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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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On 06/02/2018 at 10:37 AM, woody2 said:

and who is one of the biggest investors in europe......


But that isn’t due to how a currency works. It works internally, by printing and buying back its own public debt or through public spending and then taxation or other means of claiming it back. That’s quantitative easing and money supply.

The investment by China,  in Europe and the States, is a different phenomenon. It’s caused by the trade imbalance, whereby China sells more than it buys, meaning it holds a lot of otherwise useless dollars, euros or pounds which it makes work by acquiring assets abroad. That’s the trade balance current account deficit being relieved by capital account transfers, and vice versa.

Of course in large countries  or currency blocks, the US or Eurozone, internal money should move around, as will labour, etc to bring poorer areas up. It worked in the USA, but doesn’t work well in the eurozone because each country still has its own central bank and so the sovereign debt accumulates in weaker areas, funded by capital transfers, as loans, from the wealthy. 

It’s in its infancy. Germany benefitted from Greece because the drachma euro rate fas fixed too high. So Germany could sell more industrial production into Greece, funded by German banks lending to Greek banks, instead of investing into the economy by building factories or taking Greek workers into the Labour market.

Of course the Greek government was complicit by printing too much money and fiddling the books.

Generally these things level out over time. In the 1980’s, when Thatcher decimated the economy, workless brits went to Germany, Auf Wiedersehn Pet, From the early naughties Eastern European workers came to the UK. As those economies have grown and the exchange rate shifted many are going home. 

Same happened with Ireland, a diaspora of young people between 1960 to 1985, a return home, until 2008, then another diaspora.



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21 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Yet you go on to say many cross from La Linea and its environs every day to earn a living. 

And of course many, mainly ex pat Brit, workers in Gibs finance services industry live in the campo and commute.

Yes, Gibraltarians will survive, they’ll import Labour from North Africa by ferry. But the Brits will leave, not willing to waste hours at the La Linea border, and the Gib financial services industry will collapse due to lack of staff and lack of market.

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:


so you 2 don't know the answer?

Do you? Actually I do. Go away and read DORA 1914 and Defence (Emergency Powers ) Act 1939. There are no current regulations and DEPA was repealed in 1959.

its how the government of the day rounded up aliens and politicos, interned them, requisitioned land, property and organised evacuation, set up the Hone Guard and Women’s Land Army and many other things.

The treatment of civilians from Gibraltar was bizarre. 13,000 out of 22,000 were shipped off to French North Africa. France fell. Vichy government didn’t want them, and there were a large number of French forces post Dunkirk who didn’t want to fight for the Allies and Free French.

The British Government shipped the French to North Africa. The commandant was told not to take the Gib civilians on board, which is what Vichy was demanding, and the Vichy Port authorities detained the boats.

To get the boats back the order from London was changed to embark them, but when the convoy arrived in Gib the Governor wouldn’t allow them to disembark.

Eventually they were allowed ashore temporarily, then shipped to London. Another 2,000 were shipped to Madeira, including most of the Sephardic Jewish community ( there was a strong link between the Jewish community in Gib and Madeira. London during the blitz was far more dangerous than Gib. Their living conditions were poor. 

The last expelled Gibraltarians were not returned home until 1951.

DORA and DEPA were the last time the reviled Henry VIII powers were extensively used. 

  • Thanks 3
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