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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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‘Bury my heart at Wounded Knee’, ‘The Fatal Shore’, ‘Guns, Germs and Steel’, ‘Understanding Power’, ‘Inglorious Empire’, ‘The Scramble for Africa’, ‘The Congo’, ‘’English Passengers’ and the Flashman series. All great books for understanding what happens to humanity under imperialism. 

All successful societies in history have been outgoing and multi-cultural, from Ancient Greece to 20 century US. What happens when people turn inward and reject outsiders is a recurrent theme in history. Monoglot, monocultural societies that can’t cope with the outside world never prosper. 

Obviously, the brexiters agree, at least in public, with that analysis, I’m not suggesting that brexiters are thick (Woody excepted), isolationist or racist. I just wish I could see some positives in the endeavour. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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42 minutes ago, woody2 said:

still surprised pongo would want skinheads running things......


Skinhead was sharp - and that Jamaican dance hall sound is fantastic. Compare that with the photos on that  'bands which played the IOM thread'. With their long hair and dreary guitar solos :)

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watched it the other night on bbc4:thumbsup: 

soul mafia and froggy was another scene.....

top story on the bbc website in tuesday was about a white girl having beads in her hair now viewed as racist, its a good job the snowflakes weren't around in the 80's with all the new age traveller, guess they were racist too.......   

but its still got nothing to do with eu membership......

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proof that the mass eu immigration is not good for the uk......


We used to take it for granted that we would each get better off as the economy grew.

As companies and the government invested in better technology and skills, each worker could produce more goods or services per hour, bringing in more revenue to their employers - and as a result, each worker could be paid more per hour.

Those improvements in productivity were for most of the last 200 years the motor of economic growth, so regular they could be taken for granted.

In the past decade, that engine of improved prosperity broke down.

By June 2017, the amount produced per hour was only 0.4 per cent larger than it had been nine years before.

While we had had economic growth, most of it wasn't growth in the amount each worker produced or earned, but simply growth in the number of people working.

Because an economy is simply people and their economic activity, when the number of people grows, so does the economy. But it may not be the sort of growth where individuals are getting better off.



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6 minutes ago, quilp said:

You mentioned music first, not I.

As a subtle inference of racism. 

No inference of racism. You imagined that.

I was responding to your Aunt Sally. When you said:

On 21/02/2018 at 10:22 AM, quilp said:

I've yet to hear a convincing argument that doesn't involve a lot of screeching about losing cultural diversity, multicultural enrichment, inclusion, liberal ethics, ad nauseum.

I asked what it is that you don't like. I noted the connection between 'cultural diversity' and our love in Britain of black music. As The Sun's Gary Bushell starts out saying in the documentary above, "Skinhead was always a multicultural thing". And the same with British and Jamaican reggae. It's about multiculturalism. By definition. And yet you reject multiculturalism.

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

Nah, it's about the music... You're conflating skin colour with multiculturalism. 

When you combine cultures from different places (for example music, style, fashion, language) then the result is by definition multicultural.

As Woody correctly says - this has nothing to do with the EU. Mostly it's been about trade routes so far.

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On 21/02/2018 at 11:02 AM, woody2 said:

no one ever mentions that the uk had to lower employment right, regulations and laws to join the eu.....

as for the environment:lol: see germany burning russian and chinese coal or the vw scandal.....


I smell bullshit.  Please give a specific example of the UK lowering employment rights to join the EU.

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