its dealings with them. The history since 1985 actually shows this to be marginal. There is tangible mutual loathing with the Spaniards. As I said before, they will not negotiate their British sovereignty for anything and duress only strengthens the resolve. If there are economic sanctions or the frontier is closed once more in the aftermath of Brexit, Gibraltar will be disadvantaged but will survive. The ones who will really suffer will be the people of La Linea, San Roque and Algeciras who cross the frontier daily for work.

You have no idea about Gibraltar.

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On 2/9/2018 at 7:48 AM, RIchard Britten said:

If it was so careful planned...why are we in Brexit now?

Because you can only tell people to keep admiring the king's new clothes for so long before some start shouting out that he is naked, or in the case of the "world order" they start asking "WTF is in this for me?"

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