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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Getting to us? Sorry forgot the emoticon again quilp.

Even a brexit brother-in-arms like you surely agrees that the data sometimes supplied by w2 can be, let's say,  "a bit light on substance" with resulting questions answered by questions or mildly humorous quips.


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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

What employment rights were lost due to the UK joining the EU?

You should be able to point clearly to a specific example if you are not making crap up.



52 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

I think this is where woody usually says something like "google it, you * *"

i've already pointed out who said it:whistling: contact them.....

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37 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Getting to us? Sorry forgot the emoticon again quilp.

Even a brexit brother-in-arms like you surely agrees that the data sometimes supplied by w2 can be, let's say,  "a bit light on substance" with resulting questions answered by questions or mildly humorous quips.


Woody2's responses and quips are the perfect foil for the smug, lefty complacency and pseudo-intellectual snobbery displayed by some posters on here against pro-leave advocates. It's an antidote to the cock-surity of a disaster that you remoaners long for. 

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a disaster that you remoaners long for


I do not want an economic disaster for the country and I'd wager neither does anyone else who thinks "we" have done something very risky. 

Where you get the idea that I long an economic disaster is an enigma.


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38 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:


I do not want an economic disaster for the country and I'd wager neither does anyone else who thinks "we" have done something very risky. 

Where you get the idea that I long an economic disaster is an enigma.


staying in the eu would lead to economic disaster, the last ten years have shown that, even if the treasury's figures are correct (they can't even predict next month nevermind 12 years away) the uk will have saved £600bn+......

hammond said the other day that he had put £6bn into the nhs this year, imagine ten times that been paid out to te eu for zero return.....

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

good to see that the eu trade deals can still be used by the uk for as long as they want, despite what you have said....

Have they made the announcement? Would you post a link?

I know that it was reported last week that the UK govt has been seeking to be treated as a "member state" during the transition period in the hope that existing trade agreements will remain current. That's clearly going to annoy Mogg and everyone who imagined that the UK would be leaving any time soon (so that's a positive). I am surprised that you are on-side with the transition now. What changed your mind?

Signals this week that the transition period will be extended too. With luck until the Brexit majority has died off. They're losing about 400,000 per year at the moment through natural wastage.

On 02/12/2017 at 4:54 PM, pongo said:

The next compromises will be around EU agriculture policy, the Irish border issues and the transitional period.

On the plus side - at least David Davis has said they are not planning a 'Mad Max' style dystopia. Good to see them setting out a positive vision.

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15 minutes ago, pongo said:

Have they made the announcement? Would you post a link?

I know that it was reported last week that the UK govt has been seeking to be treated as a "member state" during the transition period in the hope that existing trade agreements will remain current. That's clearly going to annoy Mogg and everyone who imagined that the UK would be leaving any time soon (so that's a positive). I am surprised that you are on-side with the transition now. What changed your mind?

Signals this week that the transition period will be extended too. With luck until the Brexit majority has died off. They're losing about 400,000 per year at the moment through natural wastage.

On the plus side - at least David Davis has said they are not planning a 'Mad Max' style dystopia. Good to see them setting out a positive vision.

it has nothing to do with a transition period,its a legal issue, the uk is a independent signature to FT's and FTA's. the only thing the eu could do is cancel all deals and they ain't going to do that....  

they may not be a transition period if a deal is done or if no deal is done, it has no guarantee...

as for DD's madmax comment, you have read it wrong:lol: it was a warning to the eu- give the uk what it wants or else.....

you have no evidence who voted for what- more remoaners nonsense....

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