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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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5 hours ago, quilp said:

Woody2's responses and quips are the perfect foil for the smug, lefty complacency and pseudo-intellectual snobbery displayed by some posters on here against pro-leave advocates. It's an antidote to the cock-surity of a disaster that you remoaners long for. 

Since when has nonsense formed the basis of an argument?

Ah yes, since Brexit....

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Whose nonsense are we talking about here? And who are you to decide what is nonsense? You and your piss-taking arrogance at myself, woody2, woolley, et al, and all those millions of people who formed the majority when the vote really mattered, is the height of obnoxious brevity and it's easy to see all your bleating and insult are a product of you being a sour loser. Coming across as if you wrote the book on political sensibility only to be rightly proved wrong. Most of you smug, whining, hand-wringing, guardian-addicted liberals are still stumbling around in wide-eyed astonishment that all you believed in was roundly rejected by the proles you stand in judgement on. Well suck it up, you lost and for you and your ilk you're going to have to adapt by getting used to the enormous changes about to take place in your ever-so-sacred European utopian wonderland.

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Look quilp, I asked a simple question in response to a "fact" posted by woody2.  If you Google "UK employment rights lost on joining the EU"  you get a list of employment rights which were introduced via the EU. E.g. The Working Time Directive and the Acquired Rights Directive.

No mention of lost rights

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

Whose nonsense are we talking about here? And who are you to decide what is nonsense? You and your piss-taking arrogance at myself, woody2, woolley, et al, and all those millions of people who formed the majority when the vote really mattered, is the height of obnoxious brevity and it's easy to see all your bleating and insult are a product of you being a sour loser. Coming across as if you wrote the book on political sensibility only to be rightly proved wrong. Most of you smug, whining, hand-wringing, guardian-addicted liberals are still stumbling around in wide-eyed astonishment that all you believed in was roundly rejected by the proles you stand in judgement on. Well suck it up, you lost and for you and your ilk you're going to have to adapt by getting used to the enormous changes about to take place in your ever-so-sacred European utopian wonderland.

FFS calm down! otherwise you'll do yourself a mischief!

Those who voted remain voted for the status quo.

Those who voted leave voted for a leap in the dark.

This isn't rocket science.

You have absolutely no idea whatsoever how this will pan out. So don't try to preach from a position of strength because you simply don't have one. All you can do is preach from a position of "Well, £350m to the NHS every week is a good deal" i.e. vapourware. Because you have Eff-all else! And don't try the old threadbare "Both sides didn't exactly tell it like it is" defence because it's obvious that the "Leave" proponents were totally morally bankrupt.


The blind leading the blind. just how true is that...!!!???

I want the best Brexit deal possible. Because, like the rest of the planet, I don't want a lower standard of living.

Can you promise that?

Didn't think so.....


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20 minutes ago, P.K. said:


And neither have you any idea at all. None of us do, in all honesty. It's what I've been saying since the very beginning, yet from the very beginning you, and your ever-so-in-the-know compatriots have been predicting disaster, a lower standard of living, economic collapse and a multitude of other grave scenarios with such absolute certainty! And then compounding it all by using the frankly adolescent and sickening, "thick as pigshit, xenophobic,  blah fucking blah..." that, amongst the many glib insults you have used to describe people like me and woolley and Woody2, not forgetting the proud MAJORITY of British people who voted with their hearts and minds who you also targeted and denigrated for being patriotic and proud of their culture. Some might say, given your oath of allegiance and service to Queen and Country that you are a traitorous cur! 

Anyway, glad you've seen the light and admitted you really don't have a clue, if you'd declared that you didn't have clue from the start we wouldn't have an issue...

That's me out of this thread... 

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7 hours ago, P.K. said:

FFS calm down! otherwise you'll do yourself a mischief!

Those who voted remain voted for the status quo.

Those who voted leave voted for a leap in the dark.




I know someone who was told that buying property( for about 7-10 £K) in Inner London many years ago was a "leap in the dark" .

Those houses are now fetching £2-3 million .


Folk who are prepared total a risk in life  sometimes get it wrong but perhaps it makes life  more interesting than settling for the , perhaps boring ,safe options in life .

Some of the people who voted for brexit may not have had the benefit of a university  education , but then again neither did the chap who bought the houses in London.

Exciting times ? ........ just saying

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10 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Look quilp, I asked a simple question in response to a "fact" posted by woody2.  If you Google "UK employment rights lost on joining the EU"  you get a list of employment rights which were introduced via the EU. E.g. The Working Time Directive and the Acquired Rights Directive.

No mention of lost rights

 i have told you who said it ffs.....

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28 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Lower GDP growth for a time has been accepted as an inevitable consequence of Brexit by both sides. It's not a big stretch for this to translate into lower standards of living.

The point of contention is how long the lower growth will last, 10 years, 30 years or longer.

no it hasn't :rolleyes: £600+ billion for the ukgov to spend will bring massive advantage to the uk.....

the treasury has never been correct......

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1 hour ago, paswt said:

I know someone who was told that buying property( for about 7-10 £K) in Inner London many years ago was a "leap in the dark" .

Those houses are now fetching £2-3 million .


Folk who are prepared total a risk in life  sometimes get it wrong but perhaps it makes life  more interesting than settling for the , perhaps boring ,safe options in life .

Some of the people who voted for brexit may not have had the benefit of a university  education , but then again neither did the chap who bought the houses in London.

Exciting times ? ........ just saying

I completely agree, if you’re young take a punt with your spare cash, and if you find a place you like and can afford take out a mortgage - it might turn out to be a good investment. It doesn’t follow that a nation already in debt from two lost wars and the consequences of poorly regulated borrowing, struggling to feed its working poor, cutting back it’s armed forces, a pensioner heavy demographic and no assets left to sell should devalue it’s currency, severely damage its trading position and massively increase its civil service payroll for the sake of a wild speculation.

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Just a few unconnected observations


Those who voted remain voted for the status quo

Not necessarily. However the status quo is a known starting point as opposed to the unknown final destination of brexit. Very different scenarios



Folk who are prepared total a risk in life  sometimes get it wrong but perhaps it makes life  more interesting than settling for the , perhaps boring ,safe options in life .

Gambling with your own money and risk is fine and I like that. I am not so keen with (collective) you gambling with the country's money and future though.



nobody does.....

And therein lies the problem



wrong again.....

try harder.....

:rolleyes: Is this debate?


and finally, quilp. I hope you're ok......never seen such apparent anger in your posts. 


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